The charter of Shenzhen Lions Club (Revised) is published

The charter of Shenzhen Lions Club (Revised) is published
After deliberation by the fourth Special Board of Lions Club of Shenzhen in 2013-2014, the Articles of Associatlionsion of Lions Club of Sheclubman是什么牌子车nzhen (Revised) walions怎么读s adopted. The articles of Association of She深圳疫情最新动态nzhen Lionrevised是什么意思s Club (revlionsgateised) is hlions的音标ereby published.
Publicity time: January 12-publisher18, 2014
深圳天气 club怎么读 If you have any comments or suggestions on the “Revised Constitution of Lioclub是什么意思ns Club Shenzhen”, please send them to the email address of Lions Club Shenzhen during the publicity period:szlrevise的意思 Tel: 0755-25688567, fax: 0755-25688900.
&clubmannbsp; &nlion是什么意思中文翻译bsp; &nbclub怎么读sp; &nlions怎么读bsp;  深圳疫情最新消息; Shenzhen Lions Club
&clubman是什么牌子车nbsp; &npublished是什么意思啊bsp; &nbsunpublishedp; January 12, 2014
 ublisher和word区别p; Appendix: Shenzhen Lions Clurevisedb Constitution (Revisedpublished) public notice

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