Tie the rope

Tie the rope
anti-staticThe wrist bandIt is an important part of the anti-static system to eliminate human body
With the dev铁锈战争elopment of science and technology and industry, th铁山靠e awareness of static electricityropeway怎么读语音 in all walks of life is gradually becoming stricter. Anti-static products can effectively discharge stietatic electricity of the human body or neuttieralize static charge, and effectively prevent the harm caused by static electricity discharge. Before purchasin铁根g AN ESD product, the customer requires the manufacturer to issue a third-party test report (national testing center). The antistatic products purchasedropeway怎么读语音 by the customer must be tested again and can be used only after passing the test. So what are the key points to pay attention to in the detection process?
For example, the e铁根游戏解说lectrostatic parameters of the purchased antistatic clothing should be tested. Be铁路12306fore the tesropewayt, the product under trope怎么读英语est should be cleaned repeatedly and strictly and then tested. And forropeway什么意思中文 th铁皮石斛的功效与作用e same textile anti-static gloves, there is no such requirement, do not clean the direct test. You know now iropesn the market there are a lot of the so-called “anti-static clot铁道风云hing” and “anti-static gloves are made with a铁根游戏解说nti-static fluid only after soaking with antista铁皮石斛tic performance, and this” anti-stat铁道风云ic clothing “and” anti-static gloves “arope可数吗nti-static performance is not s铁山靠table, will be铁锈战争 in use pro铁岭清河钢厂事件cess pollrope可数吗ution dust-free wor铁根游戏解说kshop, an铁皮石斛d after铁根 cleaning a铁道风云fter failure anti-static propewayarameter铁线虫s, actual it is fake. Before the detectirope怎么读英语on of anti-static clothing, we can let the fake anti-static clothing after immersion be exposed thrope翻译ro铁道风云ugh cleaning. Detection of antistatic products is a very imp铁皮石斛的功效与作用ortant and cautious link.
The ESD-preventive wrist strap is a basic esD-pr铁岭清河钢厂事件eventive device and a must-have item on the widely used electronic production line. It consists of a wrist strap and a grounding cable and is compact and convenient in design. But at the same time convenient also should pay attention to its regular detection.

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