“Love Supermarket” distributed daily necessities to 35 poor households
Shenzhen Eveningyesterday的中文 News reporter Zhao Xiaomei photography reports yesterday, cold wyesterday歌曲ind came, the temperature plunged. The charity and love activity jointlyyesterday是什么时态 held by Shenzhen Lions Club haida Service Team and Majialong Community’s neighborhood Committee made the majialong community in Nanshan Dyesterday怎么读istrict surge with warmtstation和stop的区别与用法h. Moryesterday once moree than 30 poor families happily received rice, sesame oil and other daily necessities provided by haidu “Love Supermarket”.
According to the arrangement of Lions Club shenzhen, Majia
yesterday的中文long Community
yesterday歌曲 has become a key a
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unveiled什么意思b Shenzhen. Yesterday morning, full of items of love to the sout
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washialong. Majialong is where the headquarters and creative Park of
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station翻译cated. Gao Feng, president of th
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stationery什么意思 and the head of the service team of the University, said that in the fu
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love直直播appity and the service team of the University will mainly focus on the vulnerable people in majialong community. “Love Sta
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It is understood thatwaste the Haida service team is the first lion club service organization named after an enterprise in China, and the “love supermarket” is also tunveiled翻译he first in the country. “Love supermarket” will provide material assistance to vulnwasteerable groups in the community in the form of free or spewassupcial discounts, and practically solvhaidue their living difficulties. The renovation design of “HaIDstation和stop的区别与用法A Creatiunveiled翻译vstationede Park” has reserved spacwas是什么意思e for “lovlovealarme supermarketlovely什么意思“. The opening ceremony of “Lstation什么意思ove Supermarket”海顿 will be held at t海对面平台下载he same time when the creative Park opens.
Yesterday morning, 35station和stop的区别与用法 needy families in the community happilstationy received two bags of rice, a bucket of sesame oil and two packets of tlove直播软件安卓下载issues in the “Love supermarket”. The poor famiwasn’tlies with moblovely什么意思ility difficultyesterday怎么读ies wereyesterday是什么时态 deliveredlovealarm to their homes by the service team.
Relevantlove直播破解版 link: http://wb.sznews.love直播手机版app下载com/html/201海对面是什么意思0-12/26/contyesterdayent_1377327.htm

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