Lions Club shenzhen participated in the 51st Lions Club International Far East and Southeast Asia annual convention

Lions Club shenzhen participated in the 51st Lions Club International Far East and Southeast Asia annual convention
participated是什么意思 From November 8 to 11, 2012, the 51clubman是什么牌子车st Lions International Far East and Sout深证指数heast Asia Annual Conference was held in Fukuoka, Japan. Mr. Su Zeran, director of Sheshenzhennzhen Lions Club 2012-2013, and his wifeclub翻译 attended the annual meeting.
&ninternationally歌曲bsp; At the annual meeting, leaders of lions clubs in far East and Southeast Asia discussed the futuinternationalcupidre d发如雪mv女主是刘畊宏老婆evelopment direction and service plan of Lionlions读音s Clubs. Through mutual communication, fellowship and badge eeaster是什么意思英语xchange, the lion friends of various countries enhance the understanding between lion friends and promote international exchafarm是什么意思nges. Mr. Suinternational翻译 Zeran, director of Lions Club sclub用英语怎么说henzhen 2012-2013, participated in the wclub怎么读hole meeting andclubman actively learned the spirsteam手机版it of the meeting. He said that he would apply what helions读音 learned and lead Shenzhen Lions Club to a new level.
&n深圳地铁线路图bsp; Since July, lions Club Shenzhen, under the lsteam官网eadership of the director team, has been awarded深圳市最新疫情 the Membershinternationalip Developmentinternational怎么读 award of Lions Club International for ilionsgatets outstanding performance in membership development. Speeding award & throughout; , for Shenzhen and domestic lion frilions英语怎么读ends win glory. At the clionsgatelosing cesoutheastremony, shenzhen Lions club was awarded the only commemorative flag of the annual meeting in mainland C深证指数hina.
The theme of this annual conference is & LDquo; LEADERSHIP (From Asia to the world) & RDquo; Through tinternational翻译he Eastern and Southeast Asiclub怎么读an Lion assembliinternational英语es, the true valstues of lions call out to all people, from Asia to the woclubmed官网预订rld, based ofarmern positive action and efficiinternational labour day翻译ent determination. We should make every effort to let all people grow up with wisdointernational是什么意思m and hope.
&nlions是什么意思bsp; easter什么意思 The 51st Lions Club International Convention for far East and Southeast Asia was successfully concluded on Nfarm怎么读ovember 11th.

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