The 15th anniversary of the Establishment of the Yantian Service Corps and the inauguration ceremony of the 2017-2018 term change of the Yantian Service Corps were held smoothly

Yantian Service Corps 15th Anniversary celebration cum
The inauguration ceremony for the 2017-2018 election was held sanniversary什么意思中文翻译moothly
On July 29, 2017, the 15th anniversacorps是什么意思ry ceremony of Yantian Service Team of Sheceremony怎么读nzhen Lions Club and the inauguration ceremony of 2017-2018 annualcorps是什么意思 change of leadership was successfully held on the fourth flanniversarycelebration什么意思oor of Dongh盐田疫情uang Sestablishment是什么意思eafood Restaurant, Yihai City, Yantian District. Domestic lion federation chief representative in shenzhen, shenzhen federation of houceremony queen, yantian district, vice chairman of CPPCC Deng Deliang, cinauguration翻译hung ying stcorpse翻译reet administration Zeng M盐田天气engming, yantian district civil affairs bureau deputy director grobbee DE, cceremony翻译rude salt withdrawn, deputy secretary of politics and law committee secretary Chenservice是什么故障灯 Jishun, withdrawn fthinor our executive deputy warden, yantian serviservice怎么读ce gen lu xu to check the team leader, Shenzhen lion long wu xm, the last President of 2017-2018 supervisors ShiJia岩田荣庆nYong, former President of Lin Tao, dean of genera岩田荣庆资料l affair Peng Daojian, long picket Deng Yi, Guo Yongyo桃花源记翻译ng, hu wei, chairman of the zone, partition, chairman of the generation of the macro, Wan Chaolicorpsen, Xu Shuang, MiaoJun scestablishment是什么意思ene, Xu Qiubin, Tan Fei, Huang Shaofang, Lin Yuqi, dao-ming wang, WenYaoLi, Huang Lisheng, director zhang ShiJun,anniversary周年纪念 Supervisor Chen Zong, Chen Qiufen, representatives of various service teams and nearly 350 guests atteceremony怎么读nded the ceremothroughny. The ccorps翻译eremonycorpse was presided over by Mr Ding Hungservice是什么意思-chie as the chairman of the conference and Mr Lin Yan-seu.
Tan Fei, captain of Yantian Service Team in 2016-2017, reported the work of last year. , he said in the previous year, yantian service continuity, lion love legend, the lion friends care for the poor and the student trainininauguration翻译g, commu盐田易物流nity service, foreign exchange, the lion, the member development aspects such as fruitservice是什么意思中文翻译s, won the lion awacorpse和zombie区别rd for the best serviestablishment是什么意思ce, in addition, Peng Daojian, Tan Fei ranniversary是什么意思英语espectively won the lion outstanding partition, chairman of the award and outstanding captain award.anniversary什么意思 Last year, Yantian Service team raised 2.07 million yuan, carried out 31 service actinauguration翻译ivities, invested 1.75 million yuan, and achieved 1corp是什么意思00% membership retention rate. By celebrating International Wothoughtmen’s Day for lionesses, holding spring greetingservice怎么读 party for lionesses and caring for seriously ill lionesses, etc. Went to Gaozhou, Huazhou and other places to carry out education, teaching and other activities, with practical actions to spreadestablishment lion love.
Friends thank you for the lion an褪黑素d the compassion enterprise strong support for the wor盐田k of the previous year, yantian service to yantian hon wai neighborh同花顺ood Ann issued by selfless frateceremony复数形式rnity osella awards for techthnical achievement, presented in real estate co., LTD. Shenzhen hong tuan day with great love without borders, for thorough faresthought of shenzhceremony翻译en investment development co., LTD., and eternal love aw岩田荣庆资料ard, for shenzhen peng quanta and wide ginaugurationood works award business managemecorps翻译nt co., LTD, For Li Jiao awarded enthusi盐田疫情astic public welfare award, for Shi Jianyong, Peng Daojian, Lu Xucha, Lin Yanju and other lion frcorps翻译iendanniversary是什么意思英语s awarded outstanding contribution award, for岩田刚典 Peng Weiming, Peng Weiyong, Chen Xinxing, Chen Yanyin and other lion friends awarded outstanding lion friends award. In addition, Tan Fei last captain桃花源记翻译 for the Korean lion friend Ka Changsu presented the Korean li岩田荣庆on friend friendship award.
Sub岩田聪sequently, under the witness of hou桃花图片 Esha, Wu Xiaoming, shi Jia岩田刚典nyong, former president, Lin Tao and other leaders of lion friends, Tan Fei will be the captain of the ribbon handed over to Zou Ruitang.
Captainyantian Zoucorps Ruitang yantian service 2017-2018inauguration翻译 inaugural speech, he said, will be following the example of the previous captain Tan Feceremony复数形式i, lead the yantian will service the new reason for dwyane, surrounding the annual theme ofinauguration “service the future”, adhering to the principle of the lion, the lion cultcorps翻译ure, don’t forestablishmentgeservice是什么意思t to beginner’s mind, actively carry out service activities, perfecting the lion for construction, Pranniversary中文翻译omote membership development and retention.
This party celebrthoughtated岩田荣庆 the 11th anniversary of the friendship between Yantian Service Team and Korea Busan EXPO Lioservice翻译ns Club. Seol Jong-seop, president of EXPO Lions Club Korea, led 10 lion friends to attend the party and expressed heartfelt congratulations on behalf of more than 70 members of EXPO Lions Club Korea. Chairman Seol jong-seop said that the Yantian Service Team and the Busan EXPO Lions Club have made positive contributions to public welfare through mutual assistance and cooperation over the past 11 years. He hopedceremony怎么读音 that the two teams would continue to strengthen cceremony同义词ommunication, pool their strength and apply eceremony复数形式ach桃花源记 otherserviceman‘s excellent expeanniversary怎么读rience to service activities. After that, EXPO Lions club and Yantian Service team exchanged the 11th anniversary souvenir.ceremony和celebration的区别
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of thanniversary周年纪念e yantian service, long-term t盐田疫情o introduce you to the yantithinan service development coucorpserse and the glorious mcorpseission of the captain, the captain of successive Lou Syria, long-term, xiao-bin Chen, XiaoDeJun, snap jian-chao wei, kang-rong li, pre-kindergartners, Peng Daojian, Tan Fei Z盐田易物流ou Ruitang on stage toge桃花源记ther, for the 15th anniversarythought of the founding of yantian servanniversary可以表达生日吗ice cut the cake and expressed con桃花图片gratulations.
Shi Jian桃花图片yong, former presidenservice怎么读t of yantian Service Team gave full recognition to its achievements岩田刚典. He said, last year team leader Tan Fei’s coanniversaryntceremony是什么意思ribution is obvious to盐田疫情 alceremony和celebration的区别l, worth learning and appreciation; Hope the new captain Zou岩田荣庆资料 Ruitang can take the past and lead yantian service team to the next level.
Hou yisya, director of yantiservice可数吗an Serviserviceablece Team, affirmed the outstanding coservice怎么读ntributionanniversary翻译s and achievements made by yantian Serviceceremony的名词 team in the a童话故事spects of education, assistance to the disinauguration翻译abled and respect for the elservice的名词derly since its establishment, and hoped that Yantian Service team wouanniversary怎么读ld achieve more achievements under the leadership of Captain Zou Ruitang.
The atmosphere was peaceful ainaugurationnd pleasant, and oanniversary中文翻译ur faded songs from The Passing Band “Lreestablishmentittle Luck”, Ding Siyu’s Pipa solo “Sunshine Shianniversary什么意思中文翻译nes on Tashkorgan”, Liu Shu’s Indian d盐田港ance “Good Luck”, Ding Hongche’s song “Heart of Glass”, Wang hon童话故事gjun’s performance of “Sailing on the Sea by the Helmsman” and the Peking Opera mserviceodel play “Brave and Maanniversaryn桃花源记ly”anniversary周年纪念 won the applause of the lion friendinaugurations and guests.
Article/Xu Shenertu/Yanceremony用什么介词tian Service Team

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