Lions Club of Shenzhen: Let charity return to its true nature

Lions Club of Shenzhen: Let charity return to its true nature
Shenzhen Business Daily rereturnporter Deng Yongfeng
&nbsletter是什么意思p; Zheng Degang, directorlettuce of Pengzheng Law Firm in Nareturn什么意思nshan Coastal Cinature是什么意思ty and director of Shencharity的动词zhen Lions Club flions音标rom 2011 to 2012, told the reporter that Shenzhen Lions Club has gradually explored a set of effecreturn0在c语言中是什么意思tive ngo charity service model winature官网th its own characteristics over the past nine years.
&nbletstalksp; Folk and international
Established in April 2002, Sheletpubnzhen Lions Club is nnature的形容词ow a well-kreturningnown non-governmental charity service organization with independent corporate status and pre-tax deduction qualificatreturn翻译ion for public welfare donations. It borrowed th深圳疫情最新消息e management and operatiolionsn mode of Lions Club International (the woletter是什么意思rld’s largest voluntary service organization with a history of 94 years), and joined the Domestic Lions Cits是什么意思lub as a unit memberreturning. &ldquolions音标; It can be sareturn翻译id that folk and intenature怎么读rnational are the two major labels of Shenzhen Lions Club. ” Zheng Degang said that the requirements for llettuceions club members to join the club are: first of all, they are willing to accept the invitation and are willing to joincharity是什么意思. Sereturn翻译condlytrue怎么读, they have the desire and ability to serve the society and have somletstalke influence iletter是什么意思n theirclubman是什么牌子车 respective sectors and fields. The third point is the mosnaturet importannature杂志t, actively participate in the conference activitclubsies, so as to contribute, contribute, atcharity形容词tend, heartclub.
lions英语怎么说 The members of shenzhen Lions club acharityre mainly smalltrue翻译 and medium-sized business owreturn怎么读音ners, as well as teachercharity宽容的爱s, doctors, lawyers and civil servants. Up to now, shenzhen Lions club has more than 80 service teams with nearlclubmedy 2000 members. Over the past nine years, Lioclub怎么读ns Club shenzhen has carried out a series of social welfare activities, attracting a large number of enthusiastic people to participate in the charity and public welfare undertakings. Love footprint in shenzhen as the center in domesletstalk安卓下载tic great river north and south, services more than 6000 times, service for a total of about $120 million, for more than 15000 poor cataract patients choosing surgery for free, for dislions音标aster relief donations ocharity形容词f moreturn的用法和搭配re than 5300 ten thousand yuan, assistive help solreturn造句itary donations to raise money more than 600 ten thousand yuan, endowed more than 40 lion schools becharity的动词nefited from the crowd of 30 million people. Shenzhen Lions Club official & LDqucharity和love区别otrue的副词; Pengcheng Chariclub用英语怎么说ty Award & RDQUO;深圳市最新疫情 In the selection, it has wonclub是什么酒 the tnatureitle for two consecutive times. Pengcheng Charity Award & RDQUO; And won &itstimefor和to区别 other; Pengcheng Charity Organization Award & RDQUO; , & other Pengcheng Charity Outstanding Contribution Award & RDQUO; Hasnature影响因子 been widely concerned by the whole society.
 lions读音; What manature是什么意思kes suitselfch a group of high social and elite forces together to contrclub是什么酒ibute to charity and public welfare?
&ldqnatureuo; The purpose and philosophy of Lions club is to help people in need with our service and to give love. That’letpubs wletstalkhat makes it so appeacharity是什么意思ling. ” Zheng degang told reporters that lions club members can be regardcharity是什么意思ed as succesreturn什么意思sful people in society, and their spirit has been improvedits by participating in the service procletteress. In Lions club, when yoits翻译u give your heart, you can find friends who connect with you, and you can find the joy of serving others throuclubmangh lions Club service and organiznature怎么读ation platforcharity的动词m. “ Earning can change your life, giving can create it. ”
Every penny has been accounted for
&nblions音标sp; Generally speaking, theitsm charity model of Lions club is that the members first深圳 conletduct surreturn翻译veys and visits to find out the needs, and then compare, analyze, and screen the needs, and finally decide the targets to help. Different from ordinary charities, lions club raises money mainly thronatureugh the dontrue翻译ations of its members, and also receives donations from the communitycharity-minded.
“ Most of our donations come fromlion是什么意思中文翻译 our own members. Although our numbreturneders and scale are much smallclubser than those of government-backed charities, every penny we donate is well spennaturet. ”
According to the regulations of Shenzhen Lions Club,lions是什么意思 the funds for the service activities of each service team shall be raised by the organizer and mainly from members in principle. All the funds raised will be put intolion是什么意思中文翻译 the service team sub-account of the unified service fund account of Shenzhen Lions Club, which will be disbursed and cancelled according to the management regulations.
&nclub怎么读bsp;  let; Areturn怎么读音cconaturehikerding to Zitsyou是什么意思heng Degang,club是什么酒 llions读音ions club funds are divided into two parts, one is administrative expenses, including office, travel, publicity, etc., which atrue怎么读reclub all frolettucem membership dunature论文是什么级别es. The second is the service expense, whicnaturehikeh refers to some expenses generated during the implementation of alions音标 charilions英语怎么说ty project. The serviclions翻译e expenscharity音标e is 100% used for the service object. We usually go Dutch on administrative exp深证指数enses. ” Zheng Degang said.
&nclub是什么意思bsp; Take the upcoming activ深圳风险等级ities jointly held byclubman Shenzhen Lionnature影响因子s Club and Dalian And Qingdao Lions Clubs as an example. This activity plans to perform 500 cataract operations in Haitrue和falselar and Xingan League, because it wicharity宽容的爱ll be launched in Hailar and Ulanhot respectively, requiring 300 members to participletterate. The reporter saw in the notice, if a member wants to sign up to participate, alletter翻译l the trip generated transportation, accommodation costsclub need to be borne by members. “ In addition toletter donating to service actilions音标vities, members also
&nblions读音sp; “ Participatcharityory Philanthropy & RDqunature杂志o;
After the successful completion of fundraising, it is the implementation of specific help serit’svices. Free subsidy for poor catara深圳天气ct patients to regain siglions怎么读ht & LDquo; Visioits翻译n First & RDquo; For example, the team members should contact hospireturn过去式tals or medical teams, purchcharity是什么意思ase materials such as crystals and surgical kits, organize trips to service sites, and assign volunteer work on-site. &litstimefor和to区别dquo; We members take care of all the help, order, logistics and so on. ”
&nits是什么意思bsp; Finally, the acceptance return visit. Zheng degang still vivicharity形容词dly remembers the acceptance and delivery of a lion primary scclub是什么酒hool incharity翻译 Guizhou province in 2005. The ragged children cnature论文是什么级别ame more than ten miles up the mountain, their feet mu深圳天气ddy, but the joy and touch in their clear eyeclubmans moved us all deeply. Alions音标ll the members gave away almoscharity是什么意思t all their money, wondelions是什么意思ring how they could do more for them. ” More often, after cataract深圳风险等级 surgery, meletmbelion是什么意思中文翻译rs remove the bandage and dangle their fingers in frontlions怎么读 of the patient’s eyes. Two & throughout; , & other Throughout the three &; “And then there was another round of jubilation.
returned This is the greatereturn的用法和搭配st characteristic of lions club, the members are hands-on. — Contribute, contribute, attend, out of thlions读音e heart, personally experience from belettucenevolence to benevolence and finally to good fruit, Zheng Degang called & LDquo; Participatory Pcharity音标hilanthropy & RDquo; .
&nb深圳风险等级sp; It is adhering to & LDqulions音标o; We servecharity形容词 ” Shenzhen Lions Club requires its members to volunteeclubsr, provide servic深圳疫情最新动态es, and experience a complete charity activity from finding needs, maklions翻译ing choicesits, fundraising, implemenclubstation, acceptanits和it’s的区别ce and retureturnedrn visits, so as to directly feel the resultreturn0在c语言中是什么意思s of their efforts to help onature翻译thers improve their lives.
“深圳地铁线路图 On the one hand, this kind of participatory charity makesnature翻译 mreturn什么意思embers feel happy in participating, on the other hand, it makes members grow in the process of partiletcipating. ” Zheng degatrueng said he himself joined the Lireturn0在c语言中是什么意思ons club in 2002. For more than nine years, he worked as a lawyer while doing pro bono work. “ In thlions是什么意思e process of lions Club’s platform and puits和it’s的区别blic service, I am constatrue怎么读ntly moved and grateful. I htrue怎么读ave learned a lot and understood a lot. It can be said tnaturehat I grew up with Shenzclub怎么读hen Lions Club, which is a big family, big school and big platform. ” He said.

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