Shenzhen Lions Club Wenjin Service team DONGGUAN Lantian Yao village education investigation activity

Shenzhen Lions Club Wenjin Service team DONGGUAN Lantian Yao village education investigation activity
Around the wenjin Servlionsice team this year’s theme of caring, in order to encourage childreclub是什么意思n to learn, reflect the value of natio妖孽修真弃少nal harmony and help, suggestions & LDquo;深圳 Teach it to flions英语怎么读ish. , starting with education funding. On August 24, 2011, Brother妖龙古帝 Zhou Bin shi and Brother Wu Wensheng Shi drove to Lantian Yao Nationality Village of Longmen County to inve姚安娜p表情包回应stigate towenjingether.
Lantian Yao natio温精灵nality Township is located in the north of Doclubman是什么牌子车ngguan and adjacent to Xinfeng shaoguteam是什么意思翻译an. It is the only nationality township in the Pearl River Delta, and its economy is still relatively backward. Noon arrived aservice怎么读t Lantian Yao township, met with the local township secretary Tan Yanzhang, committee member Huang Hongquan and others. Talantiann secretary to introduce the general si问荆草tuation of lantian Yao townteamproship. Lantian Yao Township has jurisdiction over seven natural villages with a popula东莞理工学院tion of more than 1teamwork0,000, 90% of which are Yao vil东莞天气lagers, and an annual per capita income of more than 4,000 yuan. Lantian is a poor ethnic minority area in the Pearl River Delta. Some excellent students have been admitted to key high scho温经汤ols in the county, but their family life is very姚安娜 diffiyaocult, and they even have to drop out.
In the afternoon, Zhou Binlions怎么读 and Wu Wensheng shi visiteteambitiond some local villagers and felt tteamproheir simplicity, warmth and ho妖孽修真弃少spitality.
&nclub是什么意思bsp; &nbdongguansp; After consultation with the local authorities and the school, it is suggested to select 10 students from妖女哪里逃 the middle school students who are excellent in character and learning and from poor families as the object of the subsidy. Each student will文景之治 be subsidized 2,000 yuan in cash per academic year, a total of 20,000 yuan per year, which will be supervised and used by the s深圳疫情chool. Wenjin Service Team will also assign special personnel to track and supervise. The donaticlubman是什么牌子车on ceremony wi姚明ll be held at the school, attended by local officials, school leaders, the president and representatives of th温精灵e Shenzhen Lions Club.
&nbs妖孽修真弃少p; Wenjin service team has always been pragmatic, within its power to help people around in need of help for the purpose, continue to carry forward this good traditteamproion, extend a loving hand, to help these poor high school students温经汤 successfully c蓝天航空公司omplete their studies, get rid of spiritual and matteamworkerial poverty, change the bservice可数吗ackward face of family and hometown, improve their own. Hematopo温锦宏ietic & throughout; Ability. Welcome brother service team to join us in this act of love!

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