“Red” Movement pengcheng (source: Shenzhen Evening News B13 edition)

“ Red & throughout; Dynamic PengCheng
The 2,000th blood donor was born
 捧成语;redmik40 Shenzhen Evening News (reporter CAI Zhijun) last week, shenzhen Lions club and S捧成语henzhen Blood Center hosted the fourth & LmovementDquo; Red action &rdevening是什么意思quo; Keep up the good work, another four bledition品牌介绍ood drives a week. Red & throughout; Pengcheng, attracted more lion fri百度官网ends and citizens to join the ranks of blood donation, is the birth of the 2,000th blood donation hero.
January 16捧成语, &reductionldquo; Red action ” Two blood donation events were held simultan不科学御兽eously ireductionn Longgang, the 26th event hosted by Li不科学御兽ons Club Longcheng Service was held in Zhongzhong Golf Club, and the 27th event hosted by Lions Club Charity Collection Service was held in Shenzhen Wine City, both of which were warmly received by local businesses and citi笔趣阁zens.
Fei Hailong, general man深圳大学ager of zhongzhong Golf Club, took the lead in donat深圳天气ing blood, increasing his blood donati深圳市最新疫情on record to the fourth time. Be the promotsourceer of industrial and Commercial Cinewspapervilization & RDquo; Commitment. Liu Ying, general manager of Shenzhen Wine City,百度官网 launched the wine city merchaeditionalnts to participate in blood donatievening翻译中文on, she said: A small heart of good thou深圳ghtsedition是什么牌子, also can build a grebat love stage. ”
news是可数名词吗 On Januarysource翻译 17th, th百度e 28tedition中文翻译h blood donation activity was held in the no.1 drug treatment center omovement英语f the municipal Justice Bureau. Many civil servants who w鹏程ork in the units joined the blood donation team. The first vice president of the service team wong Qiuyan became the current & LDquo; Red action ” The 2,000th blood donor. He told the reporter that when he first came to Shenzhen 10 years ago, it wa鹏城s very dishenzhenfficult for him to start his own bredisusiness. But when he saw the blood donation car on the stree鹏程万里的意思t of Huaqiang North, he did not hesitate to donaevening是从几点到几点te blood. Since then, he recognized the city as his second hometown, and his career has been flourishing since then. &ldquoshenzhen; Gave a love, own good return. ” He said.
 深圳疫情最新动态; On Ja北京天气nuary 18movements, the 29th blood donation event organized by the Lions Club was held aevening英语怎么读t the New Yijia shopping mall in Shekou. Anewsletter mother donated blood accompanied by her daughter, who encouraged her mother not to be afraid.
&nbssource命令p; &nevening翻译中文bsp; According to statmovement的中文意思istics, the fourth annual conference of ldquo; Red action ” Thousands of people have resource的中文意思gistered to donate blood since tsource是什么意思he launch, and 2,059 of them have had their blood collected successfully. The person inedition酒店 charge of the city blood center said that every wirednter is the ischemia season, but because of the. Red actiored怎么读n ” The winteredition酒店 o深圳大学f Shenzhen is not short of ischemia it is aedition酒店 very proud and moving city.
&news可数吗nbsp; Related links: “ Red & throughout; Dynedition是什么意思英语amic PengCheng

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