26 boxes of love books and clothes delivered to guizhou Mountainous area (source: Shenzhen Evening News A09 edition, November 10, 2014)

26 boxes of love books and clothes arrived in mountainous areas of Guizhou.
Shenzhlove直播软件安卓下载en Evening News (reporte贵州r Wang Xiaofang correspclothes和clothing的区别ondareal00是什么型号ent Chen Jiayi) recently, guizhou Dananshan Miao lan贵州疫情最新消息guage school children harmountain是什么意思vest from a moved shenzhen. Shenzhen Lions Club red Litchi Service Team and Shenzhen Lityuan Priboxes是什么意思英语mary School jointly launched theclothesline charity activitareasy ofmountainous donating books and clothes to childbookshop什么意思中文ren in guizhou mountainous area. More than 3,000 books and a batch of clotboxes和box的区别hes fr贵州om Sboxes怎么读henzhboxes音标en arrivmountains用英语怎么说ed in mountainous areas of Guizhou. Children inarea在c语言中的意思 mountainoboxes是什么意思英语us areas can aboxes怎么读lso feel the warmth of Shenzhen in cold winter.
It is reported thatclothes this activity originated from a friend of Zhang Jian, the leader of the Red Li Service team, who is teacboxes的同类词himountainous翻译ng in Bijie, Guizguizhouhou province. The Dananshan Miao Language School, which he teaches, has 180 miao children, but tbookstore翻译he teaching foundation is weak, resourdelivered是什么意思ces lag, there is no library, the children lack clothes, and the soft environment ismountainous翻译 in urgent need of improvement. With the strong suppobookshelfrt of Yang Yufang, deputy principal of Liyuan Primary School, the school hamountainous怎么读s sent a message to its young Pioneers. Proposal on Donating books and clothes to Primary School in Guizhou Mounundeliveredtainous Area & RDquo; . The children acted quickly, opened the bookcase wardrobe in the home, took out idle books, clothes. More than 3,000 books and clothes were donated. Recently, these books and clothes were packed into 26 boxeclothes音标s and sent to miao students in mountainous areas oguizhouf Guizhou by red Lilion frie贵州人事考试信息网nds.
Related links: 26 boxes of love books and clothes shipped to mountainous areas of Gmountainous怎么读uizhou

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