Notice of registration for the 98th Lions Club International Convention

Notice of registration for the 98th Lions Club International Convention
Dear Lion friend,
&nbnotice的形容词sp; The 98th Lions Club Internatioconventional反义词nal Convention will beregistration held in Honolulu, Hawaii, Uinternational是什么意思SA from June 2clubman是什么牌子车6 to 30, 2015.
&ninternational怎么读bsp; Honolulu, also known as Honolulu, is the c桃花源记apital and port city ointernational英语f the State of Hawaii. In the Hawaiian language, Honolulu means “ Bay of Shielding & RDquregistrationo; Or & other Shielded Land ” . Becausthine early local rich sandalwoothd, and a large number of transported back to China, by the Chinese called Honolulu.
clubmed官网预订 Honolulu is the political and economic center of Hawaii. Here, you can experience Honolulu’s vibrant nights, stunning architecture, great museums, antique shops and much more. You can discover and experience art, culture and spirituality from around the world in a friendly atmospherlions翻译中文e atclub是什么酒 every corner.
Each year, more thanotice的固定搭配n 20,000 lregistration是什么意思啊ion friends from around the world gather to celebrate the international cointernationalnvention. It is a chance for old friends陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿 to reunite anclubmand make new flions读音riendlionss, as well as personal neconventionaltworking with international leaders and headquarters representatives. In addition to the multi-cultural international parade, there were also a series of lively and interesting seminars, livelinternational怎么读y general meetin通货膨胀下什么最保值gs, international performances and the elenotice过去式ctionconventions of tnotice作文he 2015-2016 International President. Hoclub是什么意思nolulu awaits you!
 陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿; In order to experiencenotice翻译 lion culture, we sincerely invite you to attend the 98th Lions Club International Convention in Hoconvention形容词nolulu, Hawaiiregistration是什么意思啊, USA! Details of registration are as follows:
&nbclubmansp; A, Coregistrationfailed什么意思sts tclubmanhat
(a) Registration fee
&nbclub是什么意思sp; All lions who attenthind tregistration是什么意思中文翻译he 1998 convention are requiredregistration form to regiconventionster. The registration feelion是什么意思 is the admission fee fonotice的固定搭配r the convention activities. After registration, you can receive the entrance tclubman是什么牌子车ag, commeclub用英语怎么说morative badge, convention manuaconventional反义词l, etc. at the convention venue, an通货膨胀下什么最保值d can participate in the seminar, general assregistration的动词形式embly, parade and lion products exhibinotice是什么意思tion and other activities.
Registration fee & have spent Date/time & NBSP;  lion是什么意思; &nregistration是什么意思啊bsp; Cost & have spent &nlions读音bsp;
The first batch of registrations. 2015/1/6 before & have spent US$110 (equivalent to 700 yuan) & NBSP; &nbclubmed官网预订sp; &nthinbsp;
The secconventionond batch of regisclubmed官网预订trations; 2015/3/25 before & have spent US$150 (equivalent to RMB 960 yuinternationalisman) & NBSP;
®istration的动词形式nbsp; Third batch registration & NBSP; &nbsconvention翻译p; Af通货膨胀下什么最保值ter 2015/3/25 &internationalism have spent US$17lions翻译0 (equivalent to 1100 yuan) & NBSP;
&nconventional反义词bsp; On-site registration: US$170 (eqregistration翻译成中文uivalent to 1100 yuan) & NBSP;
Registration for children aged 17 and under: US$10 (65 yuan) & NBSP;
Deadline for the first batch of registration: January 6,registrationfailed什么意思 2015 5:00pm & NBSP;
Deadline for the second batch of registration: 5:00pm on March 25th, 2015 & NBSP;
After Mconventional读音发音arch 25, 2015, please come to the slionsite to register.
lions ®istration是什么意思啊nbsp; Please submit the registrationregistration翻译成中文 fee to the district office before 5:00pm on March 25, 2015, and fill in theinternational英语 registration Flions翻译中文orm for the 98th Lions Club International Convention (see attachment 2). Send it to szclub翻译 or fax it to 755-25688900.
(2) Membership fee
&convention形容词nbclubmed官网预订sp;Shenzhen Lions Club has selected two travel agencies, Shenzhen Jiuzhou International Travel Service and Shenzhen Baojia International Travel Service, tclub怎么读o organize the 98th Inconventional什么意思中文ternational Lion Conve童话故事ntion through open bidconvention的用法ding. We recommend the following routes for lilions的音标on club members to register:
&nbsconventional什么意思中文p; Group A: 4 days conference + 10 days Hawaii桃花源记翻译 Tour (Jiuzhou CITclubmedS)
&clubnbsp; Tour fee: quotation for more thlions的音标an 15 people & NBSP; 16580 yuan/person (three-star hotelions的音标l)& NBSP;
 notice作文; &n同花顺bsp; &nregistration的动词形式bsp; internationalworkers’day怎么读 &nbs褪黑素p; thin RMB 18,850 / person (four-star hotel)
 notice作文; &n同花顺bsp; &nregistration的动词形式bsp; internationalworkers’day怎么读 &nbs褪黑素p; thin RMB 18,850 / person (four-star hotel)
Group B: Hawaii 8-day Conference Tour (Baclub是什么意思o Dothmestic Tour)
Touclubmedr fee: 15686 yuan/person & NBSP for 25~29 people;
&nbsinternational是什么意思p;  notice; convention翻译 30~35 people quoted 15468 yuan/convention翻译person
Gro童话故事up C: 13-day Conference tour in USA west Coast and Hawaii
Tour fee: 25-29 quoted 23600 yuan/person
&nbregistration翻译成中文sp;  clubman是什么牌子车; international翻译 &n褪黑素bsp; 30~35 people quoted 23200 yuan/person
Tour fee: 25-29 quoted 23600 yuan/person
&nbregistration翻译成中文sp;  clubman是什么牌子车; international翻译 &n褪黑素bsp; 30~35 people quoted 23200 yuan/person
 clubmed; Groulionsgatep D: Hawaii Conference + 15-day panoramic tour of the East and West coasts of the United States (Jiuthzhou CITS)
Toconventionsur fee: 15~24 people quoted 27registration是什么意思啊850 YUAN/person (international section Of Korea + inland section of United Airliconventional是什么意思nes or other airlines)
&nblions怎么读sp; 15~24 people quoted 30520 Yregistration翻译UAN/lion是什么意思中文翻译person (full united Airlregistration怎么读ines flight)
&convention形容词nbsp; All the routes above are based on the minimum number of participants to chargelions翻译 the tour fee in advance. If the number of participants reaches a certain number, ynotice过去式ou can enjoy the pnotice的固定搭配referential treatment.陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿 The tour fee collected in advance will be refunded more or lelions是什么意思ss accordinoticeableng to the actual tour fee.
If you nlion是什么意思中文翻译eed to apply for a tinternational怎么读our, please report the route of the tour to the Lions Club officclub用英语怎么说e in Shenzhen and panoticey the full payment befconventionalore March 25, 2015.Please regiinternational缩写ster as soon as possible d陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿ue to tight schedule of flightregistration的动词形式 and hotel reservation. Late registrants can only join the tour with the approval of the travel agent, and the tour fee may be increasconvention的用法ed. Please refer to appendix 4~7 for detailed tour routes and related tour fclub用英语怎么说ees. If the above routes still do not satisfy younotice用法, you can also contact a travel agent to join another tour.
&ninternational英语bsp; Secregistrationond, paymennotice的固定搭配t
Registration fee and tour fee should be paid to Lions Club Office in Shenzhen. You can pay by cash or credit card directly to Lions Club office in Shenzhen,club翻译 or transfer to the following account:
&nclubbsp; Home & hclubmanave spent Name: Shenzhen Lionsclubman Club
Zhang & have spent No. :同花顺 769258620855
&nbsinternationally歌曲p; Binternationalcupidank name: Bank of China Huayuan Branch
&nbsinternationally歌曲p; Binternationalcupidank name: Bank of China Huayuan Branch
&nbregistration是什么意思中文翻译sp; Please indiinternational是什么意思cate the name of the sign-up and the serviconventional是什么意思ce team on the transfer bill. Fee for the 98th International Convention (registration fee or tour fee) & RDQUO; . Afterinternational是什么意思 the transfer,陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿 please send the bank receipt together with the registration to the mailbox of Shenzheregistrationfailed什么意思n Lregistration是什么意思中文翻译ions Club office, and contact hou Zhenlian, accountant of Shenzhen Lions Club office 25688550 to confirm the receipt of the payme童话故事nt.
Three, Registration contact
international翻译  lions怎么读;Shenzhen Lions Club Offilions读音ce
Yi Guofeng & have spent Contact number: 25688576&NBsp;
Ma Huijuan & have spent Contact number:notice的形容词 25688567 
Fax: 0755-25688900&NBsp; &nnotice的固定搭配bsp;
registrationfailed什么意思 &nbnoticeablesp; Email address:
registrationfailed什么意思 &nbnoticeablesp; Email address:
®istrationnbsp; Shenzhen jiuzhou international Travel Sclubmed官网预订erviconventional是什么意思ce Co. LTD
Consunotice同义词ltation teclublephone: Fu&陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿NBsp; Vicki: & have spenotice过去式nt  international labour day翻译; 0755—clubman是什么牌子车 83482775 13725540494
 international英语; ¬icednbsp; Ou Ziyun: & NBSP; 0755— 8348convention的用法2710 18319067239
notice翻译 Chen & have sconventional读音发音pent Liesl: & have spent 075convention5— 83482785 13923446602
Responsible Person: Zharegistration的动词形式ng Jinlian Shi Jie: 0755&MDash; 83482780 13923792360
&nb退婚后大佬她又美又飒sp;Shenzhen bao international travel Service Co. LTD
Contact information: Miss Ma & NBSP; Tel: 89688688&NBsp; 13316861500
®istration怎么读nbsp;  桃花源记; club用英语怎么说 Mr. Wang & have spent Tel: 2lions怎么读553 6675&NBthoughsp; 13322998979
&nthinbsp; Miss tan & havinternationale spent Tel: 89688118&NBsp; 13823302926
&ninternational是什么意思bsp; notice的固定搭配 &nbconventional是什么意思sp; &nlions翻译bsp; Lai & have spent Telions是什么意思lephone: 2216 5572&NBsp;clubman是什么牌子车 18929382950
Welconvention什么意思come lion friends toregistration翻译 register!
1. Schedule for the 98th International Convention
2. Registration form for the 98th Lions International Convention
3. Venue and hotel layout map
4. Group A: 4 days conference + 10 days Hawaii Tour (Jiuzhou CITS)
5. Group B: Hawaii 8-day Conference Tour (Bao Domestic Tour)
6. Group C: 13-day Conference tour in USA wregistration翻译est Coast and Hawaiconventional是什么意思i
7. Group D: Hawaii Conference + 15-day panoramic tour of the East and West coasts of the United States (Jiuzhou CIconvention翻译TS)
Lions Club of Shenzhen 2014-2015 & NBSP;
Chairman of the Internationconvention翻译al Convention Committee: Dong Shige
Executive Chairmen: Wang Shclub翻译anying, Zhou Haisong, Xu Gang
 registration翻译成中文; February 13, 2015 & NBSP; &nbsclubmed官网预订p;

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