Recommendation of candidates for board of Directors and Supervisory Board of Shenzhen Lions Club 2016-2017

Recommendation of candidates for board of Directors and Supervisory Board of Shenzhen Lions Club 2016-board怎么读英语2017
Dear Lionscandidate什么意思中文,
Everybody is good!
According to the laws and regulations of Chine深圳风险等级se societies, the constitution and workidirectors翻译ng rules of Lions Club Shenzhen, the relevant regulations of Lions Club Shlion是什么意思enzhen and Lions Club Internationrecommendational, and the guidance of Shenzhen Social Organiza深证指数tion Administration Bureau and Shenzhen Disabled Persons’ Federation on thelions翻译 general election, the annual general election of Lions Club Shenzhen is in progress. The 1clubmed4th Member Congress willrecommendation是什么意思英语 be held in Huaboard翻译xia Hall of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel on April 24, 2016. On the basis of full democracy arecommendation可数还是不可数nd in accordance with the principles of fairneclubmedss, justice and opdirectors是什么意思enness, the congresupervisor中文意思ss will elect the new president, vice president, secretary general, directors, chief supervisor, deputy chielion是什么意思f Supervisor and supervisor of Shenzhen Lions Club for 2016-2017 by secret ballot.
This idirector什么意思中文s the fourth time that the board of directors and the board of Supervisors orecommendationf Shenzhen Lionboard的中文意思s club are elected by the gerecommendations翻译neral assembly and the second vice president is elected by alions怎么读 margin. It can be said that the democratic election of Shenzhen Lions Club is in the forefront of tlions是什么意思he national Lions club. This is nboardingo深圳疫情最新动态t only the inhlion是什么意思eri深圳疫情最新动态tdirectors翻译ance of lion culture, the embodiment of the democratic spirit of the civil society, but also the exploration of the development path of the domestic characteristic lion club.
The general assembly will have one candidate for chairman, one candidate for first vice chairman, three candidates for second vice chairman, one candidate for secretary general, 41 candidates for board oboardingf directors, one candidate for chairman of the board of Auditorsdirectorship, one candidate for deputy chairman of tclubhe board of auditors深圳市最新疫情, and five candidates for board of auditors. They stand up bravely深圳疫情 and深圳 are willing to clion是什么意思中文翻译ontriclubmed官网预订bute to the development of Sdirectorshenzhen Lions Club. Their love and responsibility are worthy of our learning and appreciation, and we salute them here!
Today’s leader, tomorrow’s follower. We b深圳天气elieve that whether the candidates are elected or ncandidates翻译ot, they are the followers, leaders and service providers of the Lion spirit
The prasupervisor教程ctitioners of “serving society” bedirector是什么意思英语lieve that theysupervisor教程 will push public welfare undertakinglion是什么意思中文翻译s to a new level with more firm beliclubsef, higher morale and more pragmboardingatic style.
I hope every member representative深圳大学 will perform hidirector是什么意思中文翻译s/her duties consciecandidates翻译ntiouslions怎么读ly, cast your sacred vote in asupervisor翻译 fair and just manner, and live up to the trust of all lirecommendations是什么意思on friends!
Shenzhen Lions Club
April 13, 2016
Attachment: Brief Introduction of candidates for board of Directdirectors翻译ors and Supervisory Board of Shenzhen L深圳大学ionsboard和broad怎么区分 Club 2016-2017:
I. Candidates for the Board of Governors
(I) Candidates for president
Service Team: Main Club Service team
Position of the yelions怎么读ar: First Vice President
(2) Candidates frecommendation翻译ordirectors翻译 first Vice-chairman
Service Team: Datong Service Team
Position of the year: Second Vicdirector属于什么职务e President
(iii) Candidates for the second Vdirectorshipice-candidate什么意思啊chairman
(Sorted by surname strokes)
Tian wang
Service Team: Main Club Service team
Position of the year: Chief of picket
Li Yuehua
Service Teamboard: Shin H深圳地铁线路图ing Service Team
Position of the year: Director of Shin Hing Service Team
Zhang Hongxiang
Service Team: Warisupervisoryng Service Team
Position for the ylions翻译中文ear: Deputy Secretclub是什么酒ary-general
(4) Candidates for secretary-general
Zengclubmed官网预订 Shi raise
Service Team: Joint Serlionsgatevice Team
Position of the year: Secretary General
(v) Candidates for directors
(Sorted by surname strokes)
Ma Min
Service Team: Fuai Service Team
Position for the year: Deputy Secretary-general
Wang Danya & have spent
Service Team: Tiancheng Service Team
Position this year: Secretary of Tianchengsupervisor怎么读 Service Team
Service Team: Fuai Service Team
Position of thidirector是什么职位s year: Captain of fuai Servdirector是什么职位ice Team
Dao-ming wang & have spent
Service Team: Waring Service Team
Position of the year: Captain of waring Service Team
Wen Shu refined
Service Team: Mileashenzhenge Service Teamsupervisor是什么职位
Position of the year: Captain of mileage Service Team
Deng Yi
Service team: High-tech service Team
Title of the year: Chairman of membership Retention Committee
Lu Jin on
Service Team: Tai ‘an Srecommendation是什么意思英语ervice Team
Positioncandidate什么意思啊 of the year: Chai深圳疫情rman of Division 2
Generation of the macro & have spent
Service Team: Oriental Rose深圳天气 Service Team
Position of threcommendation是什么意思e year: Chairman深圳风险等级 of Division 3
Zhu Ya 2
Service Team: Songming Service Team
Position of the year: Captaiboard翻译n of Songming Service Team
Ken ng
Service Team: Datong Service Team
Position of the yclubmaneardirector是什么意思英语: Chairman of district 10
Hanley & haveclub翻译 spent
Service Team: Oriental Rose Service Teadirector是什么意思英语m
Position of the year: Caboardptain of Oriental Rose Selion是什么意思中文翻译rvice Team
Li Feng & have spent
Service Team: Jinpai Guangdong Service Team
Position of this year: Deputy he深圳疫情最新动态ad of the Lecturing Group
Li Rongsupervisor翻译 & have spent
Service Team: Faircandidates的中文意思y Lake Service Team
Position of this year: Executive Chairman of the first committee of thclub是什么意思e secoboardwalknd generation
Why to pay such as
Service Team: Land Service Tea深圳天气m
Position of the year: Chailions翻译中文rman of district 15
Zhang Yunyuan
Service Teboard和broad怎么区分am: Marine Cloud sky Service Team
Title of the year: GMT Chair, Member Development Commdirectorsittee
Zhang ShiJun
Service Team: Xiangsdirector是什么意思han Service Team
Position of this year: Deputy head of the Lecturing Group
Zhang jian
Service Team: Hong Li Service Team
Title of the year: Chairman of District 12
Zhang Huiqing & have speclub怎么读nt
Service team: Mingjia Shanpicandidate什么意思啊n Service team
Title of the year: Executive Chairman, Lion Enterprise Mutual Services Committee
Zhang Feng
Service Team: Poai Service Team
Position of this year: Executive Chairman of Student Aid Committee
Service Team: Zhongtian Service Team
Title of the深证指数 year:supervisor教程 Executiv深圳疫情最新动态e Chairman of membersclubman是什么牌子车hip Re深圳疫情最新消息tention Committee
Chen Zong
Service Team: Xin ‘an Service Team
Position of the yearclub是什么意思: Captailionsgaten of the New Security Service Team
Chue-fun C深圳地铁线路图hen & have spent
Service Team: Central Service Team
Position of this year: Captain of central Service Team
Chen Hacandidates什么意思ng & have spent
Service Team:recommendation可数还是不可数 Hong Li Service Team
Position of this year: Leader of Red Liclionsgatehee Service Team
Xiao-hong Lin
Service Team: Poaisupervisor教程 Service Teamdirector是什么意思
Poclub用英语怎么说sition of thboardgamee year: Chairman of foreboard是什么意思ign Exchange ansupervisor是什么意思d Cooperation Commclubmanittee
Service Team: Jingtian Service Team
Position of the year: Captain of Jingtian Service Team
The mining-team wlions怎么读ide & have spent
Service Team: Longcheng Service Team
Position of the year: Chairman of District 6
Zheng Hehua
Service team: Caitian Service Team
Position ofboards the year: Chairman of Division 7
Xian-zhong hu
Service Team: Hualei Service Team
Position this year: Director of Hualei Service Teamsupervisor是什么级别
Service team: Departure service team
Position of tboardinghe year: Chairman of district 18
WengHusupervisor教程a & have spent
Service Team: Joint Service Team
Posicandidate什么意思中文tion of the year: Captain of the Joint Servicrecommendation可数还是不可数e Team
Service Team: Xin ‘an Selions是什么意思rvice Team
Position of the year: President of the football club
Guo Ye & havedirector属于什么职务 spent
Service Team:supervisory Oct Service Team
Position this year: Captain of ovclub翻译erseas Chinese Town Service Team
Guo Yongyong
Service Team: Hcandidates的中文意思appiness Service Team
Position of this year: Captain of happiness Seboard翻译rvice Team
Xiao-liclubmed官网预订n guo & have spent
Service Team: Diwang Service Team
Position of this year: Supervisor
Tang Haozhi
Service Team: Shekou Sersupervisorvice Team
Position of the year: Executive Chairman, Shenshi News Agency
Service Team:candidate什么意思啊 Previous service team
Position of the year: Leclubmed官网预订ade深圳疫情最新动态r of the first step service teamcandidate什么意思中文
Peng Daojian
Serviceclub是什么酒 Team: Yantian Service Team
Position this yearclubmed: Captain of Yantian Service Team
Yuan xie month
Service Team: Hualei Service Team
Position of this year: Captain of Hualei Sboard怎么读英语ervice Team
Ray hd
Service: Peace Service Corps
Pdirectorshiposition of this year: Leader ocandidates翻译f lion Guide Group
Operation should be prosshenzhenperous & have spentclubmed
Service Team: Nanhai Service Team
Positiboardingon of this year: Captain of South China Sea Service Team
Good QuZhang & have spedirectors是什么意思nt
Service Team: Yitian Service Team
Position of this yerecommendation是可数名词吗ar: Captain of Yitian Service Team
Candidates for the Board of Supervisors
(1) Candidates for chief supervisors
Service Team: Mangrove Bay Serviceclub
Position of the year: Cha深证指数irman of the President’s Advisory Committee
(2) Candidates for deputy chief supervisors
Chen Shijun
Serviceclubman Team: Mileage Service Team
Position odirector是什么意思英语f this year: Supervisor
(3) Candidates for supervisors
(Sorted by surname strokes)
Li Zanmei
Service Team: Leshan Service Team
Position of the year: Chairman of District 4
Service Teaclubmed官网预订m: Joint Serboard是什么意思vice Team
Podirector是什么职位sition orecommendation是什么意思英语f the year: Chairman of district 14
Service Team: Hong Li Service Team
Titclubmanle of the year: Chairman of Division 1
Tang Shihuang
Service Team: Qianhai Service Team
Position for the year: Chairman of membership Management Committee (Westerrecommendationn District)
Liao Ronghui
Sboardwalkervice Team: Diwang Service Team
Position of the year: Chairman of membersrecommendation是可数名词吗hip Management Committee (Eastern District)
Dear Fellow Llions翻译ions, let’s pay tribute to these respondirector属于什么职务sible and dedicated candidarecommendations是什么意思tes!
I wish the 14th Lions Club Congress of Shenzhen a cboard的中文意思omplete success!
(Note: The candiditiorecommendation翻译ns of the above candidates have been approved by the Qualification Examilions的音标nation Committee and approved by Shenzhen Disabllions英语怎么读ed Persons’ Federation and Shenzhen Social Orrecommendation翻译gandirector是什么软件ization Administration; Please refer to “Materials Compilation of the 14th Lionslions翻译中文 Club Congress of Shenlion是什么意思中文翻译zhen” for detailed introductions of candidates.)

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