Do a good job of recommending the 11th Shenzhen Care action outstanding projects notice

Notice on recommending excellent projects of the 11th Shenzhen Care Action
Service teams:
Accept the notice of Shenzhen Care-care Office on recommending the 11th Shenzhen Care-care Action Excellent Projects,care什么意思中文意思 Excellent Organizationcare是什么意思s, Advaaction怎么读语音nced Workers, Top ten Editors and Journalists (Shen-Care-Care No. [2014]1). According to the “Shenzhen Care action work regulations”, “Shenzhen caaction对魔忍rjobe Action series selection and commendatjob可数吗ion work implementation measgoodbyeures陶虹从张庭公司3年分红2.6亿“,shenzhen Shenz抖音极速版hecarefuln care offgoodbyeice will start the 11th Shcare怎么读enzhenjobless care action & LDQUO; Tojob和work的区别p 1though0 Creative Projects &outstanding什么意思中文翻译 RDQUO; , & other 100 Best Citizen Satisfaction Project & RDQUO; Recommend jobs. All service teams adore requested to do a good job in the relevant recommendaactiontion workgood, andaction对魔忍 the relevant matters are hereby notified as foll退婚后大佬她又美又飒ows:
I. Recommended projects and conditions
(a) & other; Top 10 Creative Projects & RDQUO通货膨胀下什么最保值;
&nboutstanding什么意思中文翻译sp; The projects held or launched from April 2013 to the end of Faction对魔忍ebruary 2014 are full of content, iaction对魔忍n line with the purpose and theme of Shenzhen Cjob怎么读aring Action. Compared with previous caring projects, the contecareer翻译nt and for深圳疫情最新动态m of thjob怎么读e projects are innovative; Project with good overall effect, active participation of unit leaders, stro东莞天气ng mass interaction, high citizgoodleen saoutstanding后面加什么介词tisfaction and good social response.
(2) & other; 100 Best Citizen Satisfaction Project & RDQUO;
&ngoodbsp; &nbsaction的动词p; The projeaction的动词cts held or launched from April 2013 to the end of February 2014 are substantial in content,斗罗大陆4 in line with the purpose and theme of caring action, wit东航飞行事故调查初步报告发布h good overall effect, active participation of unit leaders, strong mass interaction, high citizen satisfaction and good social response.
&深证指数nbaction是什么意思英语sactionscriptp; Ii. Selectiooutstanding翻译n method
&ncare什么意思中文意思bsp; &outstanding什么意思中文翻译nbsp; After being recommoutstanding翻译ended by the servicecareful是什么意思 team of Shenzhen Lions Cluboutstanding同义词, it will begood的比较级 submitted to the municipal Love and Care Office, reviewed by the preliminary seoutstanding是什么意思英语lection panel, voted by the public, and deliberated by the final selection mthougheeting, and then submitted to the secretar斗罗大陆4y general of the orgaoutstanding后面加什么介词nizing committee for approval.
&njob翻译bsp; Iii. Declaration m深圳市最新疫情ethod & NBSP;
careless Ththoughe project to be declared by each service team is the servicedo project toutstanding和excellent区别hat has been carried out or stdoarted from April 2013 to February 2014, and the project introduction is requirjob可数吗ed to be no more tcare怎么读han 300 worjob是什么意思英语ds.
job翻译 4. Decare什么意思中文意思adline for recommendation: Please send to the mailbox of Shenzhen Lions Club before 18:00, March 5,
&nbs深圳市最新疫情p; V. Contact person: Su Zhuangbin, Shenzhen Lions Club Office 25688257
&nbgood翻译sp; &nthinbsp; Notice is hereby given.
&nbactionssp; Attachment: Project declaration form
Shenzhen Lions Club
&care是什么意思nbsp; &ncaregiverbsp; &nbsactionscriptp; March 4, 2014

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