Regulations of shenzhen Lions Club’s specialized work organization

Regulations of shenzhen Lions Club’s specialized work organization
Article 1 with a In order to promclub是什么意思ote the healthy and orderly sustainable development of Shenzhen Lions Club (hereclub用英语怎么说inafter referred to as “TorganizationHE Club”) and strengthen the construction of organizational system, these rules are formulatespecialized中国官网d in accordance with the relevant prregulation是什么意思英语ovisions of “The Rules of Work oorganization翻译f Shenzhenclub怎么读 Lions Club”.
Article 2: specialized官网 Thlion是什么意思中文翻译e Council shallclub用英语怎么说 set up speciallion是什么意思 working organs according to tclubmedhe needs of its work. The specialized working institutions are divided into two categories: the first category is the special committee (hereinafter referred to as “committee”), wh深圳地铁线路图ich is called “XX Committee”; The s深圳市最新疫情econd type is the porganizationsrofessional team that undertakes special functions (he深圳疫情最新消息reinafter referred to as “professional team”), including long-term professional team and temporary professiclubmedonal team, whose names are “XX Team”, “XX Center”,works “XX Club”, etlions的音标c., which can also be determined according to specific work needs. The specialized working organization is the functional organization that iorganization动词形式mplements thclub翻译e resspecialized是什么牌子olions英语怎么读lutions and functions of the council and is responsible to the council.
Articlregulations翻译e 3 & have spentTclub翻译he Council decides to estspecialized闪电官网ablish, merge or cancel the spelion是什么意思中文翻译cial working institutions, orspecialized中国官网 rename the special working institutionspecialized怎么读s or chclub是什么酒ange their functions.
Article 4 & have spentThe committee has one chairregulationsman and three to six executispecialized官网veclub是什么意思 chspecialized中国官网airmen. The professional team shall have 1 head (or chairman) and 3-6 deputy head (or executive chairman).
Article 5 & have spenworkouttThe chairman, executive chairmclub是什么意思an, professionclub怎么读al team leader and dclubmedeputy leader of the committee shall be proposed by thespecialized翻译 chairspecialized是什么牌子man and appointed by the cclub是什么酒hairman after approval by the Council.
Article 6 & have spentThe term of office of the special working agency is one year. If the chairman (heashenzhend of the special working agency) needs to be rworkoute-elected, he/she shall be nominated by the chairman a深圳大学nd appointed by the chairman after the approval of the Council. The same post shall not be re-elected for a maximum of three yregulations翻译ears.
Article 7 & have spentThe office conditions of the chairman深圳大学 of theclub用英语怎么说 committee ashenzhennd the head of the professional team (chairman) shall be one of the following:
(I) the previous presidenclub是什么酒t and formeclubmed官网预订r president of the Association;
(2) the last or form深圳疫情er captain of the service team, who has more than 3 years’ worspecialized官网king experience.
Article 8. lions英语怎么读; The conditions oflions office of the Executive chairman of the Committee shall be: previous team leader, former team lorganizationseader.
Article 9. The qualifications of the Dorganizationseputy Head of professional Team (Execuclub是什么意思tive Chairman) shall be one of the following:
(1) the last or formorganization和organisation区别er captain of the service teclubam;
(2) Members who have professional and technical expertworkforceise and meet the functional requirements of the corresponding professional team.
Article 10. The committee and professional team can nominate 1 ~ 3 members with more than 2 years’ expspecialized是什么牌子erience as mregulation什么意思embers according to the worclubmedk needs of the chairman (leader), and the chaworkirman will appoint them. The committee members shall assworkdayist the chairman (head of the committee) in carrying out work, and be responorganization和organisation区别sible for the overall plalion是什么意思nninglions翻译 and coordination of the daily work of the specializedspecialized翻译 working body.
Artregulations怎么读icle 11. The members of the supervisory board of the SaEFI shall not concurrently be the chairman (head) and executive chairman (dorganization可数吗eputy hclub用英语怎么说ead) of the specialized working organization in the same year.
The service team leaders of the saEFI shall not concurrently serve as the chairman (head) and executi深圳ve chairman (deputy head) of the specialized wspecialized翻译orworkplaceking organi深圳疫情zation in the same year.
Article 12. lions读音 The council members may concurrently serve as the chairman (head of delegation) or execu深圳疫情最新动态tive chairmanorganization可数吗 (de深圳大学puty head of delegation) of a specialized working body for the same year.
A member shall not hold more than two posts concuregulations是什么意思rrently as chairman (head of delegation) and executive chairman (deputy head of delegation) of a special workinclub用英语怎么说g institution in the same year.
Article 13. Basic responsibilities of specialized work agencies:regulations是什么意思
(I) Complete various tasks related to the function;
(2) To plan, coordinate, guide and superviseclubman是什么牌子车 the member institutions to cclub用英语怎么说arryclub翻译 out relevant functional work;
(3) To flionsormulate work standards or work guidelines related to its functions;
(4club) to formulate the working systworkplaceem of the special woorganizationalrk body and submit it to the Standing Council for deliberation and approval;
(5) To implement the resolutions of the Council and the standing Council related to their深圳疫情 functioclub用英语怎么说ns.
Art深证指数icle 14. The specialized working institutions shall submit annual work plans and budget plans accordorganizationaling to the time set by the Commission and organize implementation after approvalclubmed官网预订 by the Council; Submit the annual work summary to the board before the end of the year.
Article 15. In order to determine the annual wspecialized中国官网ork plan, budgetworkout plan of funds, annual work summary and oregulation什么意思ther major issues or problems, the special work agency may hold special work meetings attendeclubsd by its chairman (head of delegation), executive chairman (deputylions是什么意思 head of delegcluba深圳疫情最新消息tion)specialized怎么读, committee mlions怎么读embers, secretaries and other members.
Article 16. Responsibilities of the chairman (head of delegation) of the specialized working body:
(I) Assist the President in leadworkouting the special work organization torganizationalo formulate and achieve the annual work objectives;
(2) To organize meetings and acticlubmed官网预订vities related to thorganization可数吗e specialized working body;
(3) To formulateregulation是什么意思英语 the annual work plan of the specialized work organization and guide the activities of the relevant activity groups and service teams of the Commission;
(4) Collect and sort out the relevant information and resouorganization可数吗rces within the functions and respecialized怎么读sponsibilities of the special work agency and provide them to the service teams in need;
(5) To carry out the infrspecialized的意思astructuorganizationsre construction and work continuity of the specialized work agenworkercy for the next term;
(vi) Report to tclub用英语怎么说he president and vice president in charge of the assorganizationalociation regulspecialized是什么牌子arly.
Article 17. Responsibilities of the Executive Chairman (Deputy Head) of thework specialized working body:
(1) To assist the chairmen (or heads ofregulations是什么意思 dellionsgateegations) of spelion是什么意思cialized workispecialized翻译ng institutregulations怎么读ions in thespecialized官网ir work.
(2) to takeorganization是什么意思 an active part in va深圳地铁线路图rious meeworkouttings and activities held by the specialized working body;
(3) to complete various tasks assigned by t深圳大学he specialized work agency;
(4) To do a good job in the communication and cowork翻译ntact of specialized work agencies, deal with relevant documents and matters, and deal with meeting documents, etc.
Article 18.&nbregulations翻译sp; Thi深圳疫情最新动态s regulation shall cworkshopomorganization的用法e into forcespecialized和professional的区别 upon the adoption oflions怎么读 the third Special Council of Shenzhen Lions Clspecializedub 2016-2017 on April 7, 2017.
Article 19. club怎么读 The councilworkplace reserves the right to interpret the provisions of this workworker.

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