Shi Jianyong: The New Year charity gala has to tell the story

On the afternoon of December 19th in Shenzhen, there was a slitell是什么意思英语ght chill in the warm sunshine, quite a secharity形容词nse of “warm spring”, but what was more warm and exciting was the upcoming “Glory and Dream — the 14th New Year Charity Party of Shenzhen Lions club”. Four dyearlyays before the countdown, Mr. Shi Jianyo茧蛹的功效与作用ng, the chaiyearningrman of the pargalakuty and the first vice president of Shenzhen Lions Club,尖用电和峰用电谷用电是什么意思 came to thetell翻译 mi Family office in Huafeng Building in Futian district to talk with our reporters aboutgala乐队 the “stories we have to tell” of the charity party.
Each group to prepare smoothly, not enough seats hard to get tick时间echarity-mindedts
Shi Jiashinyong shi brostory什么意思ther is a very straightforward, honest and honest, truecharity temperame茧蛹的功效与作用nt of th十二星座e people, just entered the door vgalaxy什么意思ery franyearlykly said: “here is gonews可数吗od, elegant environment, I havcharity音标e been here before, very easy to find, can drink tea, but also can chat. A big truth set e茧蛹veyearlyryone laughing.
He then cut to the chase and told us that tcharity音标heyear函数 preparations had gone smoothly despite their late start.
The prstory复数eparation team of the conferen世纪佳缘ce is divided into ten groups, currtell翻译ently the auction group, fundraising group, sponsorship grouyearbookp, conference affairs group, publicity group work has done very well, completed thstorylinee task in advance, the rest of the conference evening grou狮子座p, conference affairs group, etiquette reception group, financial group, picnewlyket group, field tracking group wonderful presentation. Yunnan and Hainan are also very supportive of our party and provshiide auction items. “I feyear翻译el the power of lion friends from the heart is too great, relying on a十宗罪 conference chairman really can do nothing, without you there would be no preparation for today’s conference, special thanks to all hard work for the conference lion friends!”
“The current party reservationyear是什么意思 is very popular, is one ticket is hard to find, is opening already can still prevent tstorylinehe enthusiasm of the lionsnewgrounds, friends, or call back the monegalakuy, we sacrifice the effect of the stage, thstory复数形式是什么e stage retreat one meter two, unfortunately, tgala是什么意思his year has been ex识图panding to 700 seats, bu史上最强炼气期t still n茧蛹ot enough, I can let outnew的反义词 my wife’s seat”.
Process optimization and inheritance, site seat adjustment
Reporter:There argalaxy是什么牌子e many highlights and innovations in this Year’stell的过去式 New Year charity gala. Could you give us a brief introduction?
shi:Inheritance in gen十方武圣eral. It can be c旮旯怎么读hanged or not changed剑勇传说.
1. Process optimization and adjustment. First of all, we snew是什么意思英语tart at 5 o ‘clock, and compress the time of some links. In this way, we have enough tim茧蛹的做法e. Seconnew是什么意思英语dly, we have more generous gifts in the lucky draw this year, so that people will be more active in participastory什么意思ting. We moved the recognition process to the end, to finish the important proce时代少年团ss first, atellernd then the reconewgnition process.
2. On the site, we cha史上最强炼气期nged from Futian Shangri-La to Sheraton Greater China to make everyone feel fresh. And through our efforts, it used to be 10 people per table时代少年团, but this year it’s 12 people per table. Each table saves 1000 yuan than beforegalaku, trying to let more lion friends ccharityan participate, but also for the lion club to save money世界地图, we want to use the money to the people who need help more.
3. There was also a change in seating. Instead of placing the seats in the order of ticket purchase as istory翻译中文n previou十宗罪s years, the service teams with a large number of dtellsonors focharity音标r the Chinese Lion award and Mervant Award will be seated at the top 10 tables. I believstorybooke everyone can understangalaxyd and accept.
At the same time, in order tnew balanceo expand the influence of Shenzhenstory复数 Lions club, the party also invited well-known public welfare enterprises and caring peopyearle to parshiticipacharity是什么意思te in the donation auction.
Big love boundless donation, the total amount of fundraising is expected
Reporter:It is understood th世界地图at this year’s fundraising is smooth, lion friends are very enthusiastic, both auction donations and hua Shi award pledges areyear怎么读 beycharity-mindedond the previgala选手ous years. How much money do you expect to raise?
Mr.chwat:In fact, I have not been delcharity-mindediberately inspired to initiateyearly. Although thetell是什么意思英语 environment is not good, there are currently more than 570 Huashi awagala是什么意思rds, which will reach 600, namely 3 million yuan. Among them, the counewlyncil and the service team of the mainew的反义词n council won the “100 percent Hua Lion Awardteller“; At the same time, this year, yitian Service tyearneam won the “100 Percen十二星座t Mauwen Zhongshi Award” and Shangbu Service team won the “100 percent Mauwen Zhongshi Award”, these two service teams have become the first “100 percent Mauwen Zcharity音标hongshi Award + 100 percent Mauwen Zhongshi Award” “double hundregalaxyd service teams” of Shenzhen Lions Club. China Lion Awards can continue to be pledged at the gala,gala选手 until March 13, 2016, China Lion Awards can be pledged, it is expected to exceed 700. Add in this year’s auction – I personally expect more than $5 million.
At the same time, we will recogniz简雍为什么叛变e and thank the organizing committee members, donors, auctiocharity的内涵意义neers, party sponsors, wine gift donors, eyear函数tc.
Fund expenditure uses bright, huashi propaganda double line into
Reporter:Could youcharity的动词 please introduce the annual charity party to raise funds, mainly used for what? At the same time, how to expand tgalaxyhe influence of thgalanz是什么牌子e chartell是什么意思ity party, so that more powerful lion friends pa时间rticipate in the charityyear是什么意思 auction?
Mr.chwat:Theyear是什么意思 funds raised at the annual gala are:
1. Huashi Award: 70% of the next yearnew怎么读‘s service funds will be used for the servicharity翻译ce projects of the district club, and 30% will be deposited into the Lions Club Fund for emergency relief.
2. Auction proceeds: 80% will be ugalakused astell是什么意思 service funds for the next year (40% will be used to support the service projects of the service teams to which the bidders belong), and 20% winew是什么意思英语ll be deposited into the Lions Club Fund.
3. Me茧蛹rvyn Bell Award & NBSP简雍为什么叛变; : 100% to Lionnewspapers Club International.
On e旮旯怎么读xpanding our influence: On the one hand, we hope to encourage people to donateshi more huashi Awards, and wegala also help the authorities alleviatestory or even solve social problemnewgroundss by serving the soctelleriettellery, so as to win official support. On the other hatell翻译nd, we should publicize more and let the lion friends understand and support.
“It’s actuallycharity的动词 harder for the poor under the neon lights, more so than in other cities. I personally hope that the service activities of Shenzhen Lions Club can be based in Shenzhecharity翻译n, re-inheritance, a旮旯怎么读nd establish several mcharity的动词ajor service brands. Fonewlyr examp剑勇le, the ac十方武圣tivities of community service Month, “Red Lion clothing • Dinew是什么意思英语sabled Station” and Red Action remain unchanged for five years, just likstory翻译e the 13th Five-Year Plan. Otherwise, did we serve people in necharity的内涵意义ed last year and not this year? – I’ve been looking forward to it! In particular, we should care for and serve echaritympty-nesters and the elgalaxyderly who have lost their only child. Let our parentstory怎么读s also play the spare heat, let them also integrate intyearningo the society, spread love, especially to take our children to participate in the service of the elderly activities, secharity怎么读t an exastory什么意思mple, teach by example. Let the elde识图rly and children help others and serve the society. What a good thing for the country and the people!” As he spoke, his eyes suddenly shone with简雍为什么叛变 determination and excitement, and a sense of richarityghteousness sprang up.”
“We need mo僭用是什么意思re publicity. Shenshi News Agency has done a lot of僭用是什么意思 good work since its establishmentjianyong. Nearly 20 articles related to the charity gala have been sent out. From the council to the chairman of each divisstory什么意思ion, each service team leader should pay attention to and promote, especially the service team leader, in their respectivnewlye service team propaganda, active advocacy. When the service teams are readystory怎么读, shenzhen Ltellsions Club will be ready.”
Lion busy work pressure, moved to look forwa狮子座rd to theyearcon是什么牌子的 pageanyearbookt
End o旮旯怎么读f interview. When I asked Shi Jianyong about his “feelings duyearring the journey”, he said: “The chairman of the conference feels really scharity音标tressed, like peeling a layer of skin every time. In preparation for the convention, he went all out to lose his voice; In order to prepare for the conference, I put offgala选手 many important meetings and even failed toyearn go to the Annualcharity的动词 conference in Southeast Asia. I have to deal with people from all walks of life世纪佳缘 to prepare for the convention. I don t even have time to have dinner with my wife. There was a look of guilt in his eyes and剑拥明月 anews slight lump in his hoarse voice. Having been a lion for neacharity和love区别rly a decade, he has his own business to run and other chstorybookamber of commerce duties to worry about. “I lied to her when I said I’d only be a service captain for one year. Later, I was unanimously elected chairman of the first dgalaxy什么意思ivision. Later, I said THAT I shouldstory怎么读 not be president after this year, and I lied to her again; And now I’m first vice president… I am almost fully employed now. I have givenyear函数 up my family and business to do lions cgala是什么意思lub work.”
To prepare sucnew是什么意思英语h an evening party and lead manyear函数y senior lions to parti简雍为什么叛变cipate狮子座 in the preparation work, it really requires great courage and a lot of time and energy. We are very grateful to Shi Jianyong for his courage and responsibicharity形容词lity. We are very touched by the unreserved support of brother Shih kin-wing from all the members of the preparatory Team. This is the Lions club, the lion spirit, everyone for the development of this organizatiostory翻译n no regrets, all-out efforts to pay. We茧蛹 firmly believe that this party will impress everyone and make this trip worthwhile.
[Shenshi News Agency]
[Text reporter] Wang Song, Xiao Wen, Zhao Wei
Qin Zhengli, Wei Qiaozhu
Gao Zhou, Tang Haozhi, He G僭用是什么意思ang

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