Management Measures for Lion Enterprise Yellow Pages Platform of Lions Club of Shenzhen 2015-2016 (Trial)

Management Measures for Lion Enterprise Yellow Pages Platform of Lions Club of Shenzhenclubman是什么牌子车 2015-2016 (Trial)
Chapter I Generalyellow是什么意思 Provisions
&nbclub翻译spclub怎么读; Article 1 with a In order to create alions英语怎么读 goolions英语怎么读d developmenlions是什么意思t enviplatform是什么文件夹ronment for Lion Enterprise Yellow Pages platform, integrate the resources of the platform, strive to provide comprehensive and high-qualplatform是什么文件夹ity serenterprise和company的区别vices for the development of Lion Enterprise, and safpages怎么读eguard the legitimate rightsenterprise和company的区别 and inteclubman是什么牌子车rests of memmeasure是什么意思bers, the adminenterprise是什么意思英语istrative mplatformeasulion是什么意思中文翻译res are heclub翻译rebyplatformapi formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Article 2: The goal of Shiqi Yeyellow翻译llow Pages platform: tmeasures翻译o build a platform for sharing resources and common development, improve the service qlions怎么读uality and level of the platform, and promote the development of shiqi brand.
Chapter II Registrameasure是什么意思tion Procedures
Article 3 the Any enterprlionsgateise that is a membyellow吉他谱er of Lions Clubenterprise是什么意思英语 of Shenzhen and voluntarily abide by the regulatimeasures翻译ons of this platform can apply for registration on this platclubman是什么牌子车form.
 pages文稿怎么使用; Article 4. The registration procedure
 club翻译; &nbsyellowishp; (1) When applying for registration on this platform, member enterprises shall fill in the enterprise name, industrial and commercial registration number, industry to which they belong, enterprise website, contact number, address and enterprise introductiopages lowi ron;
&nbsmanagement中文p; (II) To examine and amanagement游戏pprove the registration of lion enterprplatform怎么记忆ises:
1. Check the industrial and commercial repagesizegistration number and other corporate informlions的音标ation on the Industrial and commyellow的音标ercial information placlubman是什么牌子车tform (verification website:httplions读音://;
2. Venterprise形容词erify the logo, picturesmeasure什么意思中文 andclubmed官网预订 other ilionnformapages文稿怎么使用tion omeasures翻译f lion Enterenterprise形容词prise;
&nlionkkbsplatform编译半天p; 3. The industrial and comlionsmercial ilionsnformation platform verifies that the enterprise informationplatform中文是什么意思 and the industrial and commercial registmanagementration number are paenterprise的中文意思ssed, and the registration is successful;
4. For the approved lion enterprises, ipages怎么读f they do not meetlion的音标 the registration conditions olionr are found to have violations, the background can delete the information ofmanagement中文 the lion enterprises.
&nblion复数sp; Article 5. Remanagement专业gistration shall not be approved under any of thlion的音标e following cimanagement什么意思rcumstances:
(I) non-shenzhen Lionmanagement中文s club membersmanagement怎么读音 arclubman是什么牌子车e legalplatform是什么文件夹 representatives, or shareholders registered in industry and commerce do not have Shenzhen Lions mlionkkembers;
&nbslion的音标p; (2) there is fplatform的中文raud in the declaration process;
 management是什么意思中文翻译; (3) the enterprise conducts illegal busenterprise是什么意思英语iness operations;
 measure是什么意思英语; &platformapinlions翻译中文bsp; (ienterprise翻译v) Seriously violyellowating the management measures of the Platform and damaging the reputation of the Platform;
&nenterprise是什么版本bsp; (5) Other circumstances prohilionelbited by state laws aplatform编译半天nd regulations.
Article 6. Riplatform怎么读英语ghts of members:
yellow的音标 (I) The right to put forward suenterprise翻译ggestions for the management of the Platform;
&enterprisenbsp; (ii) The right to supervise lion entelions的音标rprises registered on the Platform;
&nbsenterprise是什么版本p; Article 7. Obligations of myellowstoneembers:
(a) & have spent Abidyellow歌词e by state laws, regulations and relevant policlubmedcies;
&nmanagementbsp; (2) & have spent Apages文稿bide by the rules and regulatioenterprise是什么意思ns of Shenzhen Lions Club;
&nblions怎么读sp; &nbsyellow是什么意思p; (3) & have spent Comply with the relevant management regulations of the platform;
(4) & have spent Ensure the authenticity of the materials provided to thplatformse platform;
&nbmanagementspmanagement中文; (5) & have spent Timely report the situation to the platform and maintain the reputation of the platform.
Chapter Ienterprise支架II Plmeasure是什么意思英语atform Managplatformement
&management中文nbsp; Articlemeasures翻译 8. In order to strengthen the management of this platform, Lions Club shenzhen has establishclubmededpages lowi ro the leading grmeasure是什么意思英语oup and executive Committee of Lions Yellow Pages Platform Management for 2015-2016. The membmanagement翻译ers are as follows:platform中文是什么意思
&enterprise是什么版本nbspplatform是什么文件夹; pages是什么格式 Workmanagement怎么读 leadership gpagesroup
&platformapinbsp; Group & have spent Long: Lin Tao
&platform编译半天nbsp;management什么意思  enterprise翻译; &nbsclubman是什么牌子车p; Deputy group leaders: Lin Ziyu, Shi Jianyonpages文稿是干什么用的g, Yu Qian
&clubmednbsp; &platform怎么记忆nbsp; As & have spent Members: Zeng Shiyang, BI Yongtao, Tong Xin, Tian Xingwang, Lin Yanju
Executive committee
Lord & have spent Xi: Liu Quanshi
&nenterprise可数吗bsp;  yellowstone; As & have speyellow吉他谱nt Staff: Li Feng, Zhang Huenterprise是什么意思英语iqingplatform怎么记忆, Jing Xinhui, Zhang Wenya, Ma Huijuan
 lion是什么意思; Article 9. If you log in to the platform in any way, you are deemed to accept the constraints of the platform voluntarillions读音y.
The firstArticle 10. The commercial behaviors of lion enterprises registered on tmanagement什么意思his platform must follow commercial rules and bear legal responsibilities voluntarily and indemanagement是什么意思英语pendentyellow翻译ly.
&nblions翻译sp; The firstArticenterprise的中文意思le 11. The Platform shall not be liayellow是什么意思ble for any damages or consequencepages文稿senterprise是什么版本 caused by any entity or individual using the information of the Platform or engaging in industrial and commercial behaviors based on it, and shall nplatformapiot assume any legal liabilimeasures怎么读ty.
&management怎么读nbsp; &nplatform的中文bsp;clubman是什么牌子车 If there is any disputplatform的中文e or dispute, you can report or complain to the relevant denterpriseepartment and deal with it according to the relevant provisions of laws and regulations.
Chapter IV Punishment of Disenterprise是什么版本ciplinary Violations
management翻译 Article 12. Circumstances of disciplinarymanagement游戏 violations:
(1) sermanagement翻译iouslyyellow吉他谱 violatilion是什么意思中文翻译ng the articles of association and management system of Shenzhen Lions Club;
&npages文件转换成wordbsp; (2) having violated stalionsgatete laws and regyellowishulations and receipages文件转换成wordved criminapages怎么读l punishment or corresponding punishment;
 enterprise的中文意思; (3)lions的音标 having its business license revoked by the local administmanagement怎么读音rclub用英语怎么说ative departmclubmed官网预订ent flions是什么意思or industry and commerce;
(4) those that damage the image of the industry and cause bad inlions怎么读fluence;
(5) the lion Enterprise Committee considers that the lion enterprise has committed other improper acts, with serious circumstances.
&nbenterprise形容词sp; Article 13. Measures for hmanagement什么意思andling disciplinary violations
&pages文稿是干什么用的nbsp; &pagesizenbsp; (I) Delion是什么意思lete the information of lmanagement专业ion enterprises on this platform ifclub是什么酒 tmeasure什么意思中文he lion enteyellow吉他谱rprises have illegal behaviors;
(2) Members who violate discipline shall be dealt with according tlions翻译中文o the articles of Association of Shenzhen Lions Club or relevant rulepages怎么读s and regulations;
(Imanagement游戏II) If members or lion enterprises have illegal behaviors, the platform will report to rlionelelevant departments through Shenzhen Lions Club, and relevant national deparlion是什么意思中文翻译tmeenterprise是什么意思nts will deal with them according to relevant laws and regulationspages是什么格式.
The fifth chapter Supplementary provisions
The firstArticle 14. Shenzhen Lions Club is responsible for the interpretation of these rulesenterprise的中文意思.
Article 15. The rules shall come imeasure什么意思中文nto force upon theenterprise是什么意思 approval of the first bpages lowi rooard omanagement游戏f Directors of Shenzhen Lions Club 2015-2016 on September 19, 2015 and shall be valid until June 30, 2016.

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