RFID card manufacturers introduce RFID daily life application examples

1, NFC
Is made by contactless radio frequency Identification (RFID) andRFID card manufactmanufacturer什么意思中文urerDeveloped by converglife是什么意思英语ence, interconnection is a short-range high-frequency wireless communication technology that allows non-contact point-to-poidailynt data transmission. Electronic equipment (within 10 cm). The near field communication sercardib新歌wap完整版mvvice combines the near field communica李峰tion technologexample是什么意思y and mobile communication technology to realizedaily life electronic payment, identity authentication, ticketidaily怎么读语音ng, data exchange, antapplications文件夹在哪儿i-counterfeiting, advertising and other functiintroduceons, which is a new service in the field of mobile communication.
2. Smart library – RFID intelligent book managcardinalement system, self-help book borrowing and returningexample是可数名词吗 system, book anti-theft accmanufacturer是什么意思ess control system, etc.
Smart libintroducerary = librarrfid属于物联网的什么层y + Internet of things + cloud comintroduce什么意思中文puting + intelligent equipment. Intelligent library, also known as intelliexamples什么意思gent library, is a mrfid是什么技术odern building formedintroduce是什么意思 by applying inapplicationstelligent technology such as RFID to library construction. It is a combination and innovation of smanufacturer是什么意思mart buildings and highly automated digital libraries.
3. Logistics concern – parcel concern, electronic goods monitoring, etc
Logistics Tracking, originaldailymotionly a way for Logisticexamples和samples的区别s companies to keep traexamples是什么意思英语ck ocardinalf where things are going internally, is now open to customers as a value-added service that allows queries, oftendaily是什么意思中文 for free.
4. Smart card management system – campus card, staff card, scenic spot crfid标签衣服要剪掉吗ard, etc.
The same RFID contactless induction card can be used for access control, attendance, catering, consumplifetion, parking in and out, patrol李锋张雪免费读 sign-in, condailyferedailymotion大陆禁nce sicardinalgn-in, elevator use and a wide range of funccard怎么读tions.

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