The 2015-2016 annual appreciation party and the 2016-2017 inaugural ceremony of the Directors of Zhenhua Service Team were a success

The 2015-2016…. annual appreciation party and the 2016-2017… inaugural ceremony of the Directors oceremony翻译f Zhenhua Service Team were a success

In 2016,7month23Sunday afternooappreciationsn, Shenzhen Lions Club Zhenhua Service team2015-2016….Annual appreciatidirectors翻译on Evening cum2016-annuals2017…The inaugural ceremony was held in yayun Happreciation中文意思all on the second floor of silver Lake Convention Center. Su Zeran, executive dappreciation翻译irector of Lions Association and former president of Shenzhen Lannual造句ions Club,ceremony和celebration的区别 Shenzhen Lions Cparty模式lub2016-2017…Zhang Hongxiang, deputdirectors是什么意思y secretary general of the year, Weng Hua, chapartynextdoorirman of the secinaugural翻译ond member management committee, Qu Zhangliang, He Xinru, districeremonyct chairmen, Ddirector是什么意思英语ong Haoqing, founding leader of Zhenparty模式hua Service Team and shi You, leaders from Yunnan Management committee attended the ceremony.

Zhenhua service is a young team, friends and many lions have is a membeceremony造句r of the new mdirector是什么意思中文翻译embers, as a result, special appreciation conference invited shenzhen lions branch hinaugural address翻译中英对照ead brother zhang Sceremony怎么读hiJun lion and lecturer Luo Junping lion brother frieninaugural address翻译中英对照ds for all the lions in the “how to carry out service activities, and good service meeting and the board of directors” lion service training, and to get everyone’s consisteparty模式nt high praise, won a burst of applause.

After training, team leader Dong Haoqing shi Brother2appreciation怎么读015-2016….Annuceremony怎么读al work summary and2016-2017…Annual work plan. The report points out that as the brand service project of Zhceremony是什么意思enhua Service Team — “Small hands holding small hands, reading the same book” series of public welfare education projects, the implementation effect and far-reaching influence. Through the cooperation with shenzhen schools and publishing houses, students were encouraged to donate books and maappreciation翻译terials, andparty是我家下载mp3 charitable personages and enterprises were mobilized toannual同义词 donate money and materials, which not only cdirector是什么意思中文翻译ulappreciation英语tivated children’s awareness of charitable devotion and public welfare, but also inspired more charitable enterprises adirector是什么意思nd personages to participate in public welfare undertakings. Schools and teacher at the same time, through the shenzhen studio counterpart support and read, a famous children’s literature wrinauguraladdress课件pptiter lecture, promoted the local authorities and the depardirectorshiptment of education to the attentiodirectorshipn of the childhood readappreciation可数吗ing and investment funds for education, changeparty是我家下载mp3d the traannuallyddirector是什么软件itional teaching mode and teaannual的名词ching idea, teacher inspired the chiannualsldreappreciationn to realize your dream through readparty是派对的意思吗ing. At present, the reading envappreciation可数还是不可数ironment and atmosphere in Wuhua, Dapu, Anyuan, Jiangxi and Alar, Xinjiang are taking shape, and tappreciation读音he reading teaching is undergoing gratifying changes.

Finance Liu Haiqing shi Brother reported2015-2016….Annual revenue and expenditure of financial administrative funds and service funds.&nbspparty模式; This time, the service team speinaugural address翻译cially invited the representatives of some of the schools to shadirectorsre. Wu Shizhong, principal of The First Pdirectorshiprimary School of Hedong Tappreciation翻译own, Wuhua County, made a report on reading teaching and development on behalf of local schools.

At the meeting for2015-2016….Awards will be given to the outstanding team members, outstanding team medirector是什么意思mbers and outstanding team members who have made outstandceremony造句ing contributions in the year. Awards wparty英文意思ill be given to the servannual造句ice teams, social caring people and caring enterinaugural address翻译prises oappreciation翻译f the joint education program, and thanks for their strong support in the past year. Laterceremony复数形式, council members took the oath of office and Captain Tung ho-ching issued the appointment letters.

Mr. Su zeran congratulated the young team on its outstanding achievements in such a shorceremony同义词t period of time, pointed out the probdirector是什么软件lems existing in the growth process of the team, and putinauguraladdress课件ppt forward valuable suggestions for thparty怎么读英语e team to better carry out the meeting ainaugural address翻译nd service activities in the future.annual同义词

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