The first batch of disaster relief materials delivered to Ludian, Yunnan By Lions Club of Shenzhen

The first batch of relief materials delivered by The Shenzhen Lions Club to ludian, Yunnan province
— Liofirst青年电影展ns Club of Shenzhen In Yunnan Ludian Earthquake Relielions翻译f Briefing (2)
&materials影响因子nbsp; At 19:00 on August 4th, 2014, under the leadership of shi Jianyong and Peng Kun, 13 pioneers and 5 vehicles of Shenzhen Lions Club Yunnan Ludian Earthquake Relief Pioneer team set out fo云南民族大学r yunnan earthquake disaster area with the first batch of medicines worth 200,000 yuan.
鲁甸地震 Along the way, they made stops and starts as the roadfirst翻译 conditiobatchingns to the disaster zone worsened. After a long journey of 36 hours, t鲁甸县he pioneers finally reached the liaison point of the Llions英语怎么读ions Club in Ludian County disabldelivered翻译ed persons’ Fededisaster英语ration at around 3am on August 6. At that timerelief是什么意思啊 there was no place to find accommodafirst怎么读英语tion, the piofirsthandneers on the county disabled people’s Federabatch什么意思tion on the spot in front of the camp, setbatch翻译 up tentsrelief怎么读, spent the first night in the disaster area.
lionsgate 6, 8 o ‘clock in the mmaterials什么意思orning, the domestic lion federation emergency redisaster可数吗scue vanguard lions club captain, shedisasternzhen second deputy chairman ShiJianYong called lions clubs from all over the country to participate in the rescue of lion, a lion federation domestic earthquake relief attendant, convey cib for the arrange卢迪安ment of the earthquakdelivered是什么意思e relief work, each member management institution shfirstall in accordance widisaster可数吗th the unified cib disaster relief headq鲁甸张正聪uarters arrangement and deploymenlions是什么意思t, orderly,yunnan Carry out rescue operations in a scientific and effdisaster的形容词ective manner. The materials tha云南t have been sent to the disaster area shall be arranged and distributed uniformly by the Federation.
materials &relief和relieve区别nbsp; At 10 am, eight pioneers from the Shenzhen Lions Club were allowefirst翻译d to enter the epicenter to distribute supplies and assist voluntmaterials studioeers. The first shipment was trucked to Quiluo virelief翻译lllions怎么读age, containing 350 boxes of water, 100 boxes of instant noodles and 1lionsgate00 boxes of eight-treasure porridge. The鲁甸天气 medicine brought by the Shenzhen Lions云南民族大学 Club was sent to xiaozhaludiani and other hardest-hit areas in twomaterial什么意思中文翻译 batches.
At 13:00, the second batch of suppliesdisaster英语 was sent to longsheng Village, the harbatchno什么意思在药上dest hit area. The local villagers drove 40 mlions怎么读otorcycles to meet the lion friends and receive the supplies. There are 50 boxes云南大学 of instant noodles, 50 boxes of eight-treasure congdisaster什么意思ee, 50 boxes of water and compresseddelivered是签收了吗 biscuidelivered是签收了吗ts. In addition to sending supplies, the vanguard云南大学 lion friends also investigated the needs of victims, collected first-hand information on various rescue needs in the disaster area, and timely reported to the Lion friends in Shenzhenludian, so as tbatches是什么意思o better carry out the next stage of rescue work.
&nb云南农业大学sp; &nb云南师范大学sp; Shenzhen lions yunnan LuDian asmaterial是什么意思eismatic vanguard captain penkun, said the LuDian earthquake, the county seat without damage, but reduce the rural town of severely damaged, the earthquake relief the difficulty lies in ShouHaiDe traf陆佃fic inconvenience, to have only onlion是什么意思中文翻译e road, the other the severe geological cause mudslides, rolling stone, several villages disrupted traffic, relief supplies could not be served. According tdelivered怎么读o the local DISABLED persons association, there are 987 households and 1,800 permanent residentfirst翻译成中文s in Queluo Village, Huode Town, Ludian County. 326 houses were damaged by the earthquake, 1 person died and 50 people wefirst怎么读英语re seriously injured. On The afternoon of June 6, the Yunnan Ludian Earthquake relief Vangu鲁甸天气ard team ofmaterial什么意思中文翻译 The Sfirst是什么意思henzhen Lions Club decided to help the vilrelief形容词lage, and decided to buy 5 tons of rice and 240 bdelivered怎么读arreludianls of oil, worth 37,云南大学研究生院000 yuan. Tmaterials影响因子he relief materials will be distributed to the victims tonight.
Lifirst翻译成中文n Ziyu, presbatchsizeident of Lions Club of Shenzhen, has been paying close attention to the disaster and the latest developmlion是什么意思ents in the disaster relief. She is pundeliveredartmaterials lettersiculfirst怎么读arly concerned about the safety offirst name the pioneers. She especibatch翻译ally thanks the pioneers for their responsibility amaterial是什么意思nd ebatchat蝙蝠聊天软件fforts. She instructed that at the present stamaterialsge, the Shenzherelief和relieve区别n Lions Club will prepare disaster relief materbatchno什么意思在药上ials according to the needs of the disaster, and the focus of disaster relief wirelief怎么读ll be on post-disabatch什么意思ster reconstruction.
 material什么意思中文翻译; As of 19:00 On August 6, shenzhen Lionslions的音标 Clubs and lion friends have actively responded to the ilions怎么读nitiative of donating money for the earthquake-stricken area in Ludian, Yunnan province, with 77batching service teams participatmaterials怎么读ing in the donation, with a total amount of 3.03 mireliefllion yuan.
Shenzhen Lion鲁殿灵光s Club
August 6, 2014

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