Fukuda held the April regular meeting and the election of new board members

&nbheld的中文意思sp; On April 9, 2014, Futian Service Team held the Regularelection是什么意思 meeting of April and the elecmembers marktion meeting of the new board memberapril缩写s. Chen Jianhui, preside富矿小说nt of 2013-2014, and 17 other lion friends attended the meeting.
At the regular meeting, Presregular翻译ident Chen Jianhui reported the re付款凭证cent lion work of theregular是什么意思英语 serv浮夸是什么意思ice teboard和broad怎么区分am, cao Honheld的意思是什么g shi Sister reported & LDquo; The Tree of Happiness; Progress of student aid programs.
&nb浮夸是什么意思sp;  members的中文意思; Subsequently, the meeting elected 11members是什么意思 council members for 2014-2015, which are President Pan Yingshanmeeting怎么读英语, first Vice Presmeeting怎么读英语ident Huang Deqing, second Vice Pregularizationresident Zhang Jinliaboardn, third Vice President Lianewspaperng Zhipeng, Secretary Zhang Qing, Financregularizationial Pan Guangying, General Affairs Gao Zhe, picketelection是什么意思ing Zhang Jian and council members Ma Chun, Cao Hong, Wang Yue, etc.
&nbheldbacksp; Pan Yingshnewan, the newelections president, made the 2014-2015 development plan of the service team and the division of labor of the board members. She hoped that the new members of the board of diregularizationrectors wo浮夸是什么意思ulelection中文d unite and contribute to the l浮夸是什么意思ion work of Futian Service in the New Year. At thmembership什么意思啊e meeting, 10,000 yuan was raised for the educational pnew是什么意思roject through lottery and charity fund.


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