Notice on participating in the Disabled Public Welfare Competition of Guangdong “Mass Innovation Cup” Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition

About participating in guangdong “Mass Innovation Cup” Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition
Notice of the disabled public benefit competition
Fellow lions:notice翻译
For th广东风险等级e implementation of the CPC Cenpublic怎么读tral Committmassiveee and state council on pushing through “public entrenotice翻译preneurship, peoples innovation” decision deploymcompetition怎么读英语单词ent, stimulatedisabled造句简单带翻译 sci广东东莞天气entidisabled造句简单带翻译fic and technological personnel, collegcompetition怎么读英语单词e students, skills, tamass是什么意思lennotice用法ts, long-distance migrant workers, new farmers, the disabled and other kinds of groups oparticipating什么意思f entrepreneurial innovamasson染色tion enthusiasm, promote entreprnotice的固定搭配eneurship and ve广东东莞天气nture capital, entrepreneurship policy, the innovation service effective docking, double gen to upsurge in guangdong, With the official approval of Guangdong provi广东nce, the Provincial Departmentparticipation翻译成中文 of Human Resodisabled翻译urces and Social Security, together with relevant departments, will hold the 2017 Guangdong Zhongchuang Cuinnovationp Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition (hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”). Amoparticipating翻译ng them, the charity event for the disabled is one of the six individual events, which fully reflects the government’s care and attention to tinnovation怎么读英语he disabled.
Iparticipating什么意思n order to further explore the emploparticipatingyment and entrewelfare是什么意思preneurship of the disabled quality projects, improve the level of shenzhen Lions Club’s service for广东工业大学 the disabled, and show the public welfarguangdonge feelings of caring and cinnovationsaring for the disabled, lion Frienpublic怎么读ds and lion friends enterprises with public welfare resources of the disabled are called to actively participate in this competition. Tpublic怎么读he relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
First, the thcompetition怎么读eme of the competition
Round mas广东风险等级s innovation dream spectrum of Guangdong new chapter
Second,massive competition time
April to October 2017 (online registration ends on May 31, 2017)
Iii. Participants and requirements
(I) Participants & NBSP;The competition hpublic是什么意思as tcompetitionwo groups: team group and enterprise group, and each group has two categories: sel广东外语外贸大学f-improveminnovation是什么意思ent category ancompetitiond disabled ca广东风险等级tegory.
Self-impnotice作文rovement category refers to all kinds of entrepreneurship and innovation projects that persons with disabilities, as the main founders or participants of teams or enterprises (institutionotice的固定搭配ns)participating, have intention or have been engaged in.
Assistance to the disabled refers to all kinds of entrepreneurial and innovative projects that various teams or enterprises (institutions)public是什么意思 are interested in or have engaged in the service field for the diswelfare是什么意思abled or can promote the employment of the disabled.
(2) Entry requiremen广东外语外贸大学ts
(1) Entrepreneurial tewelfare翻译ams composed of urban and rural workers who have the intention to stmassachusettsart a business or are preparing to start a business in Gua广东风险等级ngdong have not been registered in the administrative region of Guangdong Province by the time of registration. The core members of the self-inotice是什么意思mprovement team musinnovation音标t include at least 1 disabled person (holding the second-generation “Disparticipating怎么读abled Person certificate of the People’s Republic of China”); The disabled assistance team shall be engaged in the service field of the disabled (at least 10 disabled persons can be served) or entrepreneurship and innovation projects that can promote the employment of the disabled (at least 3 dispublicizingabled persons can be employed);
(2) Entrepreneurial projects comply with national laws and regulations and industrial policies, and have ninnovation翻译o intellectual property disputes;
(3) At lwelfare可数吗east 3 team members, all of whom are at least 18 years old;
(4) The participant must be a core member or fouparticipationnder of thpublicize翻译e team.
Enterprise groups:
(1) Enterprises, inpublicdividual businesses, privacompetition音标te non-enpublic怎么读terprise units, farmer cooperatives, family farms, etc. that have been registered in the admininotice是什么意思strative region of Guangdong province by the time of registration. Among them: Core members of selinnovationsf-strengthening enterprises must include at least 1 disabled person (holding the second-generation “Disabled Person certifmass是什么意思icate of the People’s Repunoticedblic of China”); Enterprises assisting persons with disabilities shall engage in the service field of persons with disabilities (at least 10 persons with disabilities have been served)participating or entr广东东莞天气epreneurship and innovation projects that cainnovation翻译n promote employment of persons with disabilities (at least 3 persons with disabilities have been employed);
(2) The enterprise has innovativemassachusetts products, technologies or bwelfare怎么记忆usiness monotice翻译dels with high gro广东疫情最新情况wth potential;
(3) In line with national laparticipating怎么读ws and regulations and industrial policies, with good social reputation and no intellectual property disdisabled电脑启动项putes.
Iv. Registration method
Set the official contest web site (HTTP: /广东疫情最新情况) released competition information, accept aparticipation project registration.
5. Award sedisabled怎么读tting
Tdisabled造句简单带翻译here wilinnovation翻译中文l bepublicity 1 gold prize, 2 silver广东 prize adisabled电脑nd 3 bronze prize inotice用法n the self-improvement categoinnovation的中文意思ry of the tecompetition翻译am group. There will be 1 gold prize, 2 silver prize and 2 bronze prize in the disability category of the team group. The gold, silver and bronze prize will be given to proinnovationvincial excellent entrepreneurial projects according to the standard of 100,000 yuan, 80,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan respecwelfare翻译tively. Those who start a business in Guangdong within 2 years can apply for a project landing subsidy of 100,000 yuan, 70,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan respectively.
There will be 1 gold prize, 2 silver prize amassage什么意思nd 3 bronze prize in the self-improv广东财经大学ement category of the enterprise group, and 1 gold prize, 2 silver prize and 2 bronze prize in the disabmassiveility category of the enterprise group. The gold, silver adisabled造句简单nd bronze prize will be given to provincial excellent entrepreneurwelfareial projects according to the standard of 200,000 yuan, 150,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan respectively.
Eainnovation怎么读英语ch category of team group and enterprise group will have several winninmassage什么意思g prizes and excellent Tutor awards (determined accor广东外语外贸大学ding to the application situation).
The organizing committee will issue certificates finnovation的中文意思or gold, silver, bronzdisabled电脑e and ouinnovation的形容词tstanotice怎么读英语nding awards. The Outstanding Tutor award will be awarded by the General Executive Committ广东外语外贸大学ee.
Series of other details, pinnovation翻译lease see the attachment: the 2广东风险等级017 guangdong “and the” cup “of bumassagersiness innovation commassage什么意思petition good game plan for the disabled, disabled persons’ federation or query guangdong website:
Smassachusettshencompetition音标zhen Lions Cparticipating什么意思lub
May 25, 2017
Attachment:The pdisabled造句简单带翻译rogram of the ddisabled造句简单带翻译isabled public welfare Competitwelfare是什么意思ion of 2017 Guangdong “Mass Innovation Cup” Entinnovation的中文意思repreneurship and Innovation Competition

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