The third district Council and the third District Council of Shenzhen Lions Club in 2010-2011 were held successfully

March 12, 2011, the third board meeting and the third district affairs meetwere怎么读ing of Shen深证指数zhen Lions Club for 2010-2011 were successfully held in the district ofdistrict怎么读fice.
&n深圳风险等级bsp; &council什么意思nbsp; The third district Council meeting held in the morning was chaired by Tcouncil是什么意思英语he深圳 Chairman of the General Assemblthird-partyy and Chairman of The First Dist深圳大学rict, Mr Ko Chau. The dilions英语怎么说strict council is attcouncil和committee的区别ended by the govcouncil是什么意思英语ernor, the first deputy Governor, the second deputhird怎么读ty Governor, the secretary generaldistrict和zone, the Treasurer, thelion是什么意思 Chief of general Affairs, the chief of picket, the Deputy secretary general, and the district Chairman. The confe深圳风险等级rence m深圳疫情最新消息ainly deliberated and approved tthird怎么读英语he Outline of the Tdistrict怎么读hree-yea深圳疫情最新消息r Development Pllion是什么意思中文翻译an owere和was的区别f Shenzhen Lions Club (2011.6-2014.6) and the Managethird的基数词ment Rules of The Activities and S深圳疫情最新消息erviceclub是什么酒s of Shenzhen Lions Club. Passthird音标ed the “Notice on the Repllionsacement of the Service Team and the elecouncil和committee的区别ction of representatives for the 9th District Annual Meeting of Lions Club shenzhen“, “Resolution on the election and Qualification of representatives for the 9th District Annual Meeting of Lions Club Shenzhen”, “Instructions on the selection of director, Deputy Director and Secretary General of Lions Club Shenzdistrict的中文意思hen in 10-11 and other related mwere翻译atters”.
&nlionsgatebsp; The third district affairs meeting in the afternoon was presided over by The chairman of the general Assemblcouncil词根y and Chief Finlions怎么读ancial Officer Zhong Quan. More than 150 members of the districcouncil词根t cowere翻译uncil, former governors, committee chairmen and execdistrict缩写是什么utive chairmen, service team presidents, vice prlionsgateesidents, secretaries and tredistrict的中文意思asurers attended the meeting. Xiao Xingping, director ocouncilf Lions Club shedistrict是什么意思英语nzhen, announced the Outliclub是什么酒ne of The Three-year Development Plan of Lions Club Shenzhenlions翻译 (2011.6-2014.6) and the Management Rules of Lions Club A深圳大学ctivities and Services. District conference committee exedistrict和region区别cutive director zheng trcounciloransit on the third district council bulletin of the 9th annual meeting of thdistrict怎么读e relevant documents, convey emplions读音hasis on good service transition and the elec深圳tion lions the ninthird音标th distlionsrict in shenzhen work conference on bethird怎么读half of the notice, the service, please do a good job in general election on April 10th will the ninth district s tabulated to the district offices.
third的基数词 Chief inspectclub翻译or Li Wenqiu introduced the preparations for the 94th International Conventweren’tion. The registration work will be completed by the end of March, and the visa work will be cthird的基数词ompleted in mid-Apdistrict和zoneril. The bidding for traclub用英语怎么说vel agencies has been comple深圳疫情最新动态ted, and now three travel agencies have designed four rocouncil词根utes for lion friends to choose. Wang Jinliang,were什么意思 as the chairman of the public relations committee of the inaugural committee of President Tan Wing-gan, called on everyone to actively participate in this international conference and raise mothirdlyre publicityclubs funclub怎么读ds for the inauguration of Presiclub翻译dent Tan wing-gan.
&nbswere的否定形式p; Secretary General Zhang Xiaowei briefed on the data collection of the 2010 Shenzhen Charity List. “ 2010 Shenzhen Charity List & RDQUO; Will launcthird是什么意思英语h & other; Annual List of Personal Donations to Char深圳风险等级ities & RDQUO; And & other Annual List of Organizations giving to Charities & RDQUO;district是什么意思英语 . Individuals with shenzhthird翻译en household registration or residence permit who donate locally or outside shenzhen or individuals withouclubmed官网预订t Shenzhen household registration or residence permit who donate locally to Shenzhen can be included in the list. For detailed list requirements, please vis深圳疫情it the website of Shenzhen Lions Club. Please report your donation to the district office before March 22.
&councilnbsp;  深圳大学; Xiao Xingping, director of the district council, the committee and the service team president, vice president, secretary, financial achievements in the early work, and thanked them for their efforts. Director shaw said the next step work arrangements, points out that hope partitions, each domain, each service make persistent efforts, at the beginning of the last three months of his presidency to establish membership development and retention深圳大学 of the goal, insist on meeting and normalthirdization of service activities, to do a good job of transitioncouncilor, the electionthird-party of district and the servicdistrict什么意思e, organize work at the 94th a深圳疫情最新动态nnual meeting of the international group.

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