Notice on registration of 2017-2018 Certified Lion Guide Training of Shenzhen Lions Club

Notice on registration of 2017-2018 Certified Lion Guide Training of Shenzhen Lionsnotice怎么读英语 Club
Dear Lion fricertified怎么读end,
In order to support the healthy growth of service teams and assist the establishment of new service teams andtraining翻译 the development of weak service teams, Shenzhen Lions Club will hold the 2017深圳疫情最新动态-2018 certified Lion Guide training on August 25-26, 2017. Registration officially begins now. The registration arrangements are as follows:
I. Training Timeguidebook:
From 8归德侯府:30 am on Friday, August 25, 2017 to 5am on Saturday, August 26, 2017
Ii. Training Address:Dameisha (specific training address and training notes will be informetrainingd after registration)
Iii. Participants:Service team leaders and sectionlion怎么读 chairmen who have not participated in lion guide training
Iv. Degree Quota:36
V. Registraticertified是什么意思on Deadline:Degree will bnotice是什么意思e completed until August 16, 2017
Vi. Registration Method:
Please瑰的拼音 fill in all contents in the attached application form, sign your name, scan itraining造句简单t and send it to guide Lion Group email (Note: Incomplete infocertified是什么牌子rmation may affect admission. Please complete this form. The above is the guide Lion Group mailbox, supervised by the registration group, downlion的中文意思lolionelad and file.  certified是什么意思;
Vii. Admission Principles: guidebook
1. A lion member who has been a member for more than threenoticed y瑰的拼音ears, a graduate leader is preferred;
2. Each service team sregistration怎么读hould have no more than one degree in principle, subjelionelct to receipt of the completed applicregistrationation form by email;
3. If the number of applicants is more than the ntraining是什么牌子umber of admitted, the annual memguide怎么读bership dues will blionele paid normally, and the leader of the selionelrvice team with the membership retention rate and the number of eligiblelionfish members will be a深圳市最新疫情dmitted preferentially;
4. The lion friendcertified是什么牌子s who havlion翻译eshenzhen participated in the certification lion guide trai深圳天气ning acclion的中文意思ept registration (no need to fill in the form), and attend the深圳天气 internal training at thetraining是什么意思英语 same time;
5. Withdrawal application deadline: For those who cannot attend t深圳he training due to personal special reasons, please submit the application before August 16, 2017, so that the candidate can attend the training in time; otherwise, they may be listed on the list of “breaking faith” of the Guide Lion Club;
6. Lion fricertified翻译ends who fail to complete the training without sufficient reasons may be included in the list of “bnoticedreaking faith” of the lion Guide Group;
7. Guide Lion Club reservelion翻译s the right of final explanation. Please contact the registration contact fo瑰的拼音r any unfinished matters.
8. Contact person for registration
Leader of guide Lion Group: Li Feng, Tel: 1lions英语怎么读3808832721 (you can add wechat consultation)
Deputy leader of guide Lion Group: Wan Chaolregistration动词in, Tel: 1392training翻译4601945 (add wechat for consultation)
Attachmelion的中文意思nt:Shenzhen Lions Club 2017-2018 certified Lion Guide Tregistration是什么意思啊raining Application form
Shenzhen Lions Club
President: Uranus Tian
The leader of the lion guide group: Li Feng
August 6, 2017

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