Tan Ronggen, former president of Lions Club International, visited shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation

Tan Ronggen, former president of Lions Club International, visited shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation
On Febru唐山疫情ary 13 afternoon, the shenzhen federation consultant, liinternational英语ons clubs international former President, Hong Kong and Macao lion always meeting director Dr Wing kun tam to visit shenzhen disabled persons’ federation, and disabled persons’president是什么意思 federation party secretary of shenzhen, the director hou her room in the municipal disabl荣根燃片ed persons’ federation authority, how to do a better job of shenzhen work for the disabled糖尿病 and promote thformer的意思e development of shenzhen lions sound conducted in-depth communication and exchanges.
In order to further strengthen and improve thclubse city council of the presidium of the disabled persons’ federation, and the sformerly翻译ocial construction ofvisited the special association, shenzhen federation through this year to absorb more of the outstandi檀健次ng representatlions读音ive of d融梗和抄袭的区别isabled persons and the investment community, heinternational是什么意思alth indusclubman是什么牌子车try, technology, finance, education, public welfare industry such as crossover representatformer翻译ive served as vice clionshairman of t深圳疫情he council of advisers and not in, dvisited的意思eputy director, director, By including elite representatives from all walks of life into the presidium, the universality and repr荣根燃片esentativeness of the presidium of the Municipal Disabled persons’ Federation will be further enhanced, and the operation mechanism of the “Big Disabled persons’ Federation”, which is jointly run by the society, will be promoted. At the sixth plenary meeting of the sixthclubman Presidium of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation held in early January, Tan Ronggen, former president of Lions Club International, was appointed as the consultant of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation, and Su Zeran, formvisited及物不及物er president of Lions Club Shenzhen, was appointed as the director of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation.
At the forum, Tan Ronggen, forformerly情侣名mer President of Lions Club, introdu荣根学校ced the depresident翻译velopment status of the cause of the disabled at home and abroad, the developmen深圳t of Lions Club at home and abroad, and the implementation of the “Vision First, Domestic Action” low vision rehabilitation project in Shenzh糖尿病en. At the same time, Tan Ronggen, former President of深圳疫情 Lions Club shenzhen, also communicated in profound and simple terms on how to improve the financial management system, do a better job in assisting the disab唐宋八大家led after the implementation of the Charity Law, and the possibility of Shenzhen hosting the 57th Liclubsons Club Far East and Southeast Asia Annual Conference in 2018.
Hou Yisha, presi唐诗三百首dent of the Shenzhen Disabformerly情侣名led Persons’ Federationvisited及物不及物, sailionsd that by employing talents from all walks of life, shenzhen Disclubman是什么牌子车abled Persons’ Fedpresidentialeration reclions英语怎么读ruited ta深圳疫情最新消息lents into its work system, on the one hand, tinternational翻译o mobilize all social forces and enhinternationalcupidance thformer翻译e entpresident是什么意思中文husiasm and servicclubmane leve深圳地铁线路图l of caring for the disabled, on the other hand, to continuinternational怎么读ously improve the ability and efficiency of service and management of the Federation. She was delighted to svisiteday that she w深圳地铁线路图as honored to have a chat with Dr. Tanvisited是什么意思英语 Ronggen, the former general President of Lions Club International, a well-known leader in the public welfare and charity industry at home and融梗算抄袭吗 abroad, and had aformer翻译 pleasant exchange of views on the development of the cause of the disabled in Shenzhen and the work of Lions Club Shenzhen. I hope Dr. Tan can provide more guidance for the development of the disabled in Shenzhen in terms荣根学校 of barrier-free environment construction and speeding up the well-off proce深圳ss of the disabled. I hope Dr. Tan can give full play to his influence in lions Club international and m融梗和抄袭的区别ake suggestions for the stea荣根燃片能延时吗dy developmronggenent andinternationally歌曲 social influencevisited怎么读英语 of Lionsvisited Clubclubmed官网预订 Shenzhen. I also hopeformer that Dr. Tan will continue to make connections and encourage Lions Club International to fund its sevisited英语怎么说rvice projects in Shenzhen, provide help to more disabled friends, and promote the “Vision First Domestic Actiinternational是什么意思on” to achieve greater results in Shenzhen.
After the symposium, Tan Ronggen, former Chtanairman of ccPIT Xiamenpresident是什么意思 presented his annual badges and lion gifts to Hou Yisa, chairman of CCPIT Xiamen and other leaders of the City disabled persons’ Federation, and Yisa, chairman of CCpit Xiamen also presented handmade handicrafts to Tclubmed官网预订an Ronggen, fopresident和chairman区别rmer Chairman of CCpit Xclub用英语怎么说iamen.
Song Rui, member of the Party group avisited的意思nd vice chairman of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Fedeinternationalworkers’day怎么读ration; Peng Yingjiu, member of the Party group and vice chairman of the Municipal Disabled Persons’ Federation; Lin Ziyu, vinternational labour day翻译ice president of the National Lions Club and former pres深圳大学iden荣根燃片t of Shenzhen Lions Club; Su Zerlions英语怎么读an, executive director of the National Lions Club and former president of Shenzhen Lions Club; Cao Tingguo, director of the Office of the Municipal Disabled Pformer英语ersons’ Federation; Dong Fei, director ofclubman是什么牌子车 the Publicity Depa檀健次rtment; Yu Qian, the谭松韵 first vice President of Shenzhen Lions Club for 2016-2017, Zeng Shiyang, the secretary general, and Ma Minclub怎么读, the chief Flionsinancial officer attended the symposium.
【 Text 】 Zeng Shiyang
[Photo] Zenpresidentialg Shiya容庚ng li Yinglin
[Edit] Ma Huijuan
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Clclub用英语怎么说ub Office

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