The 4th “Lion Blood Donation Month” was launched (source: Shenzhen Evening News B13)

The fourth & other; Lion Blood Donation Moon & RDquo; Grand launch
The campaign will last for two months and 2,800 people are e深圳大学xpected to donate blood
&nbsdonation怎么读p; Shenzhen Evening News (reporter Zhou Qiasourcetree怎么使用n) December 12, the fourth session &months是什么中文翻译 LDquo; Red lion suit & middot; Red action ” The launchingsourced ceremony of the Lion Blood Donation Month was held at the New Town Sqmonths中文意思uare. Accordinsource insightg to Wu Xiaoming, director of Lions Club shenzhen 2013-2014, this is the fourth consecutive year that Lions Club深圳疫情最新消息 Shenzhenblood翻译 and Shenz陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿hen Blood Center have organized this event. Red lion suit & middot; Redonations是什么意思d action ” The lion Blood Donlaunchedation month will las退婚后大佬她又美又飒t for two months, and more than 1500 team members from 50 service teams of Shenzhen Lions club同花顺 are actively participating in the eventsourcetree怎么使用. Some fellow members will also mobilize their own enterprises to partsource命令icipatbloode in blood donation, it is expected that the number of blood donors in this activity will be abowas是什么意思ut 2800 people.
though Lions will donate another blood bus
At the event, the Shenzhen Lions Club donated a blood donation bus worth about 700,000 yuan to the city blood center for blood collection.bloodstream Yang Baocheng, dilion怎么读rector of the City blood Center, thanked the Shenzhen Lions Club for深圳大学 its generous donation. It is reported that this is the fourth work car donated by Shedonationnzhen Lions Club to the city blood center.
1st session on January 12, 2011 & LDQUO; Red action ” At the labloodstreamunch, Shenzhen Lions Club donated two emergeshenzhenncy blood delivery carts worth 200,000 yuan to the city blood Cewash怎么读nter. 2nd session on 12 January 2012 & LDQUO; Relion的中文意思d actisource车上按键什么意思on &rwas怎么读dquo; At the launch,lion是什么意思 The Lions Club of Shenzhe桃花源记翻译n donated退婚后大佬她又美又飒 another medium-sized bloodsourced donation vehicle worth 400,000 yuan. These three vehiclebloodsheds, for the city blood center to carry out blood delivery, blood collection work to provide convenience. This year & other; Red action ” Donated bldonation动词形式ood domonth是什么意思nation buses will soon be pulion的音标t into street andbloodstream group blood collection work.
Lionwash怎么读 Blood Month from December to Februa深圳疫情最新动态ry
&washednbsp; Wu xiaoming said that the Lions Club of Shenzhenshenzhen is committed to encouraging people around them to actively participate in social services. At present, more than 3000 shenzhen Lions club members are actively engaged in public serv童话故事ice inlionkk their spare time. The first & other; Red action &rdqulaunched是什么意思o; We launched 19 voluntary blood donation campaigns, with 1,395 people donating 440,000 millilitewassuprs of blood. The second & other; Red action ” Eleven voluntary blood donation campaigns were launched, with 658 people donating 240,000 milliliters of blood. The third & other; Red action ” 35 voluntary blood donation深圳疫情最新消息 campaigndonation可数吗s were launched, with 2,473 people donating 880,000 ml of blsources是什么文件夹ood. Fourth this year & LDQUO; Red action ” Wu xiaoming is expected to lausourcednch 38 volbloodcuntary blood donations with more than 2,800 people participatinmonths中文意思g.
&nlion的中文意思bsp; The Lions Club of Shenzhen has set December 12 as the date of ldQUO; Lion Blood Donation Day & RDquo; , from December 12 to February 12 of the follobloodstreamwing y深圳市最新疫情ear is “ Lioblood怎么读n Blood Donation Moon & RDquo; . Through the participationwas怎么读 o深圳疫情最新动态f all services of the shenzhen lion, lion friends or unpaid blood donati童话故事on activities in their own entwashingtonerprise, or in the community to carry out the pulaunched是什么意思英语blicitdonation动词形式y of blood donatiomonth的复数n without compensation, joint property management department jointly held community unpaid blood donation activities, mablood怎么读ke the unpaid blood donalioneltion activities into the enterprise, school, communitywash and business center, make people know more about the unpaid blood donation, particip褪黑素ated in thebloodstream unpaid blood donawasn’ttion. In the past three years, Shenzhenmonth怎么读英语单词 hasdonation abundant blood inventory in winter abloodstreamnd dwas是什么意思uring the Spring Festival. Emergency & throughouwaspt; In the case.
source翻译 Manbloodc剧情介绍y ssource翻译ervice teams and caring enterprises were commended
At thbloodce launch ceremony, the event was also held fsource的中文意思or the thdonations是什么意思ird edition. Red a童话故事ction ” Outstanding achievements in the service team and love enterprises were commended. Among them, the largest number of blood donors, the best performance of the five service teamdonations are: mileage service team, Mangrove Bay service team, Riverside service team, Mongolian service team and ssource翻译tep up service team; The five charity enterprsource翻译ises withwassup the largest number of blood donors are: Excellence Property, Citic Propwas怎么读erty, Ruihong Jewelry, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Sonmonths是什么中文翻译ggang Star Port City; Outstanding individual representatives are: Xie Xiaoguang, Liu Ywas是什么意思ilin, Slions英语怎么读un Xiaowei, Zeng Qianyi, Xue Guowan.
&launched的中文意思nbsp; &thnbsp; In addition, also issued rwas是什么意思espectively & LDquo; Excellent Organization Awdonation怎么读ard & RDQUO; , & other Best Partsourcetree怎么使用icipation award & RDquwashedo; , & other Caring Enterprise Award & RDQUO; , & other Love gas station ” , & other Most通货膨胀下什么最保值 Supportive awsourceard &though RDquo; Such awards.
Related links: 4th annual & LDquo; Li深圳天气on Blood Donation Moon & RDquo; Grand launch

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