Big data uncovers the contributions behind the “Red Action” over the past five years

Big data uncovers the contributions behind the “Red Action” over the past five years
From 2011 to now, “Red Action” has entereactiond its fifth year. The relationship between Shenzhen Lions club and Shenzhen Blood Center has also been improved and strengthened. In the past five years, “Red Action” has gradually become a brand public service ppasta是什么意思英语roject. You may find it strange that one is a non-governmental charity organizationpast怎么读 and the other is a pbehind是什么意思ublic waction对魔忍elfare institution. The twbehind造句o organizations are completely different in nature and have become anuncover官网地址 inseparable whole. How did the two establish such a close relationship? How does this “link” and achieve “win-win”?
On December 1, 2015, in thebehind是什么意思 fifth red action commendation congress and the sixth red mobilization meeting, as the deputy director of the municipal blood center Lu Liang all feeling is to share with shenzhen lions this cooperation feelings after fi比格犬ve years, a lot of people know moverflow樱花动漫ore about the “red” this lasted five years of public service project is all about.
A,”Operationredmik40 Red completely solved the winter blood tension situation
Sincoversizee 2011, Shenzhe辟谷是什么意思n Lions Club and Shen大唐第一猛人李默zhpasteen Blood Center have jointly organized the “Red Action” Lion Blood Donation Month. The campaign was carried out in winter, the most diffic辟谷ult time for voluntary blood donation in Shenaction的动词zhen, in order to cope with the blood tension in Shenzhen before the Spring Festival. Since the first “red action” held, the success of the annual apast怎么读ctivities not oncontributions什么意思ly effectively relieve the te大唐第一猛人李默nsion of clinical blood use in the winter in Shenzhen, help patients in distress, but also make “free blood donation” this social welfare undertakings become a decisive name cardbigjpg obehindf Pengcheng.
Second, the”The numbers behind the success of Operation Red
2015 marks the fifthaction是什么意思英语 anniversary of “Red Action”. With the support and promotion of The Shenzhen Lions Club and the caring people from all walks of life, “Red Action” has achieved great success from infactionancy to staggering progress.
In the first session, 1,395 people donated 440,000 ml of blood in 19 sessoverflow完整版观看ions. Eight service teams participated;
In the secondbehind的中文翻译 session, 658 people from 11 sessions donated 240,000 ml of blood. Eleven service teams participated;
In the third session, 2,473 peoploverwhelme donated 880,000 ml of blood in 35 sessions; 39 service teambehind的反义词是s participated;
In the fourth session, 4,062 people donated 1.4action是什么意思英语1 million millilit大唐开局震惊了李世民ers of blood in 47 sessions; 29 service teams participated;
In the fifth session, 4362 people donadatated 1.56 million millcontribution什么意思ilitersoversize of blood in 47 sessions; Thirty-one servicered是什么意思 teams participated.
Up to now, 159 blood donation campaigns have been successfully launched, collecting a total of 12.5pastimes90 people and 4.53 mil辟谷是什么意思lion milliliters of blood. Shenzhen Lions Club raised more than 1,511,000 yuan for the project and donated two “Lion” blood donation carts and two “Lion” blood donation ccontribution什么意思arts.
threeRed Acti碧根果on has been recognized by all sectors of sbehind是什么意思ociety
In the five yebig是什么意思ars suncover官网地址ince its launch, the “Red Campaign” has beeuncover翻译n recognized by all sectors of society: Itoversize has won the title of “Excellent Service Project” issued by the Domestic Liopasten Association, and has also won the key project of Shenzhen Care Action and the most Satisfiedbehind的对应词 Public Welfare Project of Shenzhen Care Action. Many service teams involved have won the title of “Advanced Collective of Shenzhen Unpaid Blood Donation”, and have been followed up by more than 20 media at home and abroad. The Lions Club of Shenzhen has descontributionsignated December 12 as “Red Action Lion Blood Donation Day”.
fourRed action has set a modbehind的反义词是el fored怎么读r the construction of spirituncover官网地址ual civilizaticontributions是什么意思英语on in Shenzhen
Thuncover越狱e “Red Action”behind的反义词是 was laununcover翻译ched on December 12 each year and ended on February 12 the following year. Within two months, the service team of The Lions Club of Shencontribution什么意思中文zhen organized the “Red Action” to walk into communities, business cen碧根果ters, indactionscriptustrial areasbehind造句 and promote voluntary blooredmik40d donation. At the beginning of the first Red Action,behind音标 there was basuncoverically no shortage of blood bank invecontributionsntorcontribution什么时候加sy in winter. More importantly, lion friends havered是什么意思 aroused wide attention of the热点 society witoversizeh theiaction翻译r actions, and more people have joined the “Red Action” team, including community reredsidents, factory workers, soldiers and so on. The “blood donation without compensation” activity has become a public welcontributions怎么读fare cause that all citizens are willing to participate in, promoting the spiritual civilization of the coverflowommunity.
Fi辟谷的正确方法fth, the red actio热点n for the national pbehind翻译ublic welfare contributions
In the process of the implementation and improvement of the “Red Acuncover越狱tion” project,uncover官网地址 it can be said that shenzhen Lions Club and Shenzhen Blood Center jointly creatbehindedbehind的用法 a new model of voluntary blood donation, which is still the “only” model in China in terms of its system and integrity. The successful experience has provided a powerful reference for lions clubs and voluntary blood donatiouncover翻译n units in other regions. The “Red Action” has rapidly expanded in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Beijing, Liaoning, Sichuan, Shandong, Gubehind的反义词是angxi and other regions wiuncover下载th the momentumredmi of catching fi大唐扫把星re.
6. Out of everedmiry 100 people in Shenzhen who need blood transfusion, 5 people get tbigbangheir blood from “Red Action”
Let’s take a lookbehind造句 at the data ofredmi是什么手机 last year. Last year, the total number of blood donors in t大唐he city blood大唐逍遥驸马爷 ce热点nter was more than 70,000, and the number of blood donors in the “Red Action” was 4,362, accounting for 5% of the total numbcontributions怎么读er of bloobehind是什么意思d donors in the blood center. The target for the 6th Red Campaign is 6,666 peopluncoveringe, which would mean that the total number of blood donors from Red Campaign represents 8 percent of the tobehind翻译tal number of blood donors from the blood center that yeauncover清除越狱环境r. In the “Red Actionpastel什么意思“, lion friends are busy at the front line of the activity, such as Li Xiang S大唐第一猛人李默hi Jie, who has become an expert in voluntary blood donation. The achievements made by the city blood Center and the Shenz碧根果hen Lions Cactionlub are the envy of many cities and brother units. Because of the “actionscriptRedreduce Action”, more people in Shenzhen participate in the voluntary b大唐再起lood donation, and also make the city more be大唐开局震惊了李世民autiful!
Shenzhen Lions club and Shenzhen Blood Center have made great achieveoversizements in the officiaactionsl “Rcontribution是什么意思英语ed Action”. In orde大唐再起r to enable more critical patients to receive timely and effective blood assistanaction对魔忍ce, we hope that this dazzling “Red actiuncover什么意思on” will spread all over thereduction country.
[Shenshi News Agency]
[Reporter] Annie Zhao and Qianyi Zeng
[Responsible Editor] Ma Huijuan

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