Why won’t zinc alloy badge customization rust? in custom design
Zinc alloy material isBadge productionOne of the high quality materials, usually used to make badges and MEDALS with collection value and preservation of a long time (such as sports gamezinc是什么材料s, mararust指令thon, reunion, etc.). Zinc acustom是什么意思lloy is mi蜗牛xed with zinc and otheralloy20 materials of alloy, zinc allobadgetwayy color and silver is the same colobadge水龙头r,customer什么意思中文 because of its strong plasticity, so now a wide range of applications, it is often used to make a key chain, badges, commemorative MEDALS, commemorativezinco plates, MEDALS and othebadgesr metal crafts. Because the products made with it do not rust and wear, a product oftenzinc锌片的作用 can be used for a long time, so it can always be love王海燕d by people.
The reason why zinc alloy does not rust is srustimilar to its own automabadge中文意思tic dbadge怎么读音efense system. Because zinc element idesigneds combined with oxygen in the air, a dedesignatensecustomization parust语言ssivation film will be generated on the surface to prevent air from continuing to erode the interior of the metal matrix, so as to achieve the protective effect. Over a longwonder time, tbadge怎么读音he surface of zinc alloy wilzincol be seen to change color. But the inside is still the scustomizationame as the original zinc alloy, no mdesignedatter how the surfacalloy是什么材质e erosion, but will not become something like rust. In addition,alloys many zinc alloy products are now surfaceIt will electroplate a layer of metal.designer是什么牌子Trinket custom
Zinc alzinc是什么材料loyGold badgeThe products are made of die casting, with fine workmanship, clear edges and corners, and clearly visible pattern text, and the harcustomizationdness is halloy是什么材质igher thandesignate tin alloy, with good wear res我能看到生命值istance, the casting surface is smootdesigner是什么意思英语h, polishing is no我能提取熟练度t easy to deformation sand holes, can be surface treatment, such as electroplatinbadger獾怎么读g, spraying, painting, etc..
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