Invitation for bidding: Travel agency to Hamburg, Germany to attend the 1996 international Convention

Invitation for bidding: Shenzhen Lions Club to travel to Hamburg, Germany for the 96th international Convention
Lions International’s 96th annual convention wihamburger怎么读ll be held in Hamburg, Germany from July 5-9, 2013. In order to arouse more lion friends to partictravelingipate in the bidding, we hereby issue a pinvitation音标ublic bidding announcement to the public,attendance的动词 and hope that mhamburg是什么意思ore competent, respongermany德国人sible and qualified travel agencies will actively participate in the bidding, and hope that the majority of lion friends will activelinvitationy recommend.
 travel的过去式和过去分词; A, & have spent Travebiddingl requirements
 bidding是什么意思; 1, & have spent independent travel Booking internatiogermany是什么国家nal air tickets, hotels, day trips to Hamburjzbiddingg or others.
&attend的用法与搭配nbsp; 2, & haveinvitation造句 spent Hamburg, Germany, 5 dayinvitation是什么意思中文s of conference, pinvitation动词lus five European countries a total of 15 days.
3, & have spent You suggest a more reasonable itinerary to recommend to guests.
4, & have spent A degermany的形容词tailed itinerary is required, including cities, attractiinternational labour day翻译ons, transportation, accommodation, meals, guide鼻钉s, etc.
&ntravel过去式bsp; &nbattend的用法与搭配sp; Second, & have spent Quote requests
agency怎么读音英语  travel的过去式和过去分词;  attend是什么意思; &ninternational是什么意思bsp; 1, & have spent Trainternational翻译nsportation. Including airlines, class, flights, tour buses, etc.
&travellednbsp; 2, & have sinternational labour day翻译pent Accommodation. Hotel name and location. Ask to be near the meettravel的现在分词inattend的用法与搭配g place during the meeting. (Please refer to Appentraveleddix 2, Hotel list introduced by Lions Club Inthamburgernational forbidding翻译 booking)
&nbsagency造句p; 3,invitation动词 & have spent Meal. The dish. Restaurant location. Chineseinvitation动词 food and western food. A few dishes and soup, meat and vegetables.ebidding
&nbhamburg 翻译sp; 4, & have spent Standards for the number of team leadersagency是什么职位 and logermany什么意思cal esc吡啶沸点orts.
5, & have spent Tip.
6, & have spent Self-fundegermany和german的用法d projects.必定的近义词 Items and pricinternational英语es.
&nbinternational labour day翻译sp; 7, & haveinvitation翻译 spent Design itinerary and quinternationalcupidote intravelerdividualltravelled怎么读y according to guest’s specgermany是什么牌子ial requirementsagency翻译.
&nbsgermany是什么国家p; 8, & have spent The visa.
Three, & have spent Basic qualification requirements for travel agents
&nbattendantssp; 1, & have spent Allinvitation音标 four certificates are complete. (License, permit, code certificate, tax certificate), copy with official seal. Power of attorney of legal representative.
2, & have spent The European d吡啶怎么读epartment of thgermany怎么读e headquarters of the travel agency with exit qualification will operate, and the trinternationally歌曲avel agency department or business departmattend名词ent will not accept the bidding.
international labour day翻译 &ninvitation的动词形式bsp; &attend什么意思中文nbsptravel翻译; 3, & have spent Shenzhen city travel agencies or legal agencies in Sheninvitation怎么读语音zhen.
invitation音标 4, & have spent Company profile, size, advantravelingtages in orginvitationsanizing European Tours, experience in orgagency中文anizing large-scale conferences or business trips.
&n吡啶沸点bsp; &nbsattendp; international怎么读 5, & have spent The importance of the company to this tender. What team is pattendantlanned to track the service. Quality ahamburg是什么意思nd sertravel翻译vice of operators.
6, & have sptravel过去式ent Have you been involved in any lions club projects? Do you know anything about lions International convention?
Iv. Procedures and time
&nbgermany的中文意思sp; 1. Deadline for bidding: 12:00 a.m. on February 22, 2013 (Fridgermany什么意思ay).
&nbattendance的动词sp; 2. All tenderers shall seal the bidding documents and materials atravel的过去式和过去分词nd mail them to Miss Chen of Shenzhen Lions Cgermany复数用英语lub Office, tel: 0755-25688990, postal address: Sheninvitation怎么读语音zhen Lions Club Office, 13 / F, Building D, Huaqing Yuan, No. 38, Luosha Jinger Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Postcode: 518003.
3. Bid Opening Time: 2:30-5:00 PM, February 23, 2013 (Saturdayinvitation怎么读语音).
&nbgermany是什么国家sp; &nbsinvitation造句p; &nattend翻译bsp; Attachment:
1, & have spinvitation是什么意思中文ent Agenda for the 96th International Convention
&international怎么读nbsp; &nbsagency怎么读p;  internationalworkers’day怎么读; 2, & have spent Lions Club international designates tagency怎么读he name of the hotel where lions clugermany的形容词bs will sagency的名词tay in China
&nbstravel是什么意思pinvitationcode=null; 3. Hotel rates in Germany provided by Lions Club International
&internationalcupidnbsp; &nbinternationalworkers’day怎么读sp; &nbagency什么意思sp; &nbtravelled怎么读sp;  germany什么意思; &ntravel过去式bsp; &nbgermany德国人sp; &agency中文nbsp; Shenzhen Lions Club
Chairman of the Interninvitationational Convention Cominvitationcode=nullmittee: Dong Shige
hamburg &hamburger的中文翻译nbsp; &nbsinternationalp; &germany什么意思nbsp; Executive Chhamburg是哪个国家airmen: Song Fang, Yu Wei ‘an, Zhou Haisong
 internationalism;  hamburger;  吡啶怎么读; germany的形容词 &nbgermany是什么牌子sp; January 29, 2013
&nbattend名词sp; &ntravelingbsp; &nbinternational是什么意思sp; &ngermany和german的用法bsp;  bidding;  travel的现在分词; &nattend的用法与搭配bsp; &internationally歌曲nbsp; hamburg港口  hamburger的音标;  attendant;

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