The Lions Club of Shenzhen congratulates the successful conclusion of the 1st yunnan Management Committee general Meeting

The Lions Club of Shenzhen congratulates the successful conclusion of the 1st yunnan Manlions是什么意思age沈腾ment Committee general Meeting
On December 6congratulate是什么意思英语, 2015, the first membcongratulate是什么意思英语er representative meeting of Yunnanclub翻译 Member Management Comcongratulate的名词形式mittee of China Lions Association was held in Kunming. Under the leadership of Su Zeran, vice president of Lions Association of China and former president of Lions Club of Shenzhen, shenzhecongratulaten lions Club, as the steering district深圳疫情最新消息, was invited by yunnan Membershipstill Management Committee to participateclubman in this evecongratulate的名词形式nt. Zheng Degang, former president ocongratulate的用法f The Lions Club of Shenzhen, Zhang Hongxiang, 2015-2016 Deputy Secretary general, and Lei Qingming, leader of the Lion Guide group were also present. The conference wasuccessfullys prclub翻译esided over by Zheng Degang.
Aftstiller the delegates elected, Liu Yungang was elecongratulatected as the first chairman of the yunnan Msteamember management committee of the Domestic Lion Association, Qiclubmanu Yue was elected as the first vice chairman, Yang Hong was elected as the second vice chairman, Qiao Yajun was elect云南白药ed as the secretary-general, Yang Sixu was elected as the supervisor, the conference plions的音标roduced a total of 25 directors and 1 supervisor.
Entru云南民族大学sted by President Lin Tao, Vice Secretary General Zhang Hongxiang, on behalf of Shenzhen Lsuccessful怎么读英语ions Club, warmly congratulated on the successful opening of the first member congress of Yunnan Management In the past ycongratulate固定搭配ear, he said, as the steering group leader many tim深圳地铁线路图es sent lions financial supervision committee of shenzhen, the new development commitsuccessfully造句tee, branch, guide the lion group of yunnan the ac lion service training, by joiyunnannt efforts, glad have witnessed the management committee of yunnan since t沈腾he team moved with the growth of the harvest, along the way He believemanagement专业d that under the lsuccessful翻译eadership of yunn深圳疫情最新动态an Disabled Persons’ Federation and under the guidance of lion culture, YUNNAN Management Committee wouldsuccessful的动词 make concerted efforts to step up to a new level.
Previously, in order to suplionsport yunnan Lion Friends to ca深圳市最新疫情rry out selions是什么意思rvice activities, Shenzhen Lions Club donated 500,000 yuan of mattresses and 30,000 yuan of servlion是什么意思ice funds. Today, Shenzhen Lions Cyunnanlub donated 50,000 yuan agstillain as service funds to help its service project smoothly.
Su Zeran, on behalf of lions association of Chclubman是什么牌子车ina, congratulated on the successfusuccessful反义词l coclub是什么意思n申通快递单号物流查询vening of the first member congress of Yunnan Membership Management Committee and all the leaders elected, and thanked Shenzhen Lions Club for its great support in guiding and supporting the establishment of Yunnan Management Committee. He stressed that in the following work to standardize manageme云南nt, standardize service, based on the local, steadily do a gosuccessful的用法od job in the developmen云南财经大学t and retention of members, but also to strengthen foreign exchanges and learning, advocate “go out, bring in”, at the same time to establish a professional secretariat, in order to better support the smooth development of lion work. Finally, he spoke highly of Shenzhen’s unreserved transmission of its valuabllion是什么意思中文翻译e experience over the years. He hoped that Under the云南 leadership of Chairman Liu Yungang, Yunnan Administrative Committee would work together to create more excellent service projects and blaze a lion’s path with Yunnan characteristics.
[Shenshi News Agency]
[Reporter] Cheng Zhaohua
[Photo reporter] Zhang Hongxiang
[Responsible Editor] Jianhua Su

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