Drink up and enjoy the Thai lion friendship

Drink up and enjoy the Thai lion friendship

On the night of December 4, Bangkok’s Thong Golden Field fldrink的过去式oating resfriendship的英语作文taurant is full of laughter and lights. Moreenjoy是什么意思英语 than 140 lion club members from Shenzhen lions club gathered together flion复数or auplayn unforgettable evening at a unique friendship party in a foreign country. Shenzhen lions club President odrink的ing形式f 2015-2016, Lin Tafriendship怎么读o, secretary-general Zeng Shi, partition chairman Cao Haihong, Zheng Hehua, he paid, such as, sm, special assistant to President Li Wenlion的中文意思qiu, sm Wu Zewei, convention cfriendship思维导图ommittee chafriendshipirman Dong Senjoy的名词hige,drink的形容词 member retenenjoy翻译tion committee chairman Deng Yi, membership development committee chairman Zhang Yunyuan lion friends attendedfriendship纯音乐 the fellowship activities. The party was co-hosted by Huang Xin, exlionsecutive chairman oflion的中文意思 lion Friends Care Committee, and Li Baihe, llionseader of Huayuan Service Team.


In order to thank shenzhen Lions club for their full participation in this annual meeting, the Committee of Shenzhen Lions Club Internathaiphoontional Convention took the lead in planning this fellowship activity, which enricheenjoyabled the schedule, deepened the friendship of lions cludrinkb, alionelnd alion的音标lso gained the warmth and touching of family members. In her speech, Pupperresident Lin Tao thanked the lion club members for their active participation and support for the lion work of Shenzhen Liuponons Club this year. At the same time, she especially thanked the committee of the Internafriendships歌曲tional Convention for organizing and planfriendship纯音乐ning this wonderful social activity under the leadersup主hip of chairman Dong Shigao. Chairman Lin paid tribute to the lions on behalf of all participants for their silent efforts.


A sdrink的形容词ong “Good Day” sung by Shijie Zhao Xueyun of the Sea Cloud Sky Service team opeupsned the prelude of the whole parenjoy什么意思ty. Then, the performancthailand’ses of selected parts of Huangmei Opera “Prfriendship可数吗incess of the Princthai-englishessthai翻译” and Thailand style made shijie friends intoxicated in a happy and joyuponful atmosphere. During the eveninfriendship纯音乐g, the atmosenjoy的名词phere of the party reached its climax when Zheng Yulan, shi Yingdong andup主 Sdrinkhi Yingdong of the Sea Cloud Sky Service team sang “The Couple return home together” in chorus. Lion friends enjoy thuplaye colorful cultural programs, taste the Thai food, drink intoxicant wine, and feel the thick lion love, lilion的中文意思on friendship.


That night, on thenjoye eve of Thailand’s celebration of the king’s bithailand’srthday, the traffic jam in Bandrinkablegkok was quite severe. It was only a 20-minute drive from the convention center where the opening ceremony was held to the fellowship site, but most lion friends had to “move their cars” all the way and walked for more than two hours. There were no complaints. The party was filled with wdrink的过去式armth and joy, which fully reflected the spirit of unity and inclusiveness. The lion club members said that they were so happy to gather together while participating in the lion work activitenjoy的过去式ies in a foreigthailand的英语怎么读n land, as if there was no distance between tdrink的过去分词he world, because in the lion club family, tenjoy用法heir heafriendship的意思rts have been linkedfriendship together.






[Shenshi News Agency]
[Reporter] Zeng Shiyang
[Photo journalist] Yi Gupperuofeng
【 Responsible Editor 】 Gao & NBSP; chau

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