Ten years journey full of glory — the 10th anniversary conference of the founding of the Domestic Lions Association and the 10th National Member Congress and other series of meetings were held smoothly

Ten years of journey full of glory
The 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Domestic Lions Association and the 10th National Member congress and other series of meet滕王阁序ings he腾飞我的航空时代ld smoothly
&nglory怎么读bsp; From June 12 to腾飞我的航空时代 13, 2015, the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Domestic Lions Association ayears是什么意思nd the 10th National Member Congress andjourney游戏 a series offullest sidyears音标e meetings were held in Beijing Jingxi Hotel.
By domestic lion federation representative in shenzhen, gu council advisors, vice President of the federation of shenzhen Huang Chunbin, domestic lion腾讯会议 federation vice-yearsago中文翻译chairman, she腾讯nbanjourney和trip区别zhen lion of Su Zeran, domestic lion lion lion fund, chairman of shenzhefuller的中文人名n in the cib of Zhang Guojufullern, chief financial officer, shenzhen federation of domestic lion lion of XiaoXingPjourneying, 96 representatives ofjourney的复数 Shenzhen Lions club members, including former presidenfull是什么意思啊英语ts of Shenzhen Lions Club xie Jianwen, Zheng Degang, Sha Haiyu, Dai Tongxin腾讯会议, 2014-2015 President of Shenzhen Lions Club Lin Ziyu,founding翻译 second vice President Shi Jianyong, Secretargloryfeely General Zeng Shiyang, Chief Financial Officer Yu Qian, attended the meeting in Beijing.
10th Anniversary Assembly
&nbsglory怎么读p; On the morning of June 12, 2015, the 10th anniversary of thfullye founding of the Domestic Lions Association was held. Zhang Haidi, president of China Disabfounding是什么意思led Persons’ Federation; Lu Yong, vice President, Party Secretary and P桃花源记翻译resident of China Disabled Persons’full是什么意思 Federation; Zhan Chengfu, member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Direct腾讯nbaor of the Civil Organization Administration Bureau; Wang Naikun, President of China Lions Associfull是什么意思啊英语ation; Tang Xiaoquan, President of China Lions Association; You Hong, president-elect of China Lions Association; And more thayearsago翻译n 1000 member representatives from shenzhen, Guangdongglory怎么读, Dalian, Qingdao, Beijing, Zhejiang, Shenyang, Shaanxi, Harbin, Sichuan, Hainan, Yunnan and other 12 regions participated in this grand meeting. Mr. Berry & Bull, 2014-2015 President of Lions Foanniversary是什么意思英语undafull翻译tion international; Mr. Tan Ronglory翻译ggen, former president of Lions Club International and Parma, was invited to attend the cerfounding和foundation区别emony. The conferenjourney的复数ce was chaired by You Hong.
&nbsfounding翻译p; In her spconference翻译eech, Chaifull的反义词rwoman Zhanjourneyg Haidi pointed out that the Domestic Lion Association has been established with the support of ldquo; Is helping others. For the purpose, it actively cayears音标rries out various activities of poverty alleviation, disaster relief and relief, advocating, cultivafullerting and inspiring the spirit of love in the whole society, which has gained more and more people’s understanding, support ayearsirnd participation. The projecconference怎么读ts focusing on helping the disabled are fuyears英语怎么读ll of inspiration and vitalityfounding. Continue to follow in the future. Independent estayearsago翻译blishment,桃花源记翻译 independent operationjourney游戏, adhere to the purpose, act according to law ” To play a more active role in promoting humanitarfull翻译ian thinking, stimulating social vitality and promoting the development of public welfare and chariyearsbtcty und腾讯视频下载ertakings. We should adapt tyears英语怎么读o the trend of The Times, actively study theglory游戏 problems faced by social organizations under the new situation, and continue to explore and innovate in improving institutions and mechjourney翻译anisms, improving theijourney翻译r function positioning, opening and transparent platforms, and expanding service arconferences翻译eayearslaters, sanniversary缩写o as to create a better future.
President Wang Naikun delivered a review report on the 10th anniversary offuller the National Lions Association. According to the report, by the end of May 2015, CSL had more than 30,000 members and 800 service teams. The course of tenconference和meeting区别 years embodiesgloryfit every lion friend’s will and spirit of dedicated service and selfless dedication. In the future deconference读音velopment, the domestic lion association will seriously implement the cent腾讯客服ral government. Fouthinr comprehensives &thoughrdquo; We will unswervingly follow the development path of lions Club with domestic characteristicsglory是什么意思啊, constantly improve the governance structure and management operation mode, continue t通货膨胀下什么最保值o unite and lead all members to devote themselves to charity service, and stfuller是什么意思rive to realize the dream of China. And to do a good job in four aspects of the work, one is to establish and improve the organizational governance system; Second, to comprehensively improve social se腾飞我的航空时代rvices and ability; Thirdly, we should inherit oconferences翻译rganizational cultconference和meeting区别ure vigorously. Fourth, to further stimulate the creative vitality of memb腾讯地图ers.
In his speech, Direyears英语怎么读ctor Zhan chengfu fully affirmed the acjourneyhievements made by the Lionanniversary是什么意思英语s Club in the past ten years and hoped thgloryat the lions Club would become a big family that everyone could join with confidence.
In his speech, President Parma expressed his recoglory怎么读gnition and praise for the rapid growth of the membership and the achievanniversary翻译ements of the Chinfull的反义词ese Lion Association in the field of emergency response and disaster relief at home and abroad, and wi退婚后大佬她又美又飒shed the Chinese Lion Association a happy 10th birthdaanniversary是什么意思英语翻译y.
As the representative of lions club, Gao Zhou lion brother of Shenzhen lions club spoke on stage. He shared the harvest and happiness of lions club and wished the Chinese lianniversary是什么意思英语ons club happy birthday on behalf of all lions club members.
&nfullbsp;  journey翻译; The 10th anniversarconference和meeting区别y ceremony also commended collecgloryholestives and indivigloryfeelduals who have made outstanding achievements in organizational cconference中文翻译onstruction and social services in the past decade. A total of 265 myears是什么意思embers of Lions Club shenzhen received the ten-year Membership award, among which 13 representatives, including Wang Jyears翻译inliang, Zhang Weixian, Sun Yun, Sha Haiyu, Dai Tongxin,桃花源记 Li Wenqiu, Chen Shaohua, Chen Qingfeng, Bi Yongtao, He Xinru, Cao Yan, Lin Dan and Chen Junming, received the award ojourney歌曲n stage.journey风之旅人 A total of 19 members won the 100 Best Members award, among which yu Qian, Zhang Zhijourney和trip区别he, Peng Kun, Zh桃花源记eng Anping and other 4 repreglory是什么意思啊sentatives received the award on stage. A total of 62 memberfoundings won the Team Leader award, including Liao Ronghui, Zhang Yunyuan, Li Yuehua and other 3 representatives on stage to accept the award; A to同花顺tal of 22 members won the member of the major contribution award, including Wu Xiaoming, Shi Jianyang, Xiao Xingping, Zhou Ting, Tian Xingwang, Gao Zhou, Wu Zewei and other 7 representatives on stage to accept the award;full是什么意思啊英语 A total of 16 members won the ten-year Outstanding Leadership Award, among which 6 representatives including Su Zeran, Zha褪黑素ng Guojun, Zheng Degang, Lin Ziyu, Zu Yuqin and Huang Chunbin received the award on stage. Zhang Xiaowei and Ma Huijuan won the Outstanding Work Awardglory和honor区别; A total of 7 s腾讯会议app下载ervice teams, including Zhuhui退婚后大佬她又美又飒, Hongli, Central District, Chuanyuan, Boai, Silver Lake and Binhe, won the award of top 30 service Teams. Shenzhen Excellence R童话故事eal Estate Group Co., LTD., Xinxing Group co., LTD., Shenzhen Ruilin Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., and Hong Kong Huadoanniversary什么意思ng Group were awarded the Joint Puyears音标blic Welanniversary周年纪念fare Award respectively.
The tenth National Congress of Members
&nbsanniversary周年纪念p; On the afternoon of June 12, the 10th National Mem退婚后大佬她又美又飒ber Congress of the Natioyears英语怎么读nal Lions Association was successfully held. Domestic lion association president Wang Naikun, founding president Tang Xiaoquan, president-elect You Hong, executive viceglory怎么读 President Zhao Dong, vicfull是什么意思e Presidentglory怎么读 Lei Jianwei, Su Zeran, lion fund chairman Zhang Guojun, secretary General Chen Ya ‘an, Chief financial officer Xiao Xingping, supervisor Huang Changwei, advisory committee vice chjourney怎么读airman Liu Guopu anconference什么意思d other associationyears是什么意思 leaders seated at the podium. More than 1000 member representatives from 14 member management organizations attended the conference.
退婚后大佬她又美又飒 &nbfull怎么读sp; The delegyears怎么读ates listened to the 2journey怎么读014-2015 annual work report,腾讯地图 financial work report, work report of the Board of Supegloryfitrvisors, work rules of the National Lions Association (Ryears是什么意思evised) and Election System of the National Lions Association (trial). Subsequently, representatives from all over the country approved a seriesjourney是什么意思中文翻译 of documents sufuller是什么意思ch as “work Report”, “Financial work Report”, “Work repojourney是什么意思中文翻译rt of the Board of Supervisors”, “work rules of the National Lions association (revised)” and “Election systeglory怎么读m of the Nationglory和honor区别al Lions Association (trial)” by a show of hands.
&桃花源记nbsp; The assembly by secret ballot election production of a new domestic lions asfounding和foundation区别sociation directors, supervisors. You Hong Shijie was elected presglory是什么意思啊ident of thefuller National Lions Association, and su Zeran, former president of The Shenzhen Lions Club, and Lei Jianwei, Xu Wushun and Liu Lianteng were elected vice presidents. Zhang Guojun, former president of Shenzhen Lions Club, was elected as executive directfullyor and chairman of China Lions Fuglory游戏nfull是什么意思啊英语d, and Xiao Xingping was electglory的形容词ed as chief financiafull是什么意思l officglory是什么意思啊er. Lin Ziyu, Lin Tao, Shi Jianyong andconference什么意思 Zeng Shiyang of Sfounding是什么意思henzhen Lions Club were elected a同花顺s directors of the new board oyearsago中文翻译f directors, and Sun Yun was elected as supervisor of the new board o滕王阁序f Supervisors.
 yearsago中文翻译;腾讯地图 The first meeting of the 2015-2016 Council, the first meeting of tconference和meeting区别he Standing Council and the firsconference怎么读t meeting of the Board of Supervisors were held in the form of group discussion, and the representatives at the meeting expounded their opinconferences翻译ions respectively, providing valgloryfeeluable opinions for the development of the National Lion Association.years是什么意思
Held on the evening of the 13th. Ten generations throughout the &; The award banquet was grand and splendid. Shenzglory游戏hen member representative phalanx was the first to enteryears翻译 the venue. The party ho腾飞我的航空时代nored the member management organizations, service teams and outstanding lion friends who made outstanding cjourney是什么意思ontributions to the development of lions Club in China during 2014-2015.though Passing on love ” A series of community themed servicfull怎么读e month activities and Youth Station won the Award of Excellent service projeconference中文翻译ct; Huang Chunbin, Zheng Degang andjourney游戏 Dai Tonanniversary可以表达生日吗gxin won the special Contribution Award respefullerctively. Seven service teams, including Zhgloryfit智能手表uhui, Chuanyu腾讯地图an, Hualin, Longcheng, Datong, Tai ‘an and Xin ‘an, won the Outstanding Service Team Award. Zhang Hongxiang, penkun, an-ping zheng, Chen lu, Zhang Zhihe, Liao Ronghui, Chen Shuhuan, Li Aijfuller是什么意思un, revenge bin, Cao Yan, GanDingZhong, Zhang Yunyuan, Deng Yi, ray hd, Li Feng, Liao Yingwujourney歌曲, Xu Fei, Wang Shoujun, hui-ling zheng, zhi-qiang lu, Lu Jin, xiao-weiyears英语怎么读 sun, Liu Lebin, John devlianniversary怎么读n, Deng Qiu companijourney下载on, Ken ng, KuangHong, Gao Yuyun, Zhang Huiqing, Tajourney翻译ng Quanhui, Wconferencesu Wenlin, Zhyearsireng Hehua, Zhong Fuxin, Jin Qiaconferencen, Zou Xudong, Liao Hfoundinguiwen, Hu Xin, Tang Wenping and other 3ten8 members won the Ouconference是什么意思英语tstanding member award.
&滕王阁序nbsp; Dianniversary缩写nner scene, around the lion friends brought wonderful programs, songs after so桃花源记ngs profound meaning, a section of the moving story fuglory游戏ll of warmth, a movingfully pictthinure, tellingfounding the decade of the lion road wind and rain, ten years of lion road forward, ten years of lion rogloryfit智能手表ad glory.
Edge will
During the tenth congress, the National Lionjourney风之旅人 Association also held the award ceremony of China Lion Fund and Service Project Committee, & LDquo; Shimei ” Lecturer’s evening social evening, & LDquo; Let history tell the future. Lion Vision Forum & Essay Award Ceremony of strategic Development and Research Commission, 2014-2015 Annual Peace Poster & 10th Anniversajourney风之旅人ry Micro Film and Commemorative Song Award C童话故事eremony, & LDquo; 2015 China Lion Friendship Golf Tournament & R腾讯会议app下载D腾讯nbaQUO; , & other Winnings pay ” Cup Lion Football Tournament and a series of side activities. Shenzhen Lions Club actively organized and participated in alyears怎么读l the activities, and achieved remarjourney和trip区别kable results in thefull怎么读se activities.
In thfounding是什么意思e award ceremony of China Lion Fconference中文翻译oundation, Shenzhen Lions Club won the Mervyn Excellent District Club Award and China Lion Foundation Excellenconferences翻译t Unit Award. President Parma presenteanniversaryd the Mervyn Excelle腾飞我的航空时代nt Distryearsict Club Award to President Lin Ziyu. Shenzhen Lions Cconference怎么读lub marching team won 100% Maowen Chung Club award; Thirteen service tfounding和foundation区别eams, including Shangbu Service Team, won the Mervyn Zhjourney是什么意思中文翻译ongshi Outstanding Service Team Award. Wang Yong and Wang Jinliang fromconference Shenzjourney风之旅人hen won the MAyears英语怎么读O Wen Distinguished Contribution Award, Gao Xiaolong won the Major Contribution Award of China Lion Foundation, cao Yan桃花源记翻译 won the Golden Hammer Awtenard of China Lion Foundation charity auction; Zhang Guojun, Lin Ziyu, Su Zeran, Chen Shuhuan and Tian Xingwangfull的反义词 received the Outstanding Co褪黑素ntribution Award of China Lion Foundation respectively.journey是什么意思中文翻译
At tglory怎么读he lecturers’ night, Ma Min, the leader of lions Club shenzhen, explained the team building courseware research and devfull翻译elopment,though internal腾讯地图 afullndanniversary可以表达生日吗 external training and inter-regional assistance pla通货膨胀下什么最保值n, etc. Shenzhen Lions Club completed 58 training activities throughout the yearanniversary缩写, making a positive contanniversary怎么读ribution to the growth ratglory怎么读e of lions Cluyearsb membership reaching 45%. At the syearslaterame time, t腾讯会议he repthinresentative offices in Yunnananniversarycelebration什么意思 and Hainanglory翻译 were established and 11 lecturers were quickly trained for them. All these fully show the achievements of shenzhen Teachers Group.
journey歌曲 In & other; Peacegloryfit智能手表, Love and understanding; At thyears是什么意思e peace poster award ceremony, huang Yinhao from Shenzanniversary什么意思hen won the firanniversary翻译st prize of the Peacanniversary是什么意思英语e Poster Contest and the Prize of Global Excellent Wojourney翻译rk, and Dai Zhenxiang won the peace poster Contest & LDquo; The secondconference怎么读 prize & throughout; .
&conference读音nbsp; &gloryfit智能手表nbsp; &njourney翻译bsp; In the friendship Tconference是什么意思英语ournament, the fellowship club of Shenzhen lions including six golf clubs gathered in Beijing from all over the cou褪黑素ntry to participate in the two days of the tournament, in line with the principle of friendsfull是什么意思啊英语hip first, competition second, exchange skills, show style.
&nbsconferences翻译p; Ten years ofounding和foundation区别f journey, full of glory. Solemn, democratic and wonderful activities such as the 10th anniversary of the establisanniversary是什么意思英语翻译hment of the Domestic Lion Association and the 10th National Member Congress came to an end in the good wishes of the national lion friendanniversarys, which means that the Domestic Lion Association will step by step to a new level. Guided by the spirit of the tenth generation lions Club, S退婚后大佬她又美又飒henzhen Lions Club will continue to release new vitality, realize new leap in inyearsago翻译novation, make steconference什么意思ady and long-term contribution to the development of lion cause, and wish the lion movement will be better and better every year!
By Cheng Zhaohua & NBSP; Photo/Lin Wenjie

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