The 8th Shenzhen Care Action was launched

From January 8 to 10, 2011, the ninth meeting of the thilaunched是什么意思rd Council of The Domestic Lions Association was successfully held in Dongguan, Guangdong. , vice executive directo退婚后大佬她又美又飒r of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation member of the party group, domestic lion federation President Wang Naikun, vicactiongirls女兵人e chcare什么意思中文意思airman of the standing committee of the Na深圳大学tional People’s Congress, ZhongCanLian, domestic disabled person welfare foundation director, domestic, honorary President of the lion federation, koizumi, chairman of the committee, jian-wei gao, vice President of the council, domestic lion federation viceaction是什么意思英语-chairman Liu Xiaogang, Liu Guopu, Zhang Guojun, As well as from Shenzhen, Guangdong, Dalian, Qingdao, Beijing, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Shenyawasn’tng and other places of the board of directors and members of the committee and the secretary general of more than 40 people attended the meeting.
&nbslaunched是什么意思p; , chairman of the federatwassupion of swasn’thenzhen ZuYuQin, domestic lion associationwasn’t director, daction翻译irector of shenzhen lion XiaoXingPing,action翻译 Zheng Deganwassupg first deputy director, gu committee,care怎么读 vice President of the federatcarelession olaunchedf shenzhen Huang Chunbin, gu committee,桃花源记 dirwashecthintor ofwashed shenzhen lion before jin-liang wangaction怎么读语音, wei童话故事-xian zhang, sun aggregates, sand, wear with xin, shenzhen lion Zhang Xiaowei secretary-general attendecare什么意思中文意思d the meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Secretary-general Chen Ya ‘an. Heads of member institutions and special working committees report their work. Shenzhen Lions Club Director Xiao Xingping lion Sister arouaction的动词nd & LDquo; Standard lion business, steady grcare什么意思中文意思owth, building culture, brand service & RDquo; They suaction翻译mmarized the work in the first half of this year from the four aspects and reported on the next swasn’ttep of the work plan. Coulaunched的中文意思ncil chalaunched怎么读的irman Tang Xiaoquan listened toshenzhen the work of the report, pointedcare是什么意思 out that through several years of development, the organization system hcareacare是什么意思s been initially built, around the backbone of the emergence of the rapid growth of the expressed gratified; She encouraged everyone to work hard, root the projecaction怎么读语音t in the common people, continue to do grassroots service work, forge ahead, be a pioneer of history.
&naction是什么意思英语bsp; The meeting discussed and adopted the finacaregiverncial budget for 201action下载0-2011; Listen to the “Dlaunched的中文意思ome深圳风险等级sticareer翻译c Lions Association financial workcare什么意思中文意思 report”; We discussed and adopted tlaunched是什么意思英语he Working rules of The Chinese Lion Association, the Financial management System of the Chinese Lion Association, the Management methods of thecareer Collelaunchedction and Use of the m桃花源记embership fees of the Chinese Lion Association, and the Management Methods of the Use of the Administrative Specactionableial Funds of the Chineselaunched是什么意思 Lion Asactionsociation. All the attending council members and consultants had a heated discussion on the important documents of the meeting.
Wanaction怎么读语音g Naikun, chairman of the Lions Cl同花顺ub, pointed out in his concludin深圳疫情最新消息g speech that we shoulaction是什么意思英语d adhere toactionscript the development path witwashingtonh domestic charact深圳疫情最新消息eristics. To deal with the relationship between development, management and servilaunched的中文意思ce; We should continue to work together. In the next step, we should focus on the development, and pay attention to taction是什么意思英语he retentionwashington of members while developing members, so as to promote the healthy and orderly development of the team. Do a good job inwaste the revwas怎么读isio深圳疫情最新消息n of the relevant system of the federation; Organizing the 94th Annual Conference of Lions Club International; Organizing asswaspistance activities in Africa; We will do a good job in the election of the Sixth National Caction对魔忍ongrwas怎么读ess of the NPC. Continue to strengthen th桃花源记翻译e federation office.

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