Notice on organizing the 14-15 District Council, Committee, Service Team President, Secretary and Finance seminar of Lions Club of Shenzhen

Notice on organizing a seminar for district Board members, committee members, service team presidents, secreteam是什么意思翻译taries and fnotice翻译inance of Lions Club of Shenzhen 2014-2015…
Dear Distrcommittee怎么读ict Council members, Comorganizing翻译mittee members,servicebio Service Tteamproeam Presidents, Secretaries and Treasuteamrers,
&committee中文意思nbsp; This is to hold the Lions Club Shenzhen 2014-2015… District Council member, Committee member,noticeable service Team President, Secretary and Finorganizing翻译ance Seminar on June 13-15, 2014 at Ka Wah Hotel dongguan. The specific arranotice作文ngements are as follows:
A, & have spent Training Schedule
Friday, June 13 & NBSP; Board members will assemble (drive or take unified bus), check in upon arrival and attend the board meeting (committee和commission区别19:30-21:30).
&ncommittee和commissionbsp; Saturday, June 14 & NBSP; Meeting at 07:00 (Committee chairman, Service Team President, Secretary and Treasurer meet in front of The Good Wcouncilsorld Restaurant of Sweet Lakcouncil词根e Resort)
team是什么意思翻译 &ndistrict翻译bsp; &ncommittee和commissionbsp; &nbteam什么意思sp; &nservicebiobsp; Leaving at 07:30.
&nservice是什么意思中文翻译bsp; serviceman &councilmannbsp; 08:40-district的中文意思10:00 Check icounciln, pay, leave luggage
organizing翻译 &nbsnotice用法p; 10:00-12:00 All Outreach Activiorganizing怎么读ties
&nbcommittee和councilsp; &nbcommittee是什么意思sp; &nbdistrict的中文意思sp; district  district和region区别; &ndistrict缩写是什么bsp; 12:00-13:00 district词根 lunch
 teambition; committee怎么读 &nbscouncilp;  councilor; &service的名词nbsp; 13:00-14:00 Get room card aservice怎么读nd check in
teamviewer district和region区别  committee中文意思; 14:00-16:10&nbsservice是什么意思中文翻译p; training
notice是什么意思 &nbcouncil读音sp; &teams会议nbsp; 16:10-16:40 The big pictuteambitionre
 service的名词; &nbcouncil翻译sp; &nnotice用法bsp; &nbcouncil读音sp; &ndistrictingbsp; 16:40-17:40 ¬ice的形容词nbsp; training
&nbcouncilorsp; 20:00-22:00 Fellowship dinncommittee翻译er
councilman committee和commission June 15 (Sun) 07:30-08:00& NBSP; Call up.
&nbscouncilp; team &districtingnbsp; &nbscouncil翻译p; &nbsorganizing翻译p; &nbnotice的形容词sp; 08:00-08:40 breakfast
&service是什么意思nbsp; &nbdistrict的中文意思sp;  service的名词; &nnotice的固定搭配bcommittee和commissionsp; &nbsdistrict什么意思p; &ncommittee是单数还是复数bsp; 08:40-12:00 training
 council怎么读; 12:00-13:40 &nbcouncilmansp; Lunch (check out before 13:00, check luggage)
 teams会议; council怎么读 &committee翻译nbsp; &nbteamviewersp; &nbdistrict的中文意思sp; &nbdistrict造句sp; 13:40-16:20 trainingteamwork
service是什么故障灯  committee是什么意思; &ncouncilmanbsp; service怎么读 ¬ice同义词nbsp; &teampronbsp; &nteamviewerbsp; &ncommittee翻译bsp; &nbnoticeablesp; 16teamviewer:20-17:00 &service和serve的区别nbsp; Sharing presentationscommittee和council, summing-up speeches, graduaservicemantion ccouncilman小体eremonies
 serviceman; &nbdistrictsp; &nbcouncilsp; 17:00-18:00 End, return
Seconddistrict是什么意思英语, place,
&council读音nbsp; Guangdong Ka Wah Hotel & NBSP; (Addnotice作文ress: No.1 Furniture Avenudistrict是什么意思英语e, Houjie, Dongguateamsn, Tel: 0769-85928888, please see the attanotice的固定搭配chment for theorganizing翻译 dridistrict是什么意思英语ving route)
Iii. Participants
2014-2015… District Board member, Committee Chairman and Executive Chteams会议airman, service team presidents, first, second aorganizing翻译nd third Vice presidents, Secretary and treasurer of Lions Club shenzhen
Iv. Related expenses
 serviceable; Board membersservice怎么读: 760 YUAN/person (including 2 breakfast, 4 meals, 2 nights standard room accommodation, enotice过去式tc., which willteam be paid from board activities, training fees and site fees will be borne by the district association).
Committee memorganizing怎么读bers, service team president, secretary and finance: RMB 480 / person (including 1 breakfast, 3 meals, 1 night standard room, etc., training fee and site fee will be borne by the district Association).
If you need a sinnotice翻译gle room, you need to pay 200 yuan/perscommittee和commissionon/night.
5. Payment method
&nbscommitteesp;committee Fees canotice作文n be paid in ccouncil和committee的区别ash or by transfer to the Shenzhen Lions Club accodistrict词根unt:
&ndistrict的中文意思bsp; Bank name: Bank of China Huayuan Branch; Account nateamsme: Shenzhen Lions Club; Account number: 769258620855
&nbnotice用法sp; Contact: Hou Zhenlian, He Aijian, Li Qinghui, Zhacouncil翻译ng Qing, Wang Qin & NBSP;
Teorganizing的意思l: 25688550 25688519 25688960 25688561
Fcouncilmanax: 25688900
Vi. Contact Information
Contaccommittee翻译t person and Telephone number of Shenzhen Lions Club Office: Li Xiao 25688590, Wang Tian 25688980, Lincommittee翻译 Zeyun 25committee和commission区别688990, Zhou Jiaolong 25688576; Fax: 25688900; Email:szlions_service翻译
&nbsnotice用法p; Pdistrictlease send your attendance, travel, accommteamoodation annotice过去式d other information to the office by June 6th, and remit the sdistrict造句eminar fee to the designated account.
&teams手机版nbsp; &nteamprobsp; This is a largenotice翻译 seminar of 2014-2015…. Please pay attention to this trainingcouncil, arrange your working time properly, and show up ocommittee是什么意思n time in red suit.
Hereby inform!council怎么读
Attachment: road map
Shenzhen Lions Club
2014— 2015 Director descouncil词根ignate: Shijie Lin Ziyu
&nnotice翻译bsp; Chair of the Conference and first Deputy Governor designate for 2014-2015…: Ms. Lin Tao shi Jie
Executive Chairmen: Zheng Huiling, Bdistrictrother Hong Zhimin, brother Lei Huiling
Chairman ofdistrict翻译 LEADERSHIP College GLT: Lu Zhiqiang shi
Lecture group leader: Brotherteamviewer Huang Yiqun shi
29 May 2014
&serviceablenbsp; &nbscouncil词根p;
 council怎么读; &nbcommittee是单数还是复数steamop;
Return receipt from district council members
committee中文意思  teamwork; &nbsserviceablep;  service是什么故障灯; &nnotice的固定搭配bsp; &nbdistrict和region区别sp;
&ncouncilbsp; &nbservicesp; councilman小体 Will (accornotice翻译ding to the time □ Attend shenzhen Lions Club2014years6month13&mdashteam是什么意思翻译; 15Shenzhen Lions Show held at Ka Wah Hotel, Dongguaservicebion2014-2015…Annualcouncil翻译 Council meeting and District Council Member, Committee member, service team president, secretary and Finance seminaorganizing翻译r. Travel arrangements: By bus. □ Self-drive □, accommodation requnotice同义词irements: single room □ Standard room □.
Receipcouncilman小体t from committee memnoticeablebers
&committee是单数还是复数nbsp;  organizing怎么读; &service是什么意思中文翻译nbsp; &nbservice是什么意思中文翻译sp;  notice过去式; &district什么意思nbsp;
&nbcouncil读音sp; notice &teamonbsp; service是什么意思 Will (according to the tcommittee翻译ime □ Attend shenzhen Lions Club2014years6monthteam13—servicebio 15Shenzhen Lions Show held at Ka Wnotice作文ah Hotel, Dongguan2014-2015…Acommittee和commissionnnual Seminarteams手机版 for District Council members, cocouncil词根mmittee memnotice的固定搭配bers, service team presidents, secretaries and finance, travel arrangements: By bus □&nbsservicep; Self-drive □, accommodacommitteetion requirements: single room □ Standard room □.
Service team receipt
&nbsdistrict是什么意思英语p; &nbsdistrict造句p; &nbsnoticedp;The service team will (depending on time □ Ateamprottend shenzhen Lions Club2014years6month13&mservicebiodash; 15Shenzhen Lions Show held at Ka Wah Hotel, Dongguan201noticeable4-2015…Annual Seminar for District Council membernotice同义词s, committee members, service team presidents, secretaries and finance. Please fill in the followingservice翻译 form:
job&nbservicesp; service |
The surname The name |
service |
gender |
electricity words |
The bus/drive |
A single rteamoom/Stateamviewerndard rooms |
will long |
First Vice President |
&nbsorganizing怎么读p; |
Secommittee是单数还是复数cond Vice Presidnotice翻译encouncil翻译t |