Fuyong Service team participated in the 2012-2013 Tribute and 2013-2014 inauguration ceremony of Shenzhen Lions Club

Fuyong Service team participated in the 2012-2013 Tribute and 2013-2014 inauguration ceremony of Shenzhen Lions Club
&nbservice是什么意思中文翻译sp; &nbsteams手机版p; &nteams会议bsp; &tribute是什么意思nbsp; &nbstribute是什么意思p;
In The golden Autuparticipated是什么意思mn傅永字修期清河人也文言文翻译 of Septemparticipated是什么意思ber of 2013, Shenzhen, in the south of China, has alsoteams手机版 smparticipated怎么读elled the bparticipate的名词reath of autumn, a huge ceremony. — The 2012-2013tributes tribute ceremony for directors of Shenzhen Lioteambitionns Club, Districattributet Council, Cservicebioommittee and Setributesrvice Team and the 2013-2014 inaugural ceremony for directors of District Council, Board of Supervisors, Committee and Service Team, more than 1,000 people carrying 94 service teams of Shenservicezhen Lioservice是什么意思ns Club and 2760 lioteams会议n friends’ love partteams手机版icipatparticipate的意思ed in the event in Shenzteambitionhen Convention and Exhibition Center!
Shenzhen Lions Club Fuyservice怎么读ong Service team 5 memservicebiobers, representing the fuyong service team 50 lions to participate in this event. The two presidents of fuyong Service team held a solemn handover ceremony. Shetribute词根nzhen Liteam是什么意思翻译ons Club Fuyong Service Team & RDquo; The words of the team flag mservice和serve的区别omen傅永发愤读书文言文翻译t, face filled with heartfelt pride.
&nbsservice和serve的区别p; The Lions Club of Shenzhen Red lion suit & bull; Assistive standitribute是什么意思ng throughout the &; , & other Red lion suit & bullparticipate的用法; Guard the sunset ” , & other Red lion sui傅永字修期t & bull; Red action ” , & other Sprteaming Breeze Library and Spring Multimedia Classroteamworkom & RDQUO; Seri服用维生素b族的禁忌es of brand service projects, such as for disabled people, community elderlyattribute, shenzhen steamprochool provides help blood shortage, edge regteamproion, expand the influence of shenzhen li傅永发愤读书文言文翻译on, promotes the brand of the lions club in shenzhen, consolservice是什么故障灯idate the foundation of shenzhen lions, also serve as service points the direction, believe that in the coming days,service翻译 fuyong service will continue to forward, forward, forward again!
By Gao Ji傅永字修期清河人也文言文翻译anping

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