The press conference was held for the 7th “Diwang Cup” charity Building Climbing Contest in xinxing Square in 2011

2011 Xin Xing Square 7th & LDquo; Diwang cup & throughout; Charity climbing contest held a press conference
&nbscharity音标p; In this and other Coolpressure和stress的区别 gold wind, pleasant autumn color ” In October, the 7th 2011 Xin Xing Square hosted by Shenzhen Guiyuan Street Office and Bear Grain Industry Diwang cup & throughout; The press conference of charity climbing contest was held in the atrium of Diwang Shopping Center, Xinxing Sq帝王最多的星座uare on theldenhe afternopressureon of October 19. Su Zeran, first Deputy Director of Shenzhen Guiyuan Street Office, Shenzhen Bear Grbuilding是什么意思英语ain Industry Management Co., LTD., Sh帝王的战利品enzhen Sports Federation, Shenzhen Liopressure和stress的区别ns Cbuilding怎么读语音播放lub, Secretary General Zhang Xiaowei shi Jie, General Managecharity宽容的爱r Li Yuehua Shi Jie, leaders of Shenzhen Obuildings是什么意思uxin Sports Management Co., LTD., and various media in Shenzhen attended the prethss conferen醋泡花生ce.
“ Diwang cup & throughout; Denglou Building is one of the bra醋泡黑豆nds of community serheld怎么读的iwashingtones of fine cultural activities sponsored by Guiyuan Street Officebuildings and Xiongthin Grain Industry. It has been held for seveupheldn years and habehelds been deeplthy loved by the general public. More than 400 climbers are expected to take part in the competition, whic帝王的战利品h is divided into three groups: men’s group, women’s group acharity是什么意思nd team group. Each group shall set up the champiothoughtn and the second runner-up.
&nb帝王蟹为何要马上杀死sp; &nbs童话故事p; The contest wilconferencesl be held on November 19 at the main building of Shun Hing Square. The registration form can be collected at the service desk on G floor of Diwangpress翻译 Shopping Center from October 19 to November 8.
 building是什么意思英语; &ncupbsp; &nbswaspp; Registration consultation & NBSP; Diwang Shoppin醋泡花生g Center: 0755-82463283
pressive  cup是什么意思; &npressivebsp; &npress名词bsp;  helden; Ouxin Sports Company:heldback 0755帝王蟹的骗局-22209828

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