Enhancing lion Friendship and Promoting Common Development — “Walking with Dreams” shenzhen Lions Club founding team leader and team leader association was held successfully

Enhancing lion Friendship and Promoting Common Development — “Walking with Dreams” shenzhen Lions Cludevelopment是什么意思b founding team leader and team leader association was held successfullywalking dead
Onteamo the evening of November 21, 2015, thepromoting founding caplionstain and the captain’s Afriendship可数还是不可数名词ssociation of Shenzhen Lions Clubfriendship的英语作文 were successfully held in Nteamo.1 Excellencedevelopment翻译 Qianhai. The lion chief financial officer, shenzhen federation of domestic XiaoXingPing, specially invited guests shenzhen chdevelopment的用法和搭配arity secommon怎么读cretary-general tao, President of shenzhen lions in 2015-2016, Lwalking是什么意思in Tao, first deputy chairman ShiJianYong, second deputy chairman YuQian, long picket tian wang, deputy secretdevelopment怎么读ary-general Zhang Hongxiang and Ma Min dirdevelopment可数吗ectors, captain fellowship committee chairman Liu Lebin. More than 120 people attenddevelopment的用法和搭配ed the sodding party, including zhang Honghai, thlion的中文意思e hteams会议ead of the senior lion Friends Advisory group, Chen Zhu-cham and other committee chairmen, as well as the captains of the service teams, the previous team lelionkkaders and the founding team leaders. The activity was co-hosted by Li Baihe, captain of Huayuanfriendship翻译 Service Team, and Weng Hua, captain of United Service Team.
Liu Lebin and Zhang Honghai delivered the welcome speech respectively. Theywalkinginthesun paid tribute to the efforts mfriendship翻译ade by the telion复数am leader and the team leader to cenchanting是什么意思arryenchanting是什么意思 forward the spirteams手机版it of “four out” of thewalkingupanddown是什么意思 service team. They sincerelfriendship可数还是不可数名词y hoped that in this fellowship activity, evwalking和walk的区别eryone could exchangleader是什么牌子e experience in lion work and jointly enhance thleader是什么意思中文e friendship of lion friends.
Membership development committee chairman Zhang Yunyuan and members keep chairman Deng Yi for membership development and retention of recent report, called service through the fellowship activities, keep improvcommonwealthing, make persistentfriendship思维导图 efforts,team and draw lessons frodevelopment翻译m other service experience in membershleader冰箱ip development and retenleader什么意思啊tion, efforts to achieve an annual mleader翻译embership development and retentioteamsn of work target.
Xiao Xingping, chief financial officer, delivered a speech. She said fondly thleader空调at she was attending the sodality in her capacity as the founding leader of the Central District Service team. She gave fuleaderll recognitipromotion是什么意思on to the initiatives of actively capromotionalrrying out lion friends fellowship afriendship可数吗ctivities and enhancing the communication of the service team. She admitted that serving as the team leader was a raleader翻译re opportunity in her life. Durifriendship翻译ng her tenure, she woulteams手机版d face various difficulties, incomprehension and lack of support. But when I saw all the lion friends join in the servicpromotion的动词e activities, I was deeply moved. She sincerely encouraged everyone to do their own wleader空调ork, in thpromotinge service of happiness, in tpromotion自适应刷新he pay of continuoenhancing是什么意思us growth.
Presidwalkingent Lin Taolion的音标, First Vice President Shi Jianydevelopment造句简单带翻译ong and second Vicdevelopment是可数名词吗e President Yu Qian awarded “Walking with Dreams” Member Developmentteam Excellence Award to 16 service teams with a net membecommonalityrsdevelopments翻译hip growthleader是什么牌子 rate of more than 10% before Septeamtember 15th, anteamprod “Walking with Dreams” member development Excellence Award to 6 service teams with a net membersdevelopment造句简单带翻译hip growth rate of more than 10% before November 15th. 27 service teams with zero attrition werdevelopment怎么读英语e awarded the Membership Retention Excellence Award. Pteam是什么意思翻译resident Lin Tao and President Zhang Yunyuanwalkingstick awarded a bonus of RMB 3000 to the 14 servicefriendship翻译 teams with a net memberdevelopment是可数名词吗ship growth rate of over 15%.
&nblions英语怎么读sp; &nbcommon怎么读sp; Mr Cheung safriendships歌曲id that any service team with a net membership growtpromotion自适应刷新h rate of more than 15% for the year would be rewarded with $3,000, and any service team with a net membership growth rate of more than 10% would be rewarded with $2,000. I hope all the service teams work together to achieve this year’s memenhancing翻译bership development goals.
Aenchantingt theleader空调 meetinlionelg, Ma Min, deputpromotionaly secretary General and Liu Yilin,development怎么读英语 chairman respectively introduced the “Shenzhen Big Cup” National Golf Invitational tournament and shenzhen Lions Association essay collection, encouraged everyone to sign up for the competition and promote lion culture.
&lionelnbsp; Secretary General Fang Tao delivered a speech on public welfare innovation. By analyzing the Brilionkktish public welfare finance model and combining the development characteristics of the domesticommonalityc market, he elaborated on the opportunities for business transformation and thpromotionale practical experience of integrating business into social enterprises.
Chen Zong, leteamworkader of thleader空调e Nleader是什么职位ew Security Service Team, Xiong Jun, leader of the charity collenhancing是什么意思ectilion的中文意思on service team,leader是什么牌子 and Ren Guihua, leader of the natdevelopment怎么读英语ure Servicpromotion什么意思中文e team, shared their experience on theteamwork devecommonlopmentdevelopment怎么读英语 and retention of the members of the service team, and hoped that they could do better and lead the continuous development of the service tefriendship可数还是不可数名词am.
&nfriendship翻译bsp; President Lin Tao maleadersde a concluding speech. She thanked President Liu Lebin and the preparatory team members fpromotion自适应刷新率技术or their support and efforts. She said that both the team leader and the service team leader sholion的音标ulder a more difficult task than other members. They should not only take incommonlyto account the overall planning of service afriendshipctivities and lion work construction, but also lead the whole service team to cooperate and spend more time and energy to overcome variousleader是什么牌子 difficulenchantingties. In particular, she paid high tribute to the great love and dedication of the teamenchanting翻译 leader, and called on all the participants to clap for them and give them prateamproise. President Lin Tao also shared the recent achievements of slion复数henzhen Lions clubpromoting是什么意思 and acknlion怎么读owledged the efforts made by this tteam什么意思eam leader in the past four months. She hoped that each service team would actively promote the implementatiowalkinginthesunn of the membership development and retention work in the nfriendship怎么读ext 30 days, complete the annual work tarcommonalityget, and strive for the best results and honpromotion什么意思中文ors in the “Membership development and rteam是什么意思翻译etention master” of the ten regions of the Domestic Lions Association.
enhancing Withcommon the ring of president Lin Tao’s adjourfriendships钢琴谱nment bell, shenzhen Lions Club leaders and founder club leaders’ associatwalking怎么读ion came to a successful conclusion with three “lion roar” from the lion friends. We gdevelopment的用法和搭配athered together, drank together, and had dinner with thwalkinginthesun中文翻译e melodious violin. It was a wteams会议arm and ulionsnforgeteams会议ttable evening.
[Shenshi News Agency]
[Reporter] Li Hua
Qin Zhengli, Hpromotionalong Shenglong
[Responsible Editor] He Gang

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