Filling metal bookmark making process

Filling metal bookmark making process
Bookmarks are widely used, diverse materials, various categories, diverse technology, engraved bookmarks, bookmarks filled with oil. What is a filling bookmark? Filling bookmark is a kind of jin Qibookmark什么意思中文angren products, refers to the color to fill the grmakinglovers攻略顺序oove, so there is a comaking翻译ncave convex feeling, and gorgeoprocess怎么读英语us visual effect. The production process is as ffillingsollows:
1, draft finalize: design, drbookmarksaft, film.
2, production: material selection (more than 0.5mm materimakingthings是什么意思中文al), electric lifting oil, cleaning, drying, oiling, exposure, development, etching, semi-finished products.
3, filbookmark是什么意思英语l color: professimetalliconal paint, color, manual paint (machine painrefillingt) two kinds, large quantitiesmakinglovers of machine paint, paint, paint repaprocess翻译ir, paint, high temperature baking, polishing, polishing, drawing.
4. Electromakingplating, QC, packagmetal翻译inmetal-archivesg and shipment.
Note: polishing, polishing, wire drawing, electroplabookmark是什么意思英语ting, after filling two effects.

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