Management measures for the founding of shenzhen Lions Club

System | shenzhen lions and team management approach
The first chapter & have spent The general
Article 1 witlions怎么读h a management的动词形式; Inlion是什么意思中文翻译 order to strengthen the management of the establishment of The Lions Club of Shenzhen and standardize the formation procedures, these administrative measures are formulated in accordance with the Articles of Association of The Lions Club of Shenfounding怎么读zhen, the Working Rules of the Lions Club of Shenzhen and the Managementfounding是什么意思 System of the Lions Club of Shenzhen.
Article 2:&nbmeasure什么意思中文sp; The service team ismanagement怎么读 the grassroots unincorporated unit of our Society to carry out social services. In carrying out liomanagementn work activities, the service tclubseam shoulclubd follow the princilions翻译ples of democracy, equality, respect, voluntariness and self-discipline.
Article 3 thefounding和foundation区别 Th深圳市最新疫情e founding idea of the new club should be consistent with the purpose, vision, mission and values of shenzhen Lions Club.
The second chapter & have spent Team founder and team application
Article 4. The founders shclubmanall also meet the following requirements:
(a) & have spentmanagement游戏 Full member of the Association, and the mmanagement怎么读embership must be more than three years (inclu深圳地铁线路图ding three years);
(2) & have spent Current non-service team leader;
(3) &management have spent If the founder crmeasureseates two or more service teams, he/she shall ensure the healthy development of tfounding是什么意思he original service team, and he/she shall not innovate another teamlion是什么意思中文翻译 until five years after the founder teamlions英语怎么读 leader leaves officfoundinge.
(4) & have spent Particfounding翻译ipated in the team creation training camp and other relevant training organimeasure是什么意思zed by the Association.
Article 5.&nbclubmedsp; Gen team to apply for
(深圳疫情最新动态I) The founder of the team shall contact the caring personages and the old members of the team to fofounding用英语怎么读rm and estameasure什么意思中文blish a working group ofmanagement的动词形式 the team, and the working glions读音roupclub怎么读 of the team shall be at least 6 persons;
(2) The first Vice President, the regional chairman and regional chairm深证指数an of the founding team, the Guide Lion Group, the Newclubmed官网预订 Team Development Committee and members of the founding working group shall hold intfounding用英语怎么读erviews for no more than three times;
If the meeting is successful, the district chairman and the chairman of the New Team Development Committee should sign the Application form of Shenzhen Lions Club and submit it to the office. After the office is reported to the standing council for deliberation and approval, the president will sign and formmanagement英文解释ally agree to thclub翻译e establmanagement怎么读ishment of the smeasure是什么意思ervice team working group preparatiolion是什么意思中文翻译n for the creation of the team;
If the three interviews are unsuccessful, the initiator shall not initiate the team again within on深圳风险等级e year.
(III) After the approval of themeasure是什么意思英语 founding team application, the lion Guide Group shall communicate with the founding team leader and rlionsgateecommend two certified lion guides as guiding lion friends. After the approval of the president, themanagement怎么读 Guiding Commitment Letter shall be signed; The guide lion must part深圳地铁线路图icipate in the深圳 whmanagement翻译ole team creation process for 2 years.
The third chapter & have spent Create a new service team
Article 6 & have slions翻译pentServilionsgatece team naming
(amanagement怎么读) The n深圳天气ame of the service tclub怎么读eam shall be appro深圳天气ved by the Council and the name of each service team smanagement的动词形式hall be unique. The name of the service team shall not bmanagement是什么意思中文翻译e named after the name of the administrative region, place namelions怎么读, industry or the company of the m深证指数ember.
(2) The founder of the teamlions是什么意思 shall report the name of the p深证指数roposed team to the office, which shall report to the Domestic Lions Association for approval.
A深圳疫情最新动态rticle 7 & have spentQueue size
(a) More th深圳疫情最新动态an 25 members can apply for the establishment of a service team. The number of members of the new service team should reach 30 within 3 months of its establishment.
(2) The numclubmanber of tlion是什么意思中文翻译ransfefounding和foundation区别rees in the new service team shall not exceed 20% of the total number, with a maximum of 6 persons.
Article 8 & have spentFirst team preparation meeting
The founder shall organizlion是什么意思中文翻译e three preparatory meetings under the organization of guide Lion Club, with the assistance of guide Lion friends anmanagement怎么读d the chairman or executive chairman of the new team development Committee. Three preparatoclubmanry meelions翻译tings for team creation shall not be hemanagement游戏ld together. One week before the conference, please send lecturers and guide lions to pmanagementarticipate in the tlions英语怎么说raining.
Establish a working group, discuss with the guidance Lion Friends and thmeasure是什么意思英语e New team Development Committee to formlions英语怎么读ulate the team creation implementation plan, determine the list of peolion是什么意思ple to be invited to join the club, the time, place and divisiomeasure是什么意思n of personnel of the ffounding翻译irst, second深圳 and third team creation preparatory meetings, and reportmanagement the specific ilion是什么意思mplementation plan of the team creation to the council for the record;
At least 10 would-be lions attended the firsfounding和foundation区别t team open深圳风险等级ing meeting. Introdu深圳地铁线路图ce and trainmanagement什么意思 the natumeasuresre and basic knowledge of lions club, distribute the application form and other relevant publicity materials, propose the time requirement for returning the application form, instructfounding和foundation区别 lion club members to share their feelings after jo深圳风险等级ining lions club, and make the coclub翻译mmitment to guide lion club members.
At least 15 would-be lions attended the second team opening mclub是什么酒elions是什么意思eting. The meeting preliminarily confir深圳med the membership list of the service team深圳疫情最新动态, determined the time, place and division oclub是什么意思f labor of the seminar, and explained the organizational structure of lions Club.
At least 20 potential lions attended the thirdclubmed官网预订 team initiation meeting. Lions club meetifounding怎么读ng etiquette r深圳天气itual, the lion song standard action, the ilions怎么读nterpretation of the conmanagement游戏tentmeasures翻译 such as to determine the service member list, negotiate and determine the service capclubmantain, first deputy captain, second deputy captain, vice captain 3, secretarial, financial, and direfounding翻译ctor of general affairs, sergeants-at-armsmanagement游戏 list, and the above two list submitted to the commission for exammeasures翻译ination and approval. At the same time, determine thmanagement的动词形式e time, pl深圳市最新疫情ace and division of labor fo深圳疫情最新消息r the establishment offounding和foundation区别 the service team, and collect membership dues and donations from all prospective members after this meeting amanagement专业nd before reporting to the association.
Article 9. All prmeasure是什么意思英语ospectclubman是什么牌子车ive members of the new service team shall pay the initiation fee, the annual membership fee, and the transfer fee shall be submitted by the office to the council or the stand深证指数ing Council for consideration.management蓝屏
Articleclub翻译 10. The new service team wfounding是什么意思ill be establilions怎么读shed after the approval of the boar深圳疫情d of directorclub是什么意思s or the slionsgatetanding board of the new service team.
Article 11. The office will submit the information about the establishment oshenzhenf the new service team to lions Club of China and Lions Club of International for approval, and apply for the service team number and membership number.
Article 12. After the formal establishment, the new service team can hold the inaugural ceremony. Shenzhen Lions club will award new service team flagclub怎么读, bell hammer and team founder badge. The flag-awarding ceremony can be held at the inauguration ceremony of district council change, New Year charity gala and district council events.
Article 13深圳. The new servclubmed官网预订ice team may carry out social activities in the name of the service team before its formal emanagement是什么意思中文翻译stablishment, and may not carry oulions是什么意思t social activities in the name of the service teclub是什么意思am before its formal establishment, blion是什么意思中文翻译ut may participate ilions读音n social service activities organized by the serviceclub team of the founder.
Article 14. The procedures for resuming abnormal service teamfounding和foundation区别s shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant procedures for thfounding是什么意思e esclub翻译tablishmmanagementent of new service teams, and the team leader must meet the conditions of foundinmanagement怎么读g team sponsors.
Thmanagement英文解释e ffounding怎么读ourth chapter & have spent Smanagement蓝屏ervice Team Council and working Gr深圳oup
Articlmanagement蓝屏e 15. The first council of the new Service consists of the founmeasure是什么意思英语ding captain, the first vice captain, the second vice captain, the third vice captain, the secretary, the treasurer, the general affairs, the picket and the directo深圳疫情最新消息rs.
Article 16. The term of office of the Corps Councilfounding is one year (from 1 July to 30 June of the following year). The team leader must serve for oclubman是什么牌子车ne year before he can be replaced.
Article 17. The servimeasure是什么意思ce Temanagement游戏am Council shall meet at least once a month. The service team board meeting shall be convened a深圳疫情最新消息nd presided over by the captain and shall be attended by more than two thirds of the directors. The resolution shall be vaclub怎么读lid only after more thmeasures怎么读an two thirds of the directors prlionsgateesent.
Ar深圳天气tmanagementicle 18founding是什么意思. The council of the Service team may, according to actual needs, set up corresponding speclions是什么意思ial working groups深圳疫情最新动态 to carry out memeasure什么意思中文mber development, meeting management, service activities and lion care and other lion care activities. The responsible persons of relevant positions shalclub是什么酒l use the titles of “”, such as “Member dmanagement是什么意思中文翻译evelopment Member”, “Disabled smanagementervice member”, “lion care member”, etmeasures翻译c.
Article 19. The telionsam leader shall be reclubmed官网预订sponsible for the financial mamanagement的动词形式nagement of the service team. Thefounding怎么读 financialionsgatel staff of the service team shall regularly disclose the finclub怎么读ancimanagement翻译al income and expenditure to the council and all members.
Article 20. The activity funds of tlionsgatehe service team (including servicefounding和foundation区别 funds and administrative funds) shall all be put into the service team account uniformly opened by the Commissifoundingon, and shall be disbursed and cancelled according to the principle of “cut within your means, cut within your capacity” and financial management regulations.
Article 21 The development of service activities should respect the will of members, pay attention to membmanagement是什么意思中文翻译ers’ participation, give full play to memmeasuresbers’ enthusiasm, initiative and creativity.
Thlionse fifth chapter & havclubmed官网预订e spclubman是什么牌子车ent Supplementary provisions
Article 22 The interpretation of these rules shall be vested in the Board of Shenzhen Lions Cclubmed官网预订lub.
Article 23 The rules will come into fomanagementrce upon approval by the f深圳市最新疫情irst board of Directors of Sheclubnzhen Lions Club 2017-2018 on September 16, 2017.

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