Environmental protection starts from me — Shenzhen Lions Club promotes the “Love the Earth deep Breath” environmental public welfare activity

Environmental protection starts from me— The Lions Club of Shenzhen promotes the env深圳市最新疫情ironmental public welfare activity ofshenzhen “Love the Earth and Breathe deeply”
“promote是什么意思英语Be proud of adv美女图片ocating conservation, be ashamed of wastinenvironmentalist翻译g resostarts怎么读音urces, and be a propagandist, advocate and深圳疫情最新动态 practitioner of resource consclub是什么意思ervation and environlovelymental protection. Actively caclubmedrry out beach ‘pick up litter’ action to protect the ocean; Actively carry out communitylion是什么意思中文翻译 waste battery rec深圳天气ycling services, publicity of environmeclubsntal protection, advocacy of public welfastartswithre, let us jointly protect the ecoprotection手表使用说明logical environment of the earth.” L深圳疫情最新动态in Tao, presidestartsnt of the Lions Club of Shenzhen, launchepromote是什么意思中文d a campaign to protect the environment on International Ocean Day.
On the morning of June 8, the theme of The Internatprotection手表使用说明ional Ocean Day, thlove直播手机版app下载e cenlovely什么意思tennial celebration of lions Club International and the launching ceremony of the “Deep Breath of Love for earth” environmental protection public welfare project of China Lions League warm Project were hellove is gone英文翻译d in Dameisha seaside Plaza深圳风险等级. This activity is organized by Lions Club of Shenzhen, jolions读音intly undertaken by 10 service teams, such as Yantian, Spark, Main Club, Gprotectionaoxin, Shangbu, Futian, Ha美籍外教在华杀害女学生获死刑ppinenvironmentaless, OCT, Longlove直播软件安卓下载cheng and Fuai, etc. Shenzhen lions yitian, before the sea and charity colle深圳疫情最新消息ction, leshan, shenyang, pine深圳天气 torches, bagua ling, xixiang, grace, blue sky, zlion是什么意思hongtian, Oriental roprotection可数吗se, beishan,深圳疫情最新消息 ganten, wally, huamilions翻译ng, peace, dclubepart,protection是什么意思 tiande, bijia mountain, flange, mileage, fuyong, ting, peng bo elites, nature, wutoloveng mountain, bo shang elite 28 and yantian district swimming assocprotection翻译iation, yantian district hong It is coenvironmentalism-oclubmanrganized by anwei Neighborhoolove最新版官方下载d Mutual Aid Association, armed Police Frontier Defense Force Six detachment four brigade and Yanti深圳天气an Distristarts英语怎么读ct Marine Ecological Service Center to advocate, carry out and publicize environmental protection service activities.
Xiong Ying, denvironmentalismeputy head of The Peopleclubmed‘s Official District of Yantian District, Zhu Ming, Political Commissar of the Fourth Brigade of the Sixth Detachment of the Borlions的音标der Defense Force of the People’s Armed Police,protections Lin Tao, president of the Lionenvironmentalisms Clstartswithub of Shenzhen for 2015-2016, Shi Jianyong, The first vice President, Yu Qian, the second vice presideprotectionnt, Zeng Shiyang, the secretary General, Tong Xin, and Tian Wangxing, chief of the picket, Deputy secretary genclubseral long-term flash, deputy secretary-general penkun, member menvironmental怎么读英语anagement committee chairmastarts英语怎么读n Liao Ronghuenvironmentally-friendlyi (east), the first partition, lina, take the first 12 area President zhang jian, 13 Luo Junping, chairman o眉毛一根长是什么预兆f the partition, partition 15 to any such as salary, chairman of the supervisors Chen Shijun, project executive chairman Feng Qijiang, Peng Daojian, li xiang, Chen Zong, shenzhen lions to undertake and cooperative service lion friends, More than 400 people, including members of the Yantian District Swimming Association, social caring personage and armed police border guards, participated iclub是什么意思n the activity. The ceremony was presided over by Cao Yan and Zhao Weixistartswith方法n.
President Lin Tao introduced that environmental protection is a great cause that benefits all mankind and is clo美元汇率sely related to each of us. Environmental protectionprotection手表使用说明 activities are also one of the four ser美元汇率vice directions of lions Centenary celebration. Lions worldwlions读音ide will carry out vpromotes是什么意思arious environmental protection activities around the world. In conjunction withlovely什么意思 this significant project, The Lions Club of Shenzhelion是什么意思n will actively carry out environmental protection services such as cleaning up beach rubbish and recycling used batteries. ‘Environmental protection is abou深圳市最新疫情tclubs reducing the pressure on the planet, benefiting futurstarts英语怎么读e generations anprotection是什么牌子的手表d taking responsibility for our own health,’ she said. Love the earth, is to love our home, but also love olove直播软件安卓下载ur family. She appealed, “love the earth deep深圳 breath”, createclubmed官网预订 a beautiful home, share a blue sky.
Xiong Ying, deputy head of Yantian District, on behalf of the people of Yantian District, tstartshanked the Shenzhenstarts怎么读 Lions Club for its environmentalions的音标l protelove最新版官方下载ction activities in Yantian District. She said the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party o美籍外教在华杀害女学生获死刑f China (CPC) proposed to build socialism wlove直播破解版ith domestic characteristics in a five-sphere approach, juxtioding ecological progress with economic, political, cultural and social progress. To pstarts怎么读ut the construction of ecological civiliprotection是什么牌子的手表zation in a prominent position shows its importance. She hopes that the “Deep Breath of Love for earth” project carried ostarts怎么读ut by Shenzhen Lions Cluprotection是什么牌子的手表b will be carried out steadily深圳 and become the strongest voice of environmental protection services in Yantian District.environmental怎么读英语 At the same time, she also hopes that molovealarmre people will care about the construction of Yantia眉毛有一根特别长是什么意思n District.
After the opening ceremony, the Lions Club of Shenzhen distribuclubmed官网预订ted environmental pr深圳地铁线路图otection bags to theenvironmental是什么意思 citizens to promote the concept of environmenlovealarmtal protection. More than 200 lion club members cleaned up the beach rubbish in different corners of Dameisha in groups. Some lion club members also swam to the island near Dameisha to clean up together with the swimming association members. Affected by the atmosphere of the scclubmed官网预订ene, the citizens also took the initiative to join the beach cleaning work, and said that they would pay attention to the lipromotesttle things aroumend them in the future, save resources, do a good job of garbage classification, and jointlylove直播破解版 practice environmental protectioprotection翻译n. The residents of Hung on Wai gave free lunch to the lions.
It is reported, on June 4, launched by shenzhen lions, lions club in shenzhen, guangdong lions, domestic lion federation, zstartshejiang, shenyang, dalian, Qingdao, Beijing, Harbin, shaanxiprotections, sichuan t美元汇率en regions such as the joint management committee深证指数 member at the lions club international anniversary in one hundred, lion union warmth in engineeclubmanring “love the earthpromotes breathe” project ha深圳风险等级s been started iclubmed官网预订n hangzhou. In the future lion Road, the national listarts怎么读音on friends will continue to carry out environmental protection services as a brand project.
In the coming week, the 10 service teams of Slions翻译henzhen Lions Club will reach a consensus with th深圳疫情e community they areshenzhen familiar with and complete the installation of waste battery recycling boxes by the end of Juneprotection手表. Later, lion fprotection是什么意思rclubmediends will make a good battery recycling plan, do a good job olovely什么意思f recycling work regularly, tlions英语怎么读o promotprotection手表使用说明e the concept of environmentapromotesl protection to the residents, will be recycleclubsd battery unified transfer to professional clions读音ompanies, to ensure thatprotection the battery does not pollute the soil, does notstartstop是什么开关 pollut美图秀秀e water resources.
【 Text 】 Su Zhuangbin美籍外教在华杀害女学生获死刑
[Photo] Lin Zeyunlove直播软件安卓下载 Chen Weiming
[Edit] Ma Huijuan
[Issued] Shenzhen Lions Club Office

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