Standardized procedures for the changing ceremony of The Shenzhen Lions Club Service Team

I. Basic tips:
1.Confirm venue and ceremony time:Please communicate with the shenzhen Lions Club office in advance to confirm the time scheduleservice是什么意思中文翻译 of the executive directors and selions怎么读音lect the appropriate date to ensure the attendance rateams手机版te of the directors and executive directors;
2,Make invitation letter and send notice:servicemanPlease send at least 10 days’ n深圳大学otice (written invitation, email or SMS) and arrange onservice是什么意思中文翻译e week in advance to follow up the invited participantlions怎么读音s. Details of the time and venue of the深圳天气 ceremony;
3lions英语怎么说读,Material preparation and venceremony复数u深圳e layout:According to the number ofservice翻译 participants, three days in advance to determine the nu深圳天气mber of seats, and appropriate reservation of seservice翻译ats (it is suggest深圳天气ed to add one tclub官方网页o the reservation base or reserve two). Arrange acoustics (must not make do, acoustics is the prerequisite深圳市最新疫情 for the success of the ceremolions怎么读ny), ready for the projector, computers and data of photographic camera equipme深圳疫情nt, two days in advance of the ceremony made ceremony background banner, and six hours before the latest installation in place prior to the ceremony, arranged alions怎么读t th深圳风险等级e same time the national flag, flag, speech, giftsstandardize翻译, MEDALS and put the position;
4,Seat ordering and precaproceduresutions:In acservicebiocordance with lions clchanging是什么意思英语ub practprocedures翻译ice, if official officials are present, consiteamproder domestic practice (i.e. invclubmedit深圳大学ed guests are seated on the left side); If no official is present, the right is preferred.
5,Inspection and confirmation of ceremo深圳大学ny supplies:National flag (national anthem preparation), conference flag (service怎么读conference song preparation), conference bell, bell hammerstandardized翻译, background banner, audio, background music, wireless mic, projector, computer, information, gifts, MEDALS深圳地铁线路图, etc.;
6,Mchanging roomee深圳疫情最新动态ting chair and personnel arrangement:Conference chairman, executive chairman, ho深圳疫情st and script preparation (pay special attention to thchanging是什么意思英语e accurate and sequence of guest introductclubmedion, before the opening must ask the host tteam是什么意思翻译o submit the guservice是什么意思中文翻译est list to the chairman of th深圳大学e conference for its uniteamst, position, name for verification).
Ii. Baclub翻译sic Process:
1.[Opening music]Host on stage opening remarks
2. Invite the chairman to theserviceman stage[Entrance Music]
A. Introduce the guests accostandardize翻译rding to lions Clulions是什么意思b etiquette rules (the new first Vchanging怎么读英语ice President will be the president ofceremony造句 the convention, if the change is joint, ateambitionll the first vice preslions音标idents are required to appear on stage)
B, The chairmanprocedures怎么读 of the conference delivered a welcome speech
Tclubshe chairman of the conference tolled the bell to stateambitionrt the m深圳疫情最新消息eeting
Play the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China
5. Play the Lions Clublions是什么意思 song (omitted if officlub官方网页cial)
6. Summteamworkary of the work of this President
7. Prepare financial reports for the current financial affairs (alion是什么意思dministrative expenses and service expenses)
(If several will be jointly changed, each will be in order)
8. Recognition:
A. Member recognition;
B. Thanks to brother Service team and other members of tteams会议hteams手机版e community and businesses
(The position of the group phototeamviewer: pay att深圳ention to the right side of the platform, facinglion是什么意思 the platform)
(Signed name ofteams手机版 the thank-you note: Shenzhen Lions Club *** Service Cluteams手机版b, signedteams手机版 by the current president)
9. Handover ceremony
A, the first ribbon, the second bell haceremonymmer
(This深圳疫情 term and the new president take office at the same time; Both tstandardizedhe current and the new dchanging是什么意思英语irector come to the stage to witnceremony怎么读音ess)
(Group photo position: on tprocedureshe left of the platform of theclubman currentshenzhen governor and the current president, on the right of the platform of the new governor and the new presiclubmandunstandardizedent)
B. Work handover ceremony of the service teaclub是什么酒m: signing handoveprocedures翻译r forms of personlion是什么意思nel, financial, matlions英语怎么说读erial and service activities
(Group photo of the directorchangingroomvoyeur andchanging是什么意思 the current president, on the left side of the platform, and on the right steamworkide of the platform olions怎么读音f the new director an深圳疫情d the new president)
C.lions翻译 Pay tribute to the last president and all cteamworkouncil members: applause, flowers and gifts
10. Speech by the new president: Work plan and outlook; Introprocedure是什么意思英语ducing the nclub翻译ew members of the Coshenzhenuncil; Sservice是什么故障灯tatements by coulion是什么意思中文翻译ncil members (representatives); Leo congratulations.
(Group photo: The new director takes a gserviceroup photo with the new members oceremony是什么意思英语f the board)
11, new members pledge: under the leaderprocedure是什么意思英语ship of the new (waiting) deputy director, the new (waitingclubs) di深圳rector and t深圳疫情最新消息he supervision of the previous director, old members to wearceremony造句 member badges for new members
(Standing position: the nechanging是什么意思w member faces the audience, on the right side of the plservice的名词atform, the leader promiseslions英语怎么说读 the new (waiting) toprocedures怎么读 the left of the deputy directclub是什么酒or station, and the supervisor station to the right)
Speech by the new (waiting) Director
13. Speeches by leaders of other units and representatives of enterprises
14. Members take photos with guests
15. The president of the confelionsgaterence gavclubmane astandardized是什么意思 speech of appreciation, rang thclub是什么意思e beservice是什么故障灯ll and adjourned the meestandardized是什么意思ting (all the presidents of thclubmane conference came on stage together with the change of term)
Tchanging怎么读ip: A. If the term is changed jointly, all projects shall be completed i深圳疫情n turn according to their respective sechanging怎么读英语rvice teams.
 changing翻译; &nlions是什么意思bservicebiosp; B, stage hosts and speakersclub是什么意思 standaservice是什么故障灯rdize language: Domestic Lions Assocchanging翻译成中文iation, Shenzhe深圳疫情最新动态n Lions Club, service team and so on.
C. Unified text and logceremony是什么意思英语o of background banner aclub用英语怎么说nd meeting agendceremony的中文a.

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