Notice about holding shenzhen Lions Club “Lion Night” evening party

Dear Lion friend,
According to the arrangement of “Shenzhen Lions Club 2010-2011 Aholdingsctivity Outline”, shenzhen Lions Club will be held inabout-face the near future. Lion night ” The party. You are cordially invited to attend.深圳大学 Details of the event are hereby notified as folllions英语怎么读ows:
&nb深圳疫情最新消息sp; &nblionssp;about 1. When & have spent  lions翻译; Room: April 23, 2011 (Saturday) 6:00-9:00 (welcome at 5:00, start at 6:00)
 about后面动词什么形式; 2. Tlions英语怎么读o ¬ice怎么读英语 have spent  nightwish; Venue: Orchid Hall & NBSP, 5th floor, Shenzhen Convention aclubmed官网预订nd Exhibition Cenoticednter; &nbevening是从几点到几点sp;
 notice怎么读英语; 3. Inight14livenvited leaders and guests: leaders of domestic Lion Association, Shenzhen Civil Affairs Bureau, Inter-citizen Organization Admininotice过去式strationclub翻译 Bureau,holdings翻译 Municipal Disabled Persabout怎么读语音ons’ Federation and other relevant unilion的中文意思ts, Lions深圳疫情最新消息 club of Germany, etcaboutcg网站
nightalk &eveningnbsp; 4. Participants: Shenzhen Lions Clulionsgateb and new members & NBSP; &nb深圳sp;
& have sclub用英语怎么说pent within 5. &n深圳疫情最新动态bsp; Jung: Dinner partyclubs; Party; The initiation cerlions音标emony for new members, etc.
evening怎么读 6. Clothing & have spent &nbslions英语怎么说p; Dress: evening dreholding翻译ss
&nbnotice作文sp; 7. Fee深证指数 & have spent aboutcg Cost: 380 yuan/person
8. Payment method: 10 people gather anight软件下载链接round the taclubman是什么牌子车ble and reserve the seat according to the receipt of payment. You can pay cash or crlion是什么意思editlions读音 card dinight翻译rectly to the district office, or transfer the account (please fax the bank receipt to the district ofclubfice after the transfer).
Account number: 010900040011412; Account name: Shenzhen L深圳地铁线路图ions Club; Bank naholdings翻译me: Renmin Nabout后面动词什么形式orth Road Sub-branch of AGRICULTURAL Bank of China
&nbclubmansp; Contaclion的音标t: Zhang Qing & NBSP; Hou Zhenlian & have spent &night是什么意思nbsp; Tholdings是什么意思elephone: 25688550 & haveholding翻译 spent 25688960 Fanotice作文x: 25688900
&nevening是什么意思bsp; Lookiabout翻译ng forward to your visit! Notinoticedce ievening英语怎么读s hereby given.
notice的形容词 &nbsclubmanp; &nbsnight软件下载链接p; &nevening前面用in还是onbsp; &nholdings翻译bsp;
¬ice过去式nbsp; &nbabout后面动词什么形式sp; Shenzhen Lions Cabout是什么意思lub
night &about后面动词什么形式nbslionsp; lionsgate &nbabout-facesp; 2010-2011 Dievening是什么意思rector: Xiao Xi深圳市最新疫情ngping
“ Lion nighnotice的固定搭配t ” Party chairman: Su Ziran
lionfish Eevening翻译xecutive Chairmen: Yuan Shimin, Guo Linhuai
&nbsevening是什么意思p; March 15, 2011
 clubs;  lion的音标;lions翻译 &nbclub用英语怎么说sp; &nb深圳疫情sp; ¬ice翻译nbsp; &nb深圳sp; &n深证指数bsp;深圳天气 lions是什么意思 about
Back & have spent Of board
 clubmed官网预订; I (& have spent &nbsabout怎么读语音p; clubs ) will be &evening和night区别nbsp; Peopclubman是什么牌子车le attend the 9th annual meeting in The Orchid Hall on the fifth fabout怎么读loor of Snotice怎么读英语henzhen Convention and Exhibition Center on the深圳地铁线路图 evening of April 23, 2011. Lion nnotice过去式ight ” Dinner dance, please reserve A location.
¬ice用法nbsp; Please fax the receipt to shenzhen Lions Club office before Anightalkpril 18. Transmission & have spent Tholdingrue: 2upholding5688900 & have spent Contact person: Miss Chen: 25688990
&nbnight是什么意思sp; 深圳疫情最新消息 &nbnight翻译sp; &nbslion的中文意思p; notice用法 ¬ice的固定搭配nbsp; nightalk &nbsevening怎么读p; &n深圳地铁线路图bsp; &evening前面用in还是onnbsp;  about是什么意思; &holding是什么意思nbsp;  about是什么意思; clubman notice的固定搭配 notice的形容词  lions英语怎么读; &n深圳疫情最新消息bsp; &nabout是什么意思bsp; &nupholdingbsp; Signature: & have spholding翻译ent  深圳疫情最新动态; &nbsupholdingp; Date: & have spent
&nbsabout怎么读p;  notice用法;  aboutcg网站;holding怎么读 &nclubmanbsp; &nbsnight翻译p;
&nbnightalksp; &nbsholdingsp;  abouttime免费观看; &nbsnotice怎么读英语p; evening前面用in还是on &aboutcgnbsp; &nlions英语怎么读bsp; &深圳nlionsgatebsp; lions是什么意思 &night是什么意思nbsp; about怎么读 &nlionsbsp; clubman是什么牌子车 notice怎么读英语 &nbsaboutcg网站p;

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