Take a look at some of the most popular marathon MEDALS from previous years

Marathon MEDALS are an important factor for runners to watch closely, and can even serve amostly什么意思s a yardstick for runners to takmarathon电机e part in this race. After all, a medal is also a symbol of a runner who has completed a marathon.
(years音标2020 Baoji Tenpopularity Thousand Peopletaken Welcomedals是什么意思me New Students Race medal)
Surely we all like those innovative design, strange shape, eye-catching MEDALS, anyway, love at first sight. Here are some of the mostpopular的名词形式 popular marathon MEDALS of 2019. How many races have you run? Which medal do you likepopular的用法及短语?
Xiamen Marathon
Open year, “double gold” Xiamen horse. Join the Global Environment Promarathon造句gramme’s Ocean Cleanup Maprevious772微博rathon; Marathon events isomewhatn which the flame of marathon is lit on the spot; The marathon that hosts the International Marathon City Mayors Forum……
The medal dtakeoveresign of xiamen Marathon 201medals翻译9 takes the pure and elegant Xiamen bird “egret” as the main image, with the visual elemenmarathon翻译ts as auxiliary elements. The flying egyears old怎么读rets symbolize the posipopularizationtive progress of Xiamen city and Xiamen Marathon. The design concept of white without borders implies that Xiamen Marathon will welcome runners from all over the worldmarathon in a more inclusive and open manner.
Hong Kong Marathon
Established in 1997, the Hong Konmedals是什么意思g Marathon is the “Asian Devil Track” with the largestmedal什么意思中文 number of runnpreviousnexters inyears old是什么意思 China. It is a Hong Kong scale mmostwantedlabarathon and has won themost gold medal of iaAF cpopular什么意思中文onsecutively.popularization
From 2016 to 2018, Lufook Jewelry provmost后缀的单词idemostlyd MEDALS for the Hong Kong Marpreviousnextathon, including 32 18K gold and diamond MEDALS, respectively for the male and female winnersmost什么意思 in each event and the top 5 male and femayears old是什么意思lemarathon电机 runners in Hong Kong. The average horse runner can only get a silvermarathon手表 medal.
Wuxi Marathon
In 2014, Wuxi Maratpopular的动词hon was borprevious的意思n. Six years, silver mark. People run in the painting, the mostlook直播充值 beautiful cmarathon手表herry blmarathon造句ossom road. Fullmost是什么意思翻译 half mixed zone, 2 km seamless recharge.
Good mpopularizeedal design to see themarathons explosion, the event experience reputation. Strong urban atmosphere, meticulous and enthusiastic volunteers. All these make Wuxi Marathon one of the must-rmarathon造句un events in the firpopularizationst half of the ytakeear for many runners.
Chongqing Marathon
The Chongqing Marathon originated from the original walking activity of 10,000 people along Nanbin Road. In order to further promote the comost后面加什么词性nstruction of “healthy Chongqing” and set off a nationwide fitness craze, the first Chongqing Half Marathon wastakee全息手机 successfully held on March 19, 2011! It’years什么意思中文s been ten years now!
The MEDALS in the Chongqing Marathon showed the spirit of Chongqing to the world, which is more tolerant, more generous, more honest and more frank. The twosometimes的用法位置 chamost后缀的单词racters of “zhong and Qing” are used as important elements on both sides, and the iconic buildings and traprevious的意思nsportation vehicles of Chongqing are used as the main graphics, combimarathon翻译ning and colliding tradition and modernity.
Wuhan Maratyearshon
Smarathon怎么读ince its establishment in 2016, Hanma has become one of the most popular evetake的过去式nts among runners as a “dark horse” with rapid develsome怎么读opment. Get the details right, like a runner would want. Four yearspreviously是什么意思中文, silver. Always take the runner as ttake的短语搭配he core, and conmarathon音标stantly improve the service level ofsometimes的用法位置 the event. Wuhan Marathon ipopular的名词形式s going further and further towards zero negative reviews
The gold medal iyears音标nlaid in The Wuhan Marathon deeply integrates culture, scenery and city, reflecting the ricsometimes的用法位置h cultural connotation of the river cmarathon是什么品牌ity wuhan. The three colors of blue, yellowlook是什么意思翻译 and sprevious造句ilver closely surround the gold sectionpreviously是什么意思中文, delineating the elegant and picturesqtakesue East Lake greenway. Under thsomee Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, the flowing Water of the Yangtze River ayears翻译ndyears英语怎么读 the beautiful scenery of the world in April sprevious772微博et off each other, forming a beautiful scenery of flowing cllook的过去式ouds and water.
Yangzhou Mmedal什么意思中文arathon
Founded in 2006, Yangzhou Jianzhen International Half Marathon is one of the three marathons in Yangzhou. Ttakenhe race derives from yangzhou’s hismarathon怎么读tory as a symbprevious772微博ol of the combination of the indomsometimes的用法位置itable spirit of the Tang Dysomebodynasty monk Jianzhen and the indomitable spirit of marathon. Master Connoissemostur became the core element of the racial brand.
In 2019, the brmarathonand upgrade promarathon手表cess adopts 3D layered double-sided arc carving, with a rotating middle part, gold dust and gradient etakenffect. The main relief of the medal islook直播 the Wanfu Bridge, a building cmarathon造句ombining modern and classical Yapopularngzhou, with the intaglio pattern of Wanfu. Below thepopular的比较级和最高级 medal is the Wanfu Bridge fan-smedal是什么意思haped three-dimensional surface.
Lanzhou Marathon
Founded in 2011, the Lanzhou Marathon, which combines running along the Yemost怎么读llow River with supetake upr-enthusiastic cheering spectators and missing a bowl of beef noodles, hmedal是什么意思英语asmarathon造句 created the no-win rule forpopular的名词形式 two cosomensecutive years, making Malan one of the must-have events for a large number ofyears怎么读 runners evemedals是什么意思ry June.mostlytiny是什么牌子
The 2019 “Lanma” medal design is based on lanzhou water wheel, with inmarathon英语怎么读ner and outer rings iyears英语怎么读nlaid. The outer ring pattern of the medal comes from the elements of colored pottery in Myears英语怎么读ajiayao of Lanzhou. The inner ring is a rotatimedals是什么意思ng water wheel wiyears翻译th waves dotted at the bottom, symbolizing the endless Culture of the Yellow River. While showing the long cultural history of Lanzhou, it also skillfully integrates the magnificent momentum of the Yellow River.
Xi ‘an Marathon
Xi Internationapopularityl Marathon, founded in 2017, has become onpopular的名词形式e of the must-run events for many runners in the second half of the year with its reputation in Xi ‘an for tmost是什么意思翻译hree conseclook forutive years, perfect race experience and unique enthusiasm.
The 2019 Xima medal takes the starting point yongning Gate and the finishing point Danfeng Gate as the main pattern. The plooksositive side of the medal is a flying phoenix around the Phoenix Gate and the arch at the end of the whole courseyears, meaning phoenix sunrise, when the sage meets the Ming dynasty, the world runners gathemarathon怎么读rpopular的用法及短语 in Xi ‘an. On the back, the yongning Gate is the main element, combining some classic landmarks of Xi ‘an: Ziyun Tower, Bell Tower, drummost怎么读 Tower, guarding the gods in four diretakections, myears的意思eaning the city is healthy and the worltake的短语搭配d is peaceful.
Beijingpopular的名词形式 Marathon
Established in 1981, the Beijing Marathon is the olyears old是什么意思dlook是什么意思翻译est marathon in Chimedals怎么读na. Since 2015, Mabei has canmost后面加什么词性celed the half race, whimedals翻译ch is the first full marathon in China. The classic route from Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to the Bird’s Nest attsomewhatratake的短语搭配cts many runners.
The 2019 Bema Medal continues the traditiosometimesn of previous yearmost怎么读s and is still asomewhat gold inset medal that skillfully integrates tradiprevious造句tional art and modern symbols.popular的比较级和最高级 The medal takes the Tian ‘anmen Gate Tower and the Bilookrd’s Nest aspopular怎么读 the route of mabei racetakescourse, with the dpopular的用法及短语ouble-sided three-medals怎么读dimensional design ofsometimes的用法位置 golden dragon flying in the blue sky runningmarathon音标 through it.
Shanghai Marathsome怎么读on
Shanghai Maratmost的用法hon, founmarathon造句ded in 1996, has become a domestic +look world-platinum standard evepopular的比较级和最高级nt in 25years什么意思中文 years, 100 yuan super conscience registration fee + Nike race clothing + gold-inmost的用法set finishing medal + fyearsinishing slippers + excellenmedal是什么意思英语t evensometimest services, 25 years on the horse has become a must run event in the hearts of runners all over the country.
The MEDALS for the 2019 Shanghai Marathon will continue to be designed by Luofu Jewelry, and the MEDALS for the all-horse marathsomepin4every1on will continue to be inlaid with gold. The overall design will be interpreted with the themmarathon英语怎么读e of “Achievement of Flying fan”. Tsometimes的用法位置he design concept of the longmostly bookmark full of the sense of The Tmarathonimes will fully integrmedal是什么意思英语ate the landmark of Shanghai standing on the Huangpu River.
Chmedals翻译engdu Marathon
Chengdu Marathon was founded in 201popular7. From the “straight man” track that wapreviously是什么意思中文s ridiculed at the bsomepin4every1eginning of its establishment to the “epreviouslyatimedal是什么意思英语ng horse” that was praised last year, Chengdu Marathon has staged a real reputation reverse in the past three years and become a candidate for the Domestic world Marathon Grand Slam.
The design of the medal for the 2019 Chengdu Horse Race commarathon是什么意思bines the features of Chengdu, an international metropolis, with the national treasure panda. On the way to the new track, themarathon电机 front of the medal is engraved with landmatakerk buildings, a three-dimensional panda lying in the corner of the medal, very innocemarathon是什么意思nt.
Guanpopular的用法及短语gzhou Marathon
Guangzhou Marathon, founded in 2012, has become a double gold event and oneprevious名词 ofprevious翻译 the grand Slmarathon造句am marathon events in China in the past eight years. The excellent race experimedal什么意思中文ence makes it one of the must-run raceprevious翻译s for runners in China in December. + The most guangzhou race route + the enthusiastic Guangzhou people make him play an important role in the heartmosts of runners.
Sponsored by Luofu Jewelry, the 2019 Ma Guanlooksg Finish Medamostl features lingnan Windows with great historical, cultural and artistic appyearsold翻译中文reciation value as its main design element. On the front osomef the meyearsdal, the words “2019marathon翻译” and the pattern of the window are naturally integrated, showing the besomeauty of flowing light. On the back of the medal, themedal是什么意思 mark of Guangzhou Marathon is engrasome和any的区别及用法ved, recording the mileage of the runner, which is of more exclusive sigpreviousnextnificance.
Which race was your favorite? How many of your ftake的过去式avorite MEDALS have you collected?
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